Undermining Ourselves !
Undermining Ourselves
I attended a seminar on Environment and Sustainable development. Various speakers waxed eloquent about Greta Thurnberg and the need for saving environment. All Indians. None mentioned anything about Jadav Paeng who created a 1500 acre jungle over thirty years , about Narendra Sakhalkar who sustained 7500 trees on barren stony land at Kashedi , about any other native activist. Why are we always looking far away for inspiration and guidance ? Also when the guidance is false. The energy that Greta Thurnberg consumes in a month would sustain an Indian family for over a year. So who is she really telling about sustainable development ?
We praise the Japanese systems Kaizen, 5 S and Six Sigma as great ideas in improving the quality of manufacture . But we never acknowledge that all the systems originated in the family house if not in the kitchen. In Japan a company is considered to be a family and lifelong employment was a norm till a few years agon. And thus what they saw succeeding on small scale in the kitchen , they applied on large scale in the factories, companies and orgnizations. The methods became so successful that they were able to export the methods too. Why do we not give enough importance to our domestic chores ?
We keep talking about great discoveries abroad , but forget that the great discoeries came through small activities which at first glance seem to be be meaningless. Curiosity, observation and experimentation led to path breaking discoveries. I have talked about three such discoveries here .
178. Ancient Wisdom - Shit !
1. Practical Scientist
2. Captain at Sea and Inefficient Crew
3. Jungles of Africa
4. Duke University North Carolina
5. Observation and Noting Down Leads to Path breaking Discovery
Do watch the video and think about it.