UNCTAD/UNEP Developing innovative capabilities for sustainable development | Side event of the High-Level Political Forum 2023*

UNCTAD/UNEP Developing innovative capabilities for sustainable development | Side event of the High-Level Political Forum 2023*

Background: Achieving climate compatible economic and human development will require significant innovation, both in terms of technologies and policies. Innovative policies and technologies can offer a route for countries to upgrade their productive capabilities and advance their catching-up process by deploying cleaner production processes and products. These opportunities can support countries to “leap” out of the cascade of crises and move toward the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels.

If countries are to capture the economic gains associated with these opportunities, they must have the required capabilities, including not just scientific or technical skills, but also the necessary policies, regulations and infrastructure that together make up the enabling environment.


Main challenges preventing countries from developing innovative capacities and seizing the opportunities presented by green technologies to contribute to national development priorities and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

More than the challenges, it’s important to highlight the advantages and opportunities of green energy in terms of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

From the outset, environmental sustainability in which green technologies help to reduce the environmental footprint, mitigating climate change, conserving natural resources, and protecting biodiversity, must be highlighted .

Then, the transition to a green economy will create business opportunities and green jobs, which will accelerate economic growth, especially in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, allowing for great potential for innovation and competitiveness.

Thirdly, resilience and energy security. Green technologies contribute to the diversification of the energy mix, reducing dependence on non-renewable and volatile sources, such as fossil fuels. The commitment to diversified renewable energies will strengthen energy security, making systems more resilient to interruptions and external shocks.

Finally, green technologies can provide direct benefits to people. Access to clean energy, clean water, sustainable transport, and healthier environments improve the quality of life of populations, especially the most vulnerable communities.

It is important to highlight that international collaboration has allowed the sharing of scientific knowledge, allowing the adoption of best practices and experiences in the field of green technologies. In this changing world, many countries have adopted policies and measures to promote green technologies, such as tax incentives, subsidies, financing programs and more favorable legislation for energy transition.

In summary, green technologies are strongly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Countries that choose to follow the sustainability path will need to accelerate their bets on clean and affordable energy, climate action, energy transition and the creation of sustainable cities and communities, contributing in a direct way to the SDGs.

Even so, there is a lot of work to be done and challenges to overcome, such as the end of regulatory barriers, the focus on information, awareness and training, and the strengthening of international cooperation, especially with developing countries, which must align their policies with the objectives of the SDGs.

Examples of successful national, sub-regional, and regional initiatives that could be scaled up to promote clean energy adoption, integrate sustainability into infrastructure policy-making, and promote a more collaborative approach to green innovation

Portugal has faced important challenges in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN 2030 Agenda and has been registering important achievements in the area of energy and climate, which I would like to highlight.

SDG 7 - Clean and Affordable Energy, is perhaps the one where we have made the most progress. The promotion of renewable energy has been ensuring access to clean, affordable, and sustainable energy for an ever-increasing number of citizens. By expanding incentives for renewable energy, Portugal is increasing the share of clean energy sources in its energy mix, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and combating climate change.

Where Portugal also stands out is in the water sector, being aligned with SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, as our country has a level of excellence in the quality of water for human consumption, with a percentage of 99% of safe water.

Portugal is building a more resilient energy infrastructure, promoting industrialization and innovation, which includes the electrification of society as a determining factor for the energy transition. This commitment complies with SDG 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, which also includes the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

On the other hand, documents such as the National Energy Plan or the financial instrument that is the Environmental Fund, make it possible to promote energy transition, energy efficiency in buildings, transport and industry, contributing to SDG 11, which aims to make cities and communities more and for SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, which contribute in a broader way to reducing energy consumption, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable infrastructure in cities.

Portugal has also invested in the development of public-private partnerships for green innovation, expressed by SDG 17 - Partnerships and Means of Implementation, which are of vital importance, as they promote collaboration between different actors such as governments, companies, and other institutions, and that enable innovation, the development of sustainable technologies and the sharing of knowledge and resources.

We know that there are still challenges to overcome, but Portugal has been recognized internationally for its initiatives in renewable energy and sustainability. For example, the country has achieved records in the production of renewable electricity, with periods when all electricity consumed comes from clean sources. In addition, Portugal has also implemented energy efficiency programs, incentives for electric vehicles and presents ambitious targets with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Meeting the United Nations SDGs represents a continuous effort and the involvement of all sectors of society, but I believe that we are on the way to a more sustainable future.

Contribution of international community, government, private sector, civil society and other stakeholders do to harness the full potential of green technologies and sustainable infrastructure, minimizing risks and reducing inequalities

We are all called to this enormous challenge of walking towards an egalitarian sustainability. The involvement of the entire international community, governments, the private sector and civil society is essential.

Only by sharing knowledge and experiences between States will we win this global battle. Governments are required to have policies favorable to the development of green technologies and the development of sustainable infrastructure. It is necessary to continue with tax incentives and subsidies for companies to be able to adopt sustainable practices that contribute to meeting the ambitious targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

On the other hand, the private sector plays a crucial role in promoting green innovation and sustainable infrastructure. Companies must invest in research and development of clean technologies, adopt sustainable production practices, and develop products and services that contribute to the SDGs.

Civil society plays an important role in raising awareness and mobilizing for sustainability. Non-governmental organizations and citizen groups must pressure political power to accelerate change, promoting conscious consumption and participation in circular economy actions.

Throughout this process, ADENE, as an aggregating agency for the energy sector, will pursue its mission of promoting energy and water efficiency, investing in the development of sustainable policies, initiatives, and programs. We defend the adoption of green technologies, energy literacy and the fight against inequalities.

*Participation representing the Portuguese Government | 10 July 2023



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