Under The Prairie Sky
Saturday December 2, 2023 - January 4, 2024
Jewellery Artists Guild of Regina
Outside The Box at the Neil Balkwill Centre
Jewellery Artists Guild of Regina has once again challenged it's members to a theme of Under The Prairie Sky. Each of our members participating are interpreting this theme in their own way.
The display case is next to the back entrance and most of the works are available for purchase on the spot, just speak to the gallery staff at the front entrance. But be sure to get there early as each work is one of a kind and will not be repeated.
These two pieces are my submissions for this show. "Winter Skies" are Dendritic Opals set in sterling silver frames. Stormy Nights On The Kildeer Badlands is a 4 layered pendant in sterling silver beautifully oxidized.
While you are there, also take a moment to view the members permanent display cabinet that is now showing "Deck The Halls". Christmas ornaments made by our members. This cabinet is at the front entrance of the building to the right of the gallery entrance. Ornaments can be purchased directly from the gallery staff.
In the mean time have a look at my other work on my website at RoxanneBrownJewellery.com I'm sure you will find a favourite piece there to tuck under your Christmas tree this holiday season.
All prices are subject to pst.
Local delivery is $5.00, curbside pick-up and shipping available.
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of a kind.
Photography by Roxanne Brown
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