Uncover the Root - Replace it with Truth

Uncover the Root - Replace it with Truth

Hi friends,

I haven’t been on here in a while. I’ve been working through a lot of fears (cue all the vulnerability) and realizing posting online isn’t so scary (who would have thought?). And, news flash – it doesn’t have to be perfect – praise the good Lord! I am here for you on this journey and hope you continue to faithfully live out all God has for you. It truly is a beautiful ride.

Tuesday thoughts and revelations…

There’s something deeply hidden within each of us, longing to emerge for the world to see. Underneath all the junk this world piles upon us there is a hidden gem. It’s so beautiful when polished. The impurities breakthrough for authenticity to shine.

I’ve been going through the process of Neurological Emotional Technique with Dr. John K. Whitham for almost a year. Now, I’ve done counseling and EMDR before and can tell you this technique has changed my life. Check him out at https://www.aweclinic.com/. Tell him I sent you!!

Recently, I had an interview coming up and started to become nervous. You see, I’ve been public speaking for over a year now and every time my body would react (i.e. HIVES up my neck). Seriously, hives up my neck (side note – if you ever see me speaking in a turtleneck that is why). I laugh at the reaction because crying doesn’t do any good (and it burns fewer calories, let’s be honest). But, the truth is that this issue was holding me back.

I went to see Dr. Whitham and realized through NET this nervousness was linked back grade school. During this time I had a teacher who did not like for us to talk. Naturally, I am a connector and love people – soooo naturally that posed a problem for me as a child. I remember this apple tree and every time we were in trouble the apple had to move up the tree. When it was at the top of the tree that meant no recess. I am not even sure how many times my apple made it up the tree – I am sure it was more than once. And, maybe that’s why I have a thing with apples today (not apple pie though, mmm – ha!).

Anyways, back to the story.

I was sitting in the office with Dr. Whitham and it became the clear the reason for the hives. You see, in that particular classroom, there was strict order and structure and no time for wondering, discovery, and connection. Being someone who is naturally drawn to people this was hard for me to understand. I am sure it was hard for this teacher too because she was new. She probably wanted to perform to standards (like us all) and did what she was taught. I’m not blaming anyone. However, finding the root proved pivotal in my growth and aligning thoughts and action when public speaking. This revelation helped me to see that it is okay that I process and learn differently than others.

The link to public speaking also lies in the way the world teaches people to speak. There needs to be logic, an outline, three bullet points, etc. It’s just not how I am wired and sometimes the mystery and amazingness is in the connection. This is all still a work in progress (#mywholelife). Don’t get me wrong – I prepare like a madwoman. Although, at the end of the day the words have to come from the heart to connect with the audience in front of me. This could be one, few, or many. Connection with people is key for me and doesn’t have a formula. I have to trust the leading within of marrying the mind and heart.

More to come…but for now I hope you have the best Tuesday ever and faithfully continue on your path. The best is yet to come.

I would love to hear from you regarding this process. What is a root that is blocking your growth? Do you know? If not, I would be honored to walk alongside you in the uncovering process. All you have to do is take the FREE Habit Finder assessment at www.habitfindercoach.com/meg and then message me to set up a debrief call. This assessment is what started the uncovering process for me years ago and shows supporting and sabotaging habits of thinking.

I can’t wait to hear from you!



P.S. Sign up for my emails to receive more encouragement to faithfully blaze that trail.

I will cheer you on, provide encouragement, and challenge you to stay the course.

Check out the full post here: https://thefaithfulleader.com/2018/06/05/uncover-the-root-replace-it-with-truth/

Jennifer Owens, LMSW

Hospice Social Worker, University of Rochester

5 年

Awesome revelation!

Dr. Ken Jones, Jr.

“Connecting the dots for small to medium organizations…Right people…Right place…Right reasons…Right relationships."

5 年

Your story touches my heart, and your courage always impresses me, my friend.


