Uncover - find your own way
Anja Wyden Guelpa
board member, CEO civicLab, innovation University lecturer, certified executive leadership coach, former state chancellor, #digital transformation, #innovation, #ESG civicLab.ch
Discover who you are, your strengths and where you want to go in the breathtaking Aletsch Glacier region through hiking, yoga, art and guided activities by an experienced coach and an accomplished artist.
You are a successful overachiever. But you are looking out for new horizons in your professional and personal life. As you have been running in a hamster wheel accomplishing incredible things for twenty years, it is not so easy to find what your dreams are or what impact you want to have in the world. What is next? What is your second mountain?
Experiential coach and innovation expert Anja Wyden Guelpa, with the contribution of artist Séverin Guelpa will guide you on a journey using mind, body and heart to identify what truly fulfills you and who you are at your core. In a small group of 6 to 18 people, you will meet and be inspired by amazing people who all have a lot to share. At the natural surroundings of the Aletsch Glacier, we will use hiking, yoga, visualization and other activities to identify what’s next in your life, clarify your path towards it and build courage to dare your next step.
“Life is too short to live someone else’s life” Steve Jobs
Uncover Find your own way!
Start today to uncover who you are and reveal where you want to go!
More info and registration on www.civiclab.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/uncover-aletsch-2.pdf