UNCTAD presents SSE at UN Partnership Exchange
Chantal Line Carpentier
Head, Trade, Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development Branch or UN Trade and Development Division on Trade and Commodities
July 17, 2017
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was invited to present the work of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative at the UN headquarters at the high-level political forum (mandated to monitor progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs)) highlighting UN Partnerships with the private sector. “The SSE is a partnership between UN entities, and between the UN and the private sector,” said UNCTAD New York Chief Chantal Line Carpentier. “Together, these UN entities have partnered with capital market leaders to harness the influence of stock exchanges worldwide through specific, measurable, impact oriented work streams to support the SDGs.” https://www.sseinitiative.org/news/monthly-news-highlights/
Global Solutions 4U Founder & CEO_ University Professor & Researcher _ Sustainability Specialist, SDGs, Sustainable Development, ESG Investing, PPPs for SDGs
6 年Chantal could you send me more info on SSE to [email protected] txs p
7 年Chantal, HPLF 2017 was a delight. As I follow the Review in 2017 on Poverty reduction, Prosperity for all in a changing world. It is still debatable on the viewpoint of experts. How do we fill the gaps between the top down approach (SDG as they are coming after Rio + 20, the World We Want, Agenda 21...17 agreed SDGs and 169 targets...others, and the reality checks. Also, can a review be complete if there is no mulitnational corporations (is the chamber of commerce itself, repesented the mighty multinational. No! They are not§ They are other arena for them and it is true that HPLF 2017 was a People Process (SHAVA). According to these lead discussants and relevant participants and the VNRs, there could be several possible reviews (acadmia, benchmarking, ...others) or Business Innovation Research Development (BIRD) all is about effectiveness of the organization (SDG (performance). Also, thank for China and the Belt and road initiative willing to help all countries seeking to achieve SDGs. Have a nice one, Chantal. Georges.