Unbind and Let Him Go!
(Gift from the Rev. Eric, Jessica, and Robby Metoyer)
Thank you to all who have called, given gifts to Temenos, and provided me with a wonderful birthday!
John 11:25ff
“Unbind him and let him go". We see in John's account of the raising of Lazarus the power of Christ to bring life out of death. It was Jesus who gave Lazarus his life back, who created for his friend the possibility of a new beginning. But it was not Jesus who unwrapped the shrouds of death from Lazarus, it was instead Lazarus' friends, the members of his community, who unbound him and let him go. Let me share with you a story.
One day, a man wanders into a Cathedral in LA. It is the middle of the morning during the week, but the weekly celebration of the Eucharist is taking place inside. Not quite knowing why, he sits down and begins to listen to the liturgy unfolding around him. His ?life is in shambles. He was kicked out of church for being gay, became a prostituted.. Since that time, each day has been a struggle. He stays through the entire service, not because he wants to, but because this seems like a safe quiet place. After the service, as he is leaving, a woman of the parish approaches him and invites him ?to the weekly Bible study that follows the service. Having a few free minutes, and glad to be able to spend some time with people older, he agrees. During the Bible study, he meets other members of the parish who show an interest in him and who seem pleased that he has joined them.
This celebration of the Eucharist was for this man a kind of new beginning. He returned to the ?church and after some time, he learned to like and eventually love this ?parish and the people in it. They helped Him to cope, they gave him their love, and they shared with him their lives. Just as Jesus saved Lazarus and gave him new life, I believe Jesus saved this man and gave him a new life. It was Christ's redeeming grace that directed him to the church that morning. Grace brought him to the church, but it was up to the members of the church, to unwrap the shroud and the bandages from him so that he could live. It was the men of the parish who first approached him, and the members of the Bible study, who first began to unbind him. Christ made his new life possible, but it was the people in the church.
to take off his cord and unbind him.
The good news is that through Christ there is indeed always the reality of new beginnings, of new life. Christ's own journey to the cross has made that possible. But as members of Christ's body, we must take that new gift, given to each of us, and unwrap its glory. Ask yourself this morning, how do I need to be unwrapped? Moreover, what can I do to help another to realize their new beginning, their new life. In Christ, everything is possible, in Him life abounds. But it is only through our love for each other that this gift of new life can be fully unwrapped and fully realized. Amen.
"Today I choose.
Today I bear witness to grace.
Today I practice kindness.
Today I choose love over fear.
Today I am not afraid to be generous.
Today I belong to the whole world, not merely a portion of it.
No matter what others around me choose, today I choose to live?in peace."
Steven Garnaas--Holmes
Fr. River Damien Sims sfw, D.Min, D.S.T,
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
The Twenty Second Annual Stations of the Cross
"Our Haunting!"
April 7, 2023
Civic Center
Noon-2 p.m.
Food Provided By:
in alliance with Fr. River Damien Sims of Temenos
Please help support a Good Friday initiative. Fr. River Sims aims to serve 200 folks with Irish Soda
Bread, the food that supported many Irish during hard times. It’s in the spirit of community and
There’s a legend that when a cross is made in each loaf before baking, all the good fairies are released. We like to believe in that.
$15/loaf payable through www.temenos.org , pay pal, or Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen/Temenos Catholic Worker, P.O. Box 642656, San Francisco, CA 94164
Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen is a Cottage Food Operation from a home kitchen in Marin County.
The business started with $10 and Aunt Barbara’s great grandfather iron skillet with the intention to build
a business model that feeds the hungry and revenue that goes to youth in college. The owner volunteers
her time to this endeavor and takes no revenue for herself, at this time. She hopes to reshape the model
of what businesses can create for communities, especially our youth, to cultivate and showcase the
power of human investment. 415 717 0151 https://barbaramcveigh.com/aunt-barbaras-kitchen/
Fr. River Sims, D.Min., D.S.T.
Temenos Catholic Worker
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, California 94164-2656
"You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures." Elizabeth Gilbert
Compassion is no