Uncovering & Amplifying Strenghts
Helena Herrero Lamuedra
The Reinvention Catalyst Coach * for executives 55+: how to lead, live, and leave their mark.
As you shape your goals for this year or reevaluate the ones you’ve already set, challenge yourself to uncover your strengths.
This isn’t just goal-setting; it’s about building a success strategy rooted in your innate strengths.
To empower your journey of self-discovery, here is a list of questions to ask yourself that will help identify your strengths:
Reflective Questions To Uncover Your Strengths:
Once you’ve determined your talents, it’s time to appreciate your unique power and value. Remember, our strengths make us unique and a valuable member of our teams and organizations (superpowers, anyone?).
Now, let’s take those insights and translate them into action.
Action Steps To Amplify Your Strengths:
As we keep unfolding 2024
Gallup tells us that “A person’s ability to achieve excellence and get the most out of their life is directly linked to understanding, developing and aiming their strengths at outcomes that matter.”
Recognizing and building upon your strengths can lead to profound personal and organizational achievements. Let's commit to actively engaging them in your daily life for a more purposeful and empowered year ahead!