Sunny S Koul
Creative Writing / GuitarPlayer / Cartoonist / Wall Cartoonist /Independent Researcher on SpacetimeTheory / Ufo Enthusiast / Piano Learner / Science Fiction Writer
When there exists nothing then what happened at that time or before nothing. In a vast space we have nothing excerpt matter and radiation but is there anything exist except these two quantities? Nature represents itself a creator and destroyer. But why these two terms “creator” and destroyer” are necessary for everyone, only to stable everything? Nature creates that kind of entity which is like perpetual water flowing in vast space from infinite years. We all know which is “God”. He and nature both are same entity and is dependent on each other. As nature creates that kind of path where all living beings are able to realize their life and always want to struggle in their own life to fight against all problems, he might face in their whole life.
But why nature does this and why nature creates a complex path? When nature is alone in whole space (as space is also considering a nature and is dependent on each other) then it creates such kind of entity who helps it to stable everything as He himself is a part of its creation. It creates immortal and supernatural being. But why being not anything? Because this is the one of the nature’s uncertain invention and gave Him everything including the supernatural powers but in a kind of uncertain path. God himself meditates but for what kind of purpose that is nature uncertain laws and principles. When god wants to know about the nature’s creation and its existence, nature is receding from Him like a expansion of a universe.
Nature is something like a nothing. When anyone wants to understand nature, the result is despair for everyone. God also thought why everything has its existence as a nature without any target is operating all this and I myself am a creator of this whole journey. And what I create is something even more uncertain “living Beings” with consciousness is the necessary part of everyone including non-living beings. This journey is not long as there is no end of this journey but why existence and cause both these two words are only applicable for this endless journey? Because when we say existence which means there is something to exist in “time “which also has its existence. Which come into existence with some kind of laws but when there is endless space no one cannot consider existence and cause because probability of happen something depends upon its cause not only for cause or choice.
However, no one can find that place where everything came from because there is no exact place and is difficult to find the place of eternal. That is used in beyond our universe as there is no such kind of eternal word? Why nature has its existence and why God has its existence? This is a challenging question but Nature, God and all beings only search for what happened or will happen in chaos space. Everyone in this chaos space is only traveler and learner.