Under the Influence Planning , ( google it ) and its evil cabal of drinkers against the thinkers .
last week we started a fight against a Goliath. We started campaigning for the skint local kids against the Goliath of the Cabal !!!!!!! That is the Truro planners of influence (google it ) ! their lawyer wives ,and Truro mayoral friends who seem inactive to the needs of the kids but alas these types are quick to the needs of a open bottle of free chateu neuf du pape . ( I only know this name because I read his Xmas gift of two boxes of the stuff last year for his main man in orifice, oops office soz ! ) Hmmmm wonder what he got a lot of expensive wine for .( you cant bank wine )hmmmm
Anyway the point is this crime against the landscape and children's rights is bigger than the fact that I have waited for five years after paying my rogue planner of influence ( google it ) and his lawyer wife close to 3.800.00 quid and still do not have what I paid for ,. ( he put the plans in only last week after being told he will be sued by our funder !! and then he put them in wrong on purpose , he then claimed to take them back out again so he don't owe me owt says he ffs ) its like he hates the kids getting a day out .
you see this is the point if this Truro planner of influence ( google it ) is able to take my money from my charity not do the work for five solid years then spend it on buying up land next to another charity with the intention of overbuilding on it or selling it at the last minute to a concerned neighbour , then not pay back the first charity he ripped off !!!!!!!!! then this action we feel is immoral unethical and socially corrupt . this planning agent we feel is also all three horrendous things that we do not want in a planning agent and we do not want in Truro or kernow .
below is a extract from one of our last communications with his lawyer wife
Hi Sam, Apologies, I was supposed to get this from Paul yesterday. I am not in work at the moment due to my mum and dad being on holiday (again!) but as I’ve now seen your email I will get the Planning Portal reference for you and text it asap. Cheers Sam, speak soon.
ffs so she claims its done on xmass hmmmmmmm
How can the kids get access to landscape if the very people we trust are intent on conning all the good bits for them selves to be resold back to us at ten times the price or suffering a block of flats because we couldn't pay up the ransom ,
This smacks of planning extortion and the kids are the victims if you are in Cornwall your kids are the victims and their kids are the victims so how do they get away with it .( having a lawyer wife helps and is very telling) . also making the local Truro mayor a free blue nose helps too ( what does a blue nose cost nowadays prob a kids park or a place to sit for the elderly)
why do they get away with it I will tell you because we wont risk our own stuff to stop them . we are willing to see the kids in Cornwall self harm more than the kids in major inner cities so nobody messes with our stuff . we are willing to allow our kids to seek self medication on a grander scale than other cities because we cannot have the local bigwig send in the lawyers and cabal to shut us up while they rip us off .
I tell you guys this is the end ( as the doors said ) this stops now because access to the landscape has reached the cliffs , this is the final battle with the ego drunk goliath monster . this is the crux of all battles to get kids access to the landscape and low tech fun , because we are at the best bits , here we can easily see the cabal flex ( last week a lawyer got in touch and told me to shut up I asked him why got no answer ) .
You see my battle is important not because its my battle , but because I am the proof that you can try for ten years , you can get backers that believe in you to the tune of 100 k offers of help ,last week we spoke with the king of Dubie,s office !!we even have the odd rock god willing us on . Alas my battle is important because we see clearly the corrupt system !!also because I alone am willing to risk my stuff to say no!!!! this is wrong the suited adults are wrong and the snotty kids are right .No wonder the kids hide away in self medication or on social media!
Yes I could accept a grand to go away or I could stay here with nowt and point at this big pink drunk planning elephant in the room and say stop harming the landscape , stop harming the kids for your own blue nose inducing plonk you are wrong !
The hope projects battle is important because we have seen the endgame of this campaign , and its fraught with the old boys club drinking at the conservative club ,(what are they conserving ). we are the barometer of access to the landscape , we are the test of this society . we are the truth that is talking for the youth . we are david armed with a sling and a rock and we will not stop until the goliath has dropped . so switch off ,clap , take a step forward take a step back whatever you do realise that action or inaction you are part of this campaign you are spinning on this rock with us all now !
below is a sample of our interactions it was the last letter I sent them to laugh at we hoped to reason with but they laughed instead !!!
hi I note that your husband at the truro planning office of influence does have a long history of closing down places of solace and community gatherings as he has told me many times he has closed up to seven mosques so far in kernow through the council .This does make us at the hope project wonder as to your real intentions with the stonewalling at the hope project place of solace for poor local youth .
lawyer wife do me a favour when you look at your reflection in the mirror over xmass I want you to reflect on just how much harm your personal participation in this stonewalling, lies and time wasting has done to us as a family and to cornwalls youth as a whole .For every red glass of chateau neuf du pape you drink I want you to see the blood sweat and tears that you as a family and as planning people of Influence are responsible for in a negative sence .
If I write this too strong for your sensibilities this is due to the fact that 2 weeks ago a young friend in st agness who for years was asking to access the project suffered a stroke brought on by self medication of legal highs and the last information we have is that he is now paralysed on one side and is in Deriford hospital he is only 19 and was constantly asking us what is holding us up where was our planning, when can we start !!!!.
In total now I personally know 4 suicides that are from st agness and the surrounding area and the numbers are growing .So for Christmas we would like to know your answer to their simple question of why have you guys taken 5 years from their youth and so far not put any plans in to make the hope project that aims to help them !!!!!!
In good faith we paid you in full ,with grace we waited patiently for 5 years, We have done this with the hope that it would help your baby business to thrive. As we were your first ever customer .we trusted you both.
We never realised that these good traits of grace , hope , trust and faith would be used against us through your constant stonewalling, goal post changing ,arrogant drunk outbursts and threats of mayoral disapproval and now silence. and thus allow us to see the death of our friends and our dreams .
So you see its not just the death of our dreams but of the hopes of our kids that you have both trampled on .
Murass / thanks for the education .
Nadaleck lowan / merry Christmas. from all at the hope project Cornwall .
I hope karma comes to you to show you the right way to be some day look closely at what you have both done .
Samuel farmer director of the hope project .
above was my xmas email to the planning monsters of influence at truro ( google it ). please decide whos side you are on david and the kids or goliath and the hedge fund manager and wine sales ! I know where I stand , here ready to fight on till the end or until there is change . we need #accesstothelandscape and we demand it now ! if im stil here fighting for it in five years more kids will be dead , disabled , or disenfranchised . are you part of the problem or part of the solution you decide I hope lik e I will you will support the kids so we can together make a solid change and get the expenses driven sweaty assed suit wearing wine glass bothering cabals out and children's landscape rights in .
murass watch this space see you soon , there is no plan B
Managing Director
6 年I think it’s an utter disgrace, how do these people look themselves in a mirror? There is sadly an ugly side of a beautiful place, this needs to be taken up and escalated. will surly look into this, the communities of Cornwall deserve support in this.
director at the hope project cornwall cic
7 年there is a blatent abuse of the system bu rogue planners and their cabals in high office WHO turn Good places of solace into personal profit its. extorcion by abuse of the planning system by rogue planning agents and we need to root out the bad elemants
Director of Your Resort CIC Ltd
7 年Hi Sam, the powers that be do not want people with disabilities (wether adults or children) in Cornwall. As you are aware we have been trying to get our disabled holidays project started for 10 yrs now and we hit brick wall after brick wall and yet projects that provide training (tick box events etc) get all the funding they require, they don't personally invest monatery wise not like we have and why the hell we need ten of these organisations that all do the same thing take 85% of the funding for Cornwall is beyond me.