Uncovering 7 Hidden Details in Spider-man: Far From Home Trailer
Vismaiy | for Bootstrap Media
The excitement levels are over 9000 and rising; we have some of the most anticipated MCU films lined up for release in the coming months. Yesterday, Marvel Studios dropped the first theatrical trailer for Spider-man: Far From Home. The producers have officially stated that the movie is set to pick up minutes after the end of Avengers: Endgame. Here are some of the hidden details you might have missed in the Spider-man: Far From Home trailer.
1. Aunt May at New York City homeless center.
The trailer begins with Aunt May and Spider-man at the homeless center in New York city. This detail comes straight from the comics as volunteer work has been one of Aunt May’s important characteristics in various story-arcs since the early 2000s. This little Easter-egg is Marvel Studio’s homage to the Aunt May in the comics.
2. Happy Hogan and the giant check.
Next in the trailer we see Happy Hogan struggling to enter a door clutching a giant check from the Stark relief foundation. What is interesting about this check is that it is signed by Pepper Pots and not Tony Stark. This minor detail has led fans to speculate over Iron Man’s death which might happen at the end of Endgame.
3. Spider-man swinging in front of Avengers Tower.
Next, we see Spider-man swinging lazily in front of the Avengers tower while scrolling through his phone. In Spider-man: Homecoming we are told that the Avengers move out of the Avengers Tower and set up camp at a new facility somewhere upstate in New York. The scene in the trailer suggests two possibilities, first – Avengers Tower is being rebuilt, and second – it is being taken apart. This scene has us speculating the possibility that the former Avengers Tower could be converted to the Baxter Building, the official tower of the Fantastic Four. #FantasticPhase4
4. Peter Parker’s date of birth on his Passport.
In the trailer when Peter is at the passport office to collect his passport, we can see that his birthday is listed as 10th August. This is a nod to an interesting detail about Spider-man’s history. It was on the 10th of August in the year 1962 that Spider-man debuted in the comic Amazing Fantasy issue #15. Also, the year of his birth is not mentioned, probably because Marvel Studio wants to avoid time and continuity inconsistencies.
5. Suitcase monogram BFP – Benjamin F Parker.
We can clearly see a golden monogram on Peter’s suitcase which reads - BFP. This could be the initials of none other than Benjamin F Parker, better known as Peter’s loving Uncle Ben. We have not seen or heard Uncle Ben in the MCU, except for a few obscure references from May in Homecoming. We’ll have to wait to see if this monogram can give us a deeper insight into the relationship between Peter and dead Uncle Ben.
6. The Elementals.
When we got the first look and set photos from Spider man: Far From Home fans were speculating the arrival of Hydro man and Sandman but that is not the case. The monster-ish augmentations we see in the trailer are in fact The Elementals – an obscure group of marvel Super villains that can control the elements and are literally the embodiment of each element. They’re called Magnum (element - earth), Zephyr (element - air), Hellfire (element - fire) and Hydron (element - water). As of now that is all we know about The Elementals, though speculations over their role in the MCU are aplenty but nothing can be confirmed yet.
7. Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio
The final surprise comes towards the end of the trailer when we see Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio heroically flying around with some sort of greenish gas like powers. Mysterio debuted in The Amazing Spider-man #13 (1964) as a stunt man specializing in special effects. Over the years Mysterio has grown into one of the greatest foes of Spider-man. The comic book Mysterio does not have superpowers but he carries out illusions and tricks his enemies with his “super-special effects”. Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio is shown as a heroic character battling Hydron alongside Spidey. We can hope that things will take a wild turn towards the end of the movie and Mysterio undergoes some sort of character reversal to become the villain he is supposed to be.
So that was the step by step breakdown of the hidden details in Spider-man: Far From Home trailer. Which detail do you think will have greater significance and implications in the future of MCU? Also, tell us in the comments if there are any other details or Easter-eggs you noticed in the trailer.