Uncharted waters ~
The election is finally over… Yeah! What a ride. Now the real fun begins as the country moves full throttle into completely uncharted waters. Exciting and startling - all at the same time. It is amazing to me just how divided people were over this election. It really does not matter for whom you voted at this stage, but be sure to remember the best part about the USA is our resolve and ability to make things better for the promise of tomorrow.
Ultimately the free will of the people is what makes up the patchwork of our democracy, and no matter what happens next we can all count on the fact that deep down most everyone in this country truly cares about their family and friends, their neighbors, their enterprise, and we all have a deep rooted passion for the country to succeed.
So baton down the hatches and damn the torpedoes ~ Full steam ahead!
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude"
~ Thomas Jefferson