Unboxing The Treasures of Intentionality
Janae Smith
Curating Impactful Experiences & Community Engagement with AI & Digital Transformation.
From transformative actions to unexpected revelations and opportunities.
Cues Intro ??
“Welcome to the newsletter where it gets Real and Unexpected with me, your fave re-xpected rambler, Janaé Ashleigh Smith. YES, I can definitely talk (AND write) a lot, but hey, that’s why you’re here *wink wink, smooches*. In this space, I’ll share my REAL and UNEXPECTED perspective on real topics that you unexpectedly may or may not be thinking about right now. Some say I’m a mind-reader and some ask if I can read their mind - either way, it’s worth the read. We’ll be covering basically any and every thing about life and everything else in between it. I’ll even share parts of my journey, because let’s be honest, everyone loves a real and unexpected story. So there’s a little something for everyone. R U ready?! Yeah? Perfect!
The topic of discussion is about *drumroll please* accepting life’s unexpected shenanigans and how intentionality will help you GLOW through it.
Before we get started, I want to give YOU a huge “thank you” for your support of our first newsletter. Honestly, to sweeten this “thank you”, I wish I had some type of brownie points, or better yet, I wish I had some merch to give away, but I don’t have [but it’s coming] that yet. Sooo I’m hoping this will do for now LOL. So again, thank you for sticking around, or if this is your first time here, welcome and thank you so much!
Since this is part two, it’s only right to give you a brief recap. Last week, we talked about my moment of being “stuck” in life and how I used transformative actions, aka the Better Self Enhancement, to assist me with getting out of that “stuck” phase. To be honest, being “stuck” isn’t always by choice. It can literally just happen out of nowhere, at least, that’s how it can feel for the person experiencing it. One event or interaction could potentially trigger a whole mind bender *inserts a mind literally blown to a point of no control*. It’s up to ourselves to turn those obstacles into opportunities. So I tagged the Better Self Enhancement into this game called life, and now we’re going to talk about what I’ve been learning about myself, what I’m excited for, and how I utilize the GLOW mode to assist me throughout my journey.
So before we REALLY get into it, if you haven’t read part one yet, I strongly encourage that you do. Whether you bookmark here, and read part one [Click here for Edition #1] and come back here OR you can continue reading this part two and use it as your motivation to read part one; either way, you will NOT be disappointed. Part one is a real AND unexpected treasure, if I don’t say so myself *wink wink, smileee*.
There’s a whole lot of life to experience and learn from. Striving for “better" and focusing on YOUR own journey is how you develop tenacity, “that fierce blend of determination, persistence, and grit”. I really wished that was my definition-quote, I love it!
As promised, we have three topics to cover:
As you already know, it’s expected that we will get a little unexpected over here at R&U, so we’re going to switch up the order a bit. First, I’ll talk about what the GLOW mode actually is. The GLOW mode is a mindset utilizing the core values: Growth, Leadership, Optimization and Worthiness with a growth mindset. It promotes authenticity, self-discovery, personal stability, and intentionality. As the core values intertwine with a growth mindset, it’s likely that one would find themself more accepting of life's unexpected and is more willing to adapt to changes. It’s a? preventative and a remedy all-in-one, and guess what – there’s no bells and whistles, just like the Better Self Enhancement. In combination, the two will COMPLETELY change your life for the BETTER.?
Now, you’re probably wondering, “how would you know Janae?” Well I coined this mindset at the beginning of 2019, and that’s when I started sharing it with family and friends, and even encouraged them to incorporate it into their daily thinking and decision-making.
QUICK STORYTIME: A few years prior to 2019, I was battling depression, unknowingly. Although I was not diagnosed at that time, I knew I was going through it. To be honest, I just needed something to help me view life like the glass is half full, rather than half empty. That’s when I started researching the positive impacts of living by core values (I included some articles below in our RU Resources section, check them out!).
I created the core values, their definitions, and purpose, or the WHY. The purpose is simple, to help one develop the skill of discernment, or ability to judge. Better Self Enhancement brings about mental clarity so that one can be able to choose the better decisions. That’s why I basically said they go hand-in-hand.
GLOWmode is the car and Better Self Enhancement is the maintenance.?
With all of that in mind, having the GLOW mode has really transformed the way I view life’s unexpected and it was truly MY first resource to help me through my battle with depression, so?I know it can help you too. Before we continue, my PRO TIP is that you seek therapy from a licensed mental health professional because I definitely did and HIGHLY recommend it. I recently found another therapist, and I’m even more committed now that I’ve been utilizing the Better Self Enhancement to really help me hone in on ME. The way I use core values, specifically GLOW, is to shed light in areas or moments of my life that seem a little dark and confusing. These core values prompt me to think intentionally, so that I can move intentionally.?
Also, GLOW mode is not just a mindset, but it’s a community as well. As I mentioned in our Edition #1, the transformative action #17 – Assess your network (of people around you), as you assess your tribe, utilizing GLOW mode, together, is a great way to encourage and inspire one another, while keeping each other accountable. And yes, you can absolutely have your own set of personal core values as well. GLOWmode is not a dictatorship, it’s a partnership.
I plan to dive deeper into the story of the GLOW mode because it definitely deserves its own edition. In that edition, I’ll also dive into why self-discovery and personal stability are essential for your growth and development. Stay tuned because it’s coming. In the meantime, check out this video that outlines the GLOW mode definitions.
Leonardo da Vinci once said “Learning never exhausts the mind”, which segways greatly into the next topic of what I’ve been learning about myself. First things first, if I haven’t said it enough, go to therapy. When I started the Better Self Enhancement, my first “Aha” moment was “Aha, go to therapy”, hence why I keep repeating it. I know, many people find the thought of therapy to be daunting. Unpacking trauma, facing your fears head on, looking at yourself in the mirror, etc., etc. Yup, that sounds amazing, right? Well, maybe not on “paper”, but for me, therapy sessions have been a monumental resource for my self-discovery and developing personal stability.
I’ve been learning more about why I like and dislike certain things, what my triggers are and what they’re related to, learning new skills like conflict resolution and setting boundaries (yes, that’s a skill because it’s definitely not easy LOL), and soo much more. Learning is great because it keeps you as sharp as a whistle, but are you really learning if you’re not applying it? My answer is “no”, and this is where you have to tag in, intentionality. Just like learning how to tie your shoes, the intent is for you to actually be able to tie them on your own. That’s the same with therapy and everything else you’re learning. Always remember there’s always something to learn - even if it’s not your cup of tea.
Learning can be a “read between the lines” type of thing, if you know what I mean.
The more I free myself from past experiences that don't align with the current AND presumed future version of Janae, the more I’m coming out of this shell I was in, and not the cute, minus the smell, turtle type of shell either. I slowly began to realize that I was feeling restricted, physically. I was holding SO much tension in my shoulders, that I didn’t realize it contributed to my not-so-great posture. For some, you may not really understand and that can sound funny, BUT negative emotions, like unhealthy stress, can fester into physical pain and illness the longer it’s present and not released.
Here’s an example: Through therapy, I’ve learned that I suppress my emotions that have a negative impact on me, like frustration and stress. As a result of that, I would hold back my true feelings AND apparently, I would just harbor those suppressed emotions in my shoulders. With effort, I’m applying conflict resolution tools (slowly, but surely) and I’m actively making a conscious effort to correct my posture by releasing those emotions through sprinting on the treadmill. The motion of my arms actually feels quite freeing, and I’m here to report that the tension has definitely loosened up, yay me!
Moments of learning like this are so dope, it’s putting a puzzle together.?
To learn more about the impact of positive and negative emotions on one’s body, check out the articles in our RU Resources section below.
So if you see me slouching, please hold me accountable and tell me to sit/stand up straight, as I’m actively working to improve my posture - thanks in advance! *sending you a big virtual bear hug*
Side bar: I’m not a fan of running, although many people believe I run/ran track for some strange reason LOL, but I recently found peace through sprinting. Will Janae become an actual runner? At this point, you never know.?
To add, I also decided to do the transformative action #16 in Edition #1. I researched my top 3 favorite things I enjoy doing. At that time, I wanted to challenge myself to figure out the career field that actually brings me enough joy in this moment AND not just what I’m good, or even great, at. So I wrote down all the things that I enjoyed doing throughout my ENTIRE professional career journey and I landed on my “top 3 must haves” in my new role, whatever that will be:
1. Creative Autonomy - I’m a very creative person as you can tell
2. Creating streamline processes and procedures - we like to work smarter, not harder over here
3. Creating and enhancing experiences - I love a good experience, and I always have something to change about a bad one
Here’s a bonus fave, research - if “I’ll just google it” was a person, she is me. I LOVED this app called StumbleUpon, it was literally Top 5 best app created. IYKYK.?
With research, it led me to UX Design. From there, I dove into understanding what it is, how I can leverage my current skill set to pivot into the Design world, started Google’s professional certificate “UX Design'' on Coursera and learned from learning paths and videos on LinkedIn Learning, and NETWORKED! Through networking and further research, I honed in on Service Design. For reference, Service Design is the activity of planning and organizing a business’s resources (people, props, and processes) in order to (1) directly improve the employee’s experience, and (2) indirectly, the customer’s experience. The term “service design” was coined by Lynn Shostack in 1982. It's a field of expertise that I can truly see myself excelling and growing in a way I never had before and I’m VERY intrigued to find out. As you can see, you never know where the research will take you, if you allow it.?
My advice is “be a student to life and learn about everything you possibly can. Possibilities become more endless and new opportunities become more frequent. Take the risk to learn.”
Now it’s time to close out with our final topic: what I’m excited for. As I sit here typing away and?listening to a happiness frequency, I can’t help, but to smile at the fact that I’m MOST excited to see the next-level Janae. I’ve been envisioning her, longing to meet her, and preparing for her. Special thanks to the GLOW mode, the Better Self Enhancement, and therapy for helping me get to this new chapter in my life where I’m aligning with her. There were obstacles, but I remained true to myself and turned them into opportunities. It is truly worth the wait, I can already tell.
Unlock your next level
We as humans can’t “factory reset” ourselves, but we can rewire and elevate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, with our mindset. We have to meet ourselves where we are in the present, and take a moment to pause. Pause by definition means to interrupt action. With that understanding, wouldn’t you rather life interrupting a BAD action, like a really bad habit that keeps you in a place of confusion? Recalibrate your way of thinking, because as I mentioned edition #1, I am living proof.
I have another quick story that literally blew my mind. Listen to this:
Last weekend, I took a personality test. Now, if you know anything about a personality test, they say to select your answer without giving it too much thought and don’t take your time. LET ME TELL YOU … I sure did take my time haha, but the reason why is because I realized that the current version of me wouldn’t answer how my prior version would. It was such a beautiful moment for me to self-reflect in the moment, with myself.
Truly being real with myself and accepting my changes. When you’re truly authentic to yourself, not only are you true on the outside, like how you present yourself to the world, but you also are true to yourself on the inside. The self you sleep with at night, the self rocking it out with you through the day, the self that has so much potential to be who you desire to be.
This feeling of meeting the next-level Janae is beyond my wildest dreams, and I believe that God’s plan is to bring me prosperity and will not bring me disaster. - Jeremiah 29:11
Life is going to get unexpected in ways you never thought and it doesn’t always have to end bad. It’ll get BETTER, just be intentional and you’ll GLOW through it.
So yea, I would say, “The world is literally your oyster.”, “Go get ‘em tiger.”, “This is your world, we’re just living in it.” There’s a little something for everyone.
I even went on a whole lactose intolerant rant, it’s down below in the “RU Keeping Up with Janae?” section. Tell me if you can relate!
Thanks for reading AND check out the sections below for more! ??????
With love from your fave re-xpected rambler ????
The one and only Janaé Ashleigh Smith
Creator and Founder of Real and Unexpected
“I always re-trace (reflect on) my steps, so I can authentically GLOW (Grow, Lead, Optimize, (Value my) Worth) with intention.”
RU Treasures
FYI some links are commissionable, so thank you so much in advance!
Check out the resources I mentioned in today’s newsletter. I also added in some extras!
Apps and Websites:
By American Psychological Association
Happy tears, always.
The RU Community Corner:
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“We need to know your thoughts on today’s newsletter” ??
Head over to our instagram @realandunexpected and leave your comment on “today’s discussion” post!
RU ready for the next edition?
As always, it’ll be real and unexpected, but for sure a goodie.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and interest!
Don’t forget to share, like, and comment your thoughts and questions - can’t wait to meet you in the comments section!
RU the inspiration?
Repeat after me “Yes, I am the inspiration!)
Reminder of the week: Life is going to get unexpected in ways you never thought and it doesn’t always have to end bad. It’ll get BETTER, just be intentional and you’ll GLOW through it.
GLOWmode: Move with authenticity and intentionality.
RU Keeping Up with Janae?
I’ll share some nuggets of where I am on my journey, to keep you in the loop.
For those who don’t know, I am a pescatarian with a twist, I still consume eggs and dairy, or shall I say, now only eggs. HOUSTON, I THINK WE HAVE A PROBLEM! I believe I’m ready to strongly limit diary. I don’t know if I can really let that go, let’s be serious haha, but I can definitely limit my intake to once a week. I’m also lactose intolerant anyway so I really should limit my intake. I feel like take a lactaid pill almost every other day and for those who don’t know what a lactaid pill is. It’s quite frankly top 5 best inventions. Do you understand how A-M-A-Z-I-N-G it is to not have your stomach eating itself from the inside because all you wanted was a bite of cheese? It’s unmatched and I literally cannot live without it. I would be insaneeee to never buy these again, as long as I’m consuming dairy. I am telling, you have to get this if you’re lactose intolerant. Oh, and not that you know about this glorious, last changing pill, it would be LITERAL insanity for you to not get it, sooo here you go and you’re welcome! HERE’S THE GAME CHANGER *wink*
P.S. Pleaseeee do yourself the ultimate favor by getting the “fast acting” version. The CAPLETS, not the chewable - save the chalk mouth for your Tums and Rolaids. OMGosh, you also have to have Rolaids - here’s the link, on stand by just in case you miss a Lactaid. Oh, and so you know, the Rolaid isn’t going to work a hour later, and it honestly may not work completely, but I can settle your stomach. Again, I did say “it may not work”. I said what I said, don’t @ me LOL. I honestly don’t understand why the other version is still on the shelves, but “tomato, toe-mah-toe”, I guess.
Real and Unexpected Social Media
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LinkedIn: Real and Unexpected
Creator and Founder’s Social Media:
Instagram: @itsjanaeashleigh
LinkedIn: Janae Smith
YouTube: @itsjanaeashleigh
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Please contact us @ [email protected]
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