An Underdog Story : Leicester City.

An Underdog Story : Leicester City.

A true underdog story that is waiting to be told.

You normally watch these type of scene in the movies where a sports team of any kind be it basketball, hockey, American football or gymnastic. They have one common theme : A losing team that worked hard and rise to the top beating everyone expectations.

How did an English football team who was at the bottom of the list in the English Premiere League and was on the verge of being relegated managed to be the champion?

This is a story about Leicester City!

During the start of the season the odds for Leicester City were 5000 – 1. That means, people already expected Leicester to lose the match from the start because of its giant opponent such as Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool (to name a few).

Of course, it came to a surprise to avid fans when Leicester City won the Premier league on 2nd May 2016 with the score card are as below:

Fans & critics start to study their play books and tricks on how they can climb all the way to the top.

Three key factors that comes to into mind:

1.Believe that they could be the best even though no one else did.

Lets face it. When Leicester City played nobody believed that they could be able to beat the giants and last the entire season.

Instead of giving up or listening to what other people say, they believed that they could do it and persist further and played the game to the best that they can.

In sales, there will always be nay-Sayers that will make sure you start doubting yourself or even your work. It’s normal to sulk in and doubt yourself, but you need to remove that thought but sometimes its not as easy as it looks. We understand that!

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2.Persistence to fight on with strong leadership.

In every football club, there would be someone that manages the team. For non-football fans, a football manager is someone that is responsible for running a football club and may also serve as the head coach.

That means they handle the details such as buying or selling of players, planning the strategy, and instructing the players on the pitch, selecting the team of players for matches, and their formation and many more. That means the manager would need to be responsible in leading the team to victory.

Are you doing that for your sales team?

Most sales managers do that…(Read More)


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