In Uncertain Times, We Must Trust
Lisa Patel
Real Estate / Realtor / Entrepreneur / Former President / Mindset / Metaphysical Teacher / Meditation-Yoga-Reiki Teacher / Philanthropist / Venture Capital / Speaker / Author / Political Candidate / Advocacy
I've stayed quiet for a few days & observed the world. When covid-19 broke out in Toronto, I was concerned. My 1st thought went to my folks, my siblings, my own immune system as I have a weaker one than many & the well being of humanity.
I witnessed a showing canceled in Feb. due to the situation & having to explain that to my clients. Witnessing Paul Smetanin being accurate that it would become a pandemic.
I initially started distancing myself, heightened up sanitization practices. I also witnessed my own fears, I have to have a needle every month, (which is proof consistency is the best way as my shot use to be every week and has changed in the last 2 years to every month), my fear of going into a walk-in clinic to get my needle, fears for family & friends, fears for the economy & even more prayer for the world. I knew I needed to shake this out & "recognize that change is helpful" " a course in miracles" even if we don't see it at this moment, but we have to Trust. Trust that the highest good will prevail, Trust in humanity and Trust we will get through this together.
The part of this process I have enjoyed is sitting down with my nephews (Ages 4 and 6) and discussing what a virus is and how it can impact your system, what steps we can take to keep us all safe and healthy. Listening to how they felt and what they feared and honouring their feelings and shedding light to our conversation with building trust and faith.
To the world, we together will get through this, we just have to flow with the river at this time.
#staywell #wellbeing #love #releasefear #everythingisalwaysworkingoutforme #trust #onelove #healthymindset #healthmatters