Uncommon Sense: And Dried Orange Slices

Uncommon Sense: And Dried Orange Slices

A bi-weekly note that shares ideas and thoughts around family, finances, and food that your parents should have taught you.

This is the best thing you can do for you and your family...

If I want to be the best husband, father, business owner, and leader that I can be, I have to make sure that I am taking care of my body.?

One of the most important ways to take care of yourself (and feel AMAZING while doing it) is by eating REAL FOOD.

Don’t get me wrong, exercise is vitally important, but not as important as what you put in your body. Physique/how you feel is 80% of what you put into your body and 20% exercise.

When I say, “eat real food”, I am referring to food that has one ingredient. I am talking about food that God created in it’s purest form. Chicken (without all the hormones), broccoli (without all the preservatives), fruit (without synthetic fertilizers).?

Take a second to look at all the ingredients in Lucky Charms. I'll wait...

I’m sorry for all you cereal lovers out there, but as you can see, it has a ton of ingredients. Half of the ingredients you can’t even pronounce.?

As good as these things might taste, your body was not created to be able to digest these ingredients. Therefore, you run into health issues later on, gain weight, and feel terrible.

Dr. Bobby Price creates a lot of content centered around informing people about food in the US today…what not to eat and what to eat. His content will help you create awareness when shopping for/buying food.?

Here are two rules that I follow when shopping for food or eating out:?

1. Three ingredients or less

  • I make sure it has three ingredients or less.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Meat. Something green. Rice and/or potatoes.?

2. Stay away from processed foods

  • Try to get the organic stuff.
  • Your body has a hard time digesting the food that is injected with hormones, added preservatives, etc.?
  • If you buy a chicken breast and it's bigger than your head...might not be the best for you.

So, if you want to be the best version of yourself for yourself, your family, and your business, just eat real food and move!??

Watch the full video on YouTube!

Saying no is a superpower...

Gary Vaynerchuk is somebody that I listen to and learn from all the time. He said something that was so simple yet so profound. It struck a nerve in me.?

He said, “If you’re going to be a great business owner, leader, husband, father, etc. you have to have self-awareness.”?

You have to know what you can and can’t do. Figure out what you are good at it and go all in.?

When you figure out what those things are for you, then you have to learn the superpower of SAYING NO.

If you are a yes, man, you probably won’t be a great business owner. The reason being, you will be so spread thin from saying yes to things that are not in the scope of what you’re good at.?

I know what you’re thinking, saying yes means more money, more influence, more relationships, and more opportunities.

That might be true, but saying yes also will lead to burn out. You worked so hard doing 20 things when you could have honed in on 1-2 things and been really great at them.?

I know it might be hard to believe, but when you do this you are more likely to make more money, gain more influence, and have more opportunities.?

More importantly, you will have more time with the things that matter…your wife, your family, your friends, etc.

So here are two steps for you to take after reading this to make your life better:?

1. Self-Awareness

  • Figure out what you are good at.
  • Write them down.?

2. Say No

  • Say yes to everything you are good at.?
  • Say no to the things that don’t fit in the scope of the things you wrote down.

Self-awareness and saying no will make you a better human being and a much better business owner. Do these two things and you will be better off.?

Watch the full video on YouTube!

Dried Orange Slices

Cook time: 2-4 hours


  • Oranges (you can use any variety)


  • Preheat your oven to 200°.?
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.?
  • Thinly slice your oranges in ? to ? inch slices.?
  • Dab off excess liquid with a paper towel, then place onto the baking sheet.?
  • Bake for 2-4 hours depending on thickness, flipping every half hour.?

Use to garnish cocktails, decorate cakes, make garland, or as part of gift wrapping.?

Prefer a how-to video? Catch it here!

Stuff I Bought This Week:?

Quote Of The Day: "Good is the enemy of great." - Jim Collins

Interested in learning more? Come hang out on our podcast Owners Table where I have conversations with successful owners from the boardroom to the dinner table. You can find it wherever you stream:

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Be blessed,



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