Underground Rescue: Firefighters Train in Simulated Crisis at Water Reclamation Facility
Prince William County Fire & Rescue Department at Prince William Water

Underground Rescue: Firefighters Train in Simulated Crisis at Water Reclamation Facility

Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue honed their emergency response tactics in rigorous training exercises at the H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility over three days. From April 15 to 17, firefighters from six battalions across the County simulated rescue operations in the Mooney facility’s underground environments, a proactive measure to prepare for potential real-world emergencies.

The exercises, staged along Red-Tailed Hawk Road, involved complex scenarios where firefighters worked to rescue "fallen workers" within the facility's pipe gallery and tunnels. The scenario included a pipe failure, and some exercise participants played the role of workers who were and overcome by wastewater fumes.

Throughout this intensive training, Prince William Water played a crucial role by providing essential, site-specific information to the Fire & Rescue personnel. This collaboration was instrumental in helping the responders plan and execute their operations, ensuring a swift and safe approach to emergency management.

"The success of these training exercises highlights the collaboration between the Service Authority and the Fire & Rescue Department,” said George Hoke, Prince William Water Safety & Security Manager. “It's through these rigorous simulations that we enhance our emergency response strategies and reinforce our commitment to the safety of our community."

As each training day concluded, participants conducted critical evaluation sessions to assess the day's events, highlighting successful strategies and identifying areas for improvement. Encouraged by the success of these sessions, Prince William Water and Fire & Rescue Department are planning future exercises, underscoring their commitment to safety and preparedness in Prince William County.


