Unashamed Robbery – My Journey from Malachi 3:8 to Romans 1:16
Part 2: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/unashamed-robbery-my-journey-from-malachi-38-romans-116-klu-1f
Part 3: How to Rob God – The Easy Way Out
In what way do I rob God? Until very recently, I didn't know I was robbing God. I went through a harrowing experience that led me down a seemingly endless rabbit hole. My entire world turned upside down when I went through what I call a "long-lasting medium-term existential quarter-life crisis." Yes, it was that profound; nothing made sense to me. I would smile and laugh and be myself outwardly, but inside, I was in a constant state of chaos. Up felt like down almost every day. I became mentally unstable, my faith was shaken to its core, and my health was the least stable part of me. I developed anorexia, looked wretched, and lost an extreme amount of weight. I fell sick frequently with headaches and unpredictable bouts of fever. It was not a pleasant sight or experience, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Worst of all, due to my frequent sickness, I spent all I had on healthcare, which left me destitute.
What could I do? It seemed like the end for me. At that time, I reached out to some people, but they were ill-equipped to offer any form of assistance. I was on the verge of giving up.
Then came Easter Sunday, and I almost snapped while reflecting on Christianity. I called myself a Christian at that time, but it turned out I was on the wrong path. That very day, I stumbled upon a post in a Telegram dictionary channel I followed. The word of the day was 'frenzy,' defined as "Frenzy; noun – A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior."
I used that to craft an example that served as a perfect pun for commemorating Resurrection Sunday: "Jesus put heaven into a frenzy when He was born, He put hell into a frenzy when He died, and earth into a frenzy when He rose from the grave." I still consider this one of the best lines I've ever come up with, and I loved it.
I sent this to a dear friend of mine, and he saw the pun and appreciated it. We exchanged laughter emojis, and then something within me shifted. I shared something with him that helped me unravel many mysteries about myself and my faith. I want to share the details, but I can't do it right now; perhaps someday. But sharing that with my friend set me on a path that led to a series of encounters with people, books, articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, and various other forms of communication media. These encounters ultimately led me to discover Jesus Christ—my Lord and Savior. I write this with profound gratitude in my heart and a sense of wonder at the fact that I can narrate these events in words. The hound of heaven finally found me, and I surrendered to the arrest!