Under the Weather: Navigating Climate Change's Health Impacts in Timor-Leste
Reflecting on the flood incident three years ago 
04/04/2021 - 04/04/2024

Under the Weather: Navigating Climate Change's Health Impacts in Timor-Leste Reflecting on the flood incident three years ago 04/04/2021 - 04/04/2024

at Tasitolu
with refugees in Metinaro

Amidst the lush landscapes and coastal vistas of Timor-Leste, a quiet but pressing threat looms. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable, the health risks associated with climate change cast a shadow over this Southeast Asian nation. High rainfall frequently triggers flooding in numerous locations, notably the capital city of Dili. This inundation damages settlements and disrupts residents' daily activities. Despite changes in government over time, there seems to be a persistent lack of seriousness in addressing these recurring issues. The flood incident in Dili that occurred on April 4, 2021, claiming the lives of up to 13 people, with a thousand of people evacuated and lots of dengue and malaria affecting children and adults should have served as an eye-opening event for the government.?

Timor-Leste, a semi-presidential representative democratic republic system which is situated in the eastern part of the Timor island, shares borders with Indonesia to the west and north. Additionally, it has maritime boundaries with Australia to the south and an Exclusive Economic Zone border with Indonesia to the west. This country boasts rich diversity, culture, and heritage, with farming as the primary livelihood. Its landscape features mountain ranges, uplands, and lowland plains, with a central mountain range soaring over 3,000 meters above sea level. Along its 706-kilometer coastline bordering the Timor Sea, there are sandy beaches and rocky cliffs. This newly independent country experiences a tropical climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. Currently, climate change is rendering these two seasons increasingly unpredictable. Abundant in natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, the nation also holds agricultural potential owing to fertile soil in certain regions.

at Liceu UNTL

The events of three years ago remain unforgettable, with many people still suffering, dying, and grappling with trauma. Presently, these hardships persist as floods, waste, and water pollution continue to plague our surroundings. According to data from the National Institute of Health under the Ministry of Health of Timor-Leste, as of January 2024, a total of 147 children and adults have been infected with dengue, along with 195 cases of chikungunya. From this outcome, it's evident that this issue recurs periodically. As a young generation, this issue can not solely blame the government, yet must acknowledge that often part of a generation that recklessly disposes of trash, made the proliferation of mosquito breeding grounds, among other environmental concerns caused by human behavior, ultimately impacting the human itself.

Looking back on this day three years ago, I coordinated a small team comprising my cousins and closest friends and we worked along with one of the best private clinics in Dili, Flodova Farma. Together, we offered free health consultation services and provided medicine to refugees in various locations. We were warmly embraced by the disaster victims and received an overwhelmingly positive response. We experienced a range of emotions throughout the activity. While we felt gratified to offer assistance, we were also deeply saddened by the numerous accounts of individuals who had lost their homes, belongings, and endured illness as a result of floods, cold temperatures, and shortages of essential resources such as food, clean water, and medicine.

We toured various locations including UNTL Liceu, Hera, Metinaro, Tasitolu, and Bidau. The refugees in each place are residents or local communities in that area. In the initial days following the flood, the refugee camps we visited were sparsely attended by any other groups or organizations, resulting in a lack of medical supplies for the occupants.?

Positively, day by day numerous groups of people also converged on the various locations in Dili engaging in similar initiatives to aid the refugees. These other groups provided assistance in various forms, including food, hygiene items, bedding, medicine and other essentials. Following our action, the situation gradually improved. Glad that our activity reflects a positive impact, fostering a sense of solidarity and aiding in problem solving, albeit not entirely.

In addressing the impacts of climate change and health challenges resulting from the flood incident in Dili on April 4, 2021, I am leading efforts to provide assistance and support. As part of this initiative, I have organized an activity in collaboration with a private clinic called Flodova Farma. Our activity involves offering free health consultations and distributing medicine to those affected by the floods in evacuation places. The primary goal of our initiative is to provide immediate medical assistance to individuals who have been impacted by the flood, including those suffering from illnesses exacerbated by the environmental conditions. Additionally, we aim to raise awareness about the health risks associated with climate change-induced disasters and encourage proactive measures to mitigate these risks in the future. In 4 days, we have successfully conducted several rounds of free health consultations and distributed essential medicines to those in need. We have received positive feedback and appreciation from the affected communities for our efforts. Perhaps in the future we need to explore partnerships with other organizations and stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of our efforts and ensure a more comprehensive response to the health needs of flood-affected communities. To sustain and scale up our initiative, we require additional resources such as medical supplies, volunteer support, and funding for outreach activities. Additionally, partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other relevant stakeholders will be crucial in maximizing the impact of our efforts and addressing the broader challenges posed by climate change and health disparities in our community.

at Church Bidau

In relation to this issue, as a university student and a passionate facilitator who deeply values environmental preservation, cultural heritage, and community well-being. My love for the environment, nature, language, culture, and music serves as a driving force behind my actions in addressing the impacts of climate change and health challenges resulting from the flood incident in Timor-Leste. This issue holds personal significance for me as it directly affects the well-being of my family and my fellow citizens in Timor-Leste. Witnessing the devastating consequences of environmental disasters on my community has further fueled my commitment to taking action and making a positive difference. Timor-Leste was still vulnerable in terms of natural disaster risk prevention and mitigation. As a young person with a diverse background and a deep connection to my country's culture and heritage, I recognize the urgent need to address the pressing environmental and health issues facing Timor-Leste. My identity, age, and background make this issue particularly important for me as I believe that the future of our nation depends on our ability to address these challenges effectively and sustainably. In tackling this issue, I am eager to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and community groups. By working together in a spirit of cooperation and solidarity, we can leverage our collective strengths and resources to implement innovative solutions, raise awareness, and build resilience in the face of climate change and health disparities.

I began taking action in April 2021 in response to the flood incident in Dili. The devastating impact of the floods on my community served as a catalyst for me to take action and contribute to addressing the immediate needs of those affected. The urgency and severity of the situation compelled me to mobilize and organize efforts to provide assistance and support to the affected individuals and communities. Witnessing the suffering and hardships faced by my fellow citizens reinforced my commitment to making a positive difference and prompted me to take action at that moment. Last year, I became animators of Laudato Si Movement and I am more serious for advocating the climate change.

While my direct involvement in addressing this issue may evolve over time, my dedication to promoting environmental sustainability and public health in Timor-Leste will not wane. I am committed to staying engaged and supporting ongoing efforts to address the root causes of climate change and health disparities in my community. To ensure progress on this issue continues after I move on, I plan to establish sustainable initiatives and partnerships that can endure beyond my direct involvement. This includes capacity-building programs, community-led initiatives, and advocacy efforts aimed at raising awareness and fostering resilience in the face of environmental challenges. Additionally, I will work to empower and inspire future generations to take up the mantle and continue the work of promoting a healthier, more sustainable future for Timor-Leste.

Lets work together, to the better future of Timor-Leste.

at Tasitolu



