Uncertainty and Excitement; Starting an immersive tech bootcamp for UX Design.

Starting out in any new field can be a challenge, but trying to come into an new field where the rules aren’t certain and everthing is changing can be terrfiying. There is just no way to tell if you are “winning” or not. How can you if you are going to be heading the direction that history will approve of.

Luckily, I’m getting to be a part of the exciting field of UX design which has it hands in so many of the emerging techologies, and fields of thought it does seem like it will be going anywhere.

This week has been my intro to UX Design. I have to say I think I’ve found my “career love”. This week has felt a little like following in love. All the uncertainties and excitements of meeting someone you will want to spend the rest of your live getting to know. Combined with all the personal growth of those first few weeks of falling in love. I’m completly overwhelmed and humbled to be apart of this new world. I can see options opening up around me in ways that have up to this point been outside of grasp.

Hope is a wonderful and dangerous meal. I’m learning to have faith in myself and to take my own dreams seriously agian.

I’m inviting everyone reading this to go over the things you have been thinking about in the hidden corners of your mind and to let yourself act on at least of those this year. When you are able to hope in a few of the small desires it gets easier to embrace of larger dreams the next time they come up.

Because there will come up again, that is the nature of desires after all. If you practice embracing in little desire when the time comes to embrace the “big ones” you will know you can do it.

I’ll excited to share my thoughts on this new journey into UX Design with you.


