An unclear Purpose is an opportunity for alignment
Being clear and aligned on a shared Purpose requires the disciplined attention of the leadership team, particularly during times of strategic change. Some leaders even see a lack of alignment as a behavioral or attitudinal problem on the part of their executives.? A lack of alignment should be seen as a welcome mat for a team conversation about the purpose and how it does or does not align with current strategy. It’s a good check because even the most well intentioned leaders may drift apart in their understanding of the organization’s purpose over time. And if there’s confusion on the executive team, you can bet there’s confusion throughout the organization.?
Action: Integrate your Purpose into regular meetings so that leaders know it well and can play strategic questions off of it, ie. Does this decision help us or hurt us in achieving our Purpose?
“Individual commitment to a group effort, that’s what makes a team work.”
– Vince Lombardi