Unapologetically, Rich, Famous & Successful!!
Nidhi S Mittal
Group CEO @BlueVector | Traveler | Photographer | Writer | Marketer (in that order)
Setting up limits and learning to say no was where the talk picked up. But I found myself stuck on pushing the envelope to break boundaries more frequently by saying a "yes".
There are two types of people in the world. Those who are caught in a moral trap and those who are blatantly saying "yes" to wealth creation, complimented by fame and success.
However, most of us find it extremely awkward listing that as a public aim. No one will declare, "I want to be wealthy," and we will instead frame it in the context of our desire to change the world. There is nothing wrong in either.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, it buys freedom - says, Naval Ravikant ( Naval ).? I kind of buy that logic as with wealth, we do get the freedom to operate more by choice than by demand.
We invest a significant portion of our lives on preparing for a successful existence, but when it is equated with wealth and fame, we rewrite the story. A professional will talk about working for greater passion, a sports person will talk about medals, and a business person will talk about innovation, but none of them will be able to equip themselves to have a greater influence over time without the riches that come with it.
Being socially responsible, whether as an individual or an organization, won't prevent us from generating wealth; on the contrary, it will only make us more efficient.
In the past year, I've spent a substantial chunk on things like self-care, retail therapy, and medical expenses, all of which together have helped me get through some of the most challenging times. I appreciate having the convenience to do that and never took it for granted.?
Thus, every year I personally set a target for myself, and I never hesitate to demand what I deserve or even to talk about it. I might only be able to identify superior ideas and a better way forward through a healthy discussion.
My steps from beginning to conclusion are extremely simple:
Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will - Nelson Mandela