Unaccountability in Science
I've just come across this Linkedin capability of creating a newsletter.
I was really planning to write a single article about my troubles with editors. So, this first article is about the current status of my effort to correct the whole Physics.
Later, I will prepare a sequence of introductory articles detailing what the Hypergeometrical Universe Theory is about.
So, feel free to subscribe, I will try to create a single article per week and deliver it on Fridays, for your weekend reading.
This article showcases the argument I presented at Researchgate against having my work being blocked from peer-review and rejected without any reason whatsoever.
If you remember the Spanish Inquisition, you will answer that it is not...:)
In my effort to present my ideas and polish my theory, I oftentimes interact with people who have their own pet ideas. As a rule of thumb, their ideas are indefensible, ranging from having a universe that spins (fails angular momentum conservation, and observations that the Universe is uniform and not subject to centrifugal forces or having azimuthal symmetry) to a variety of nonsensical Hare brain schemes.
So, it doesn't take more than a few minutes to find the hypotheses and conclude if the hypotheses are supported by observations or the Laws of Physics.
So, I do "peer-review" for free at Quora. I know how difficult that is (it is not).
So, after apologizing for the complexity of this first article and promising a simpler knowledge buildup in future articles, here is the argument:
The offended paper is here:
This is a rhetorical question since, in my mind, that is utterly non-acceptable.
I say that while accepting the reality that it takes time to write a few paragraphs in a rejection letter.
That said, it might take years to polish the arguments contained in a paper.
In my case, it took 16 years.
My issue is that, on purpose, I chose to tackle the Big Bang Theory first. It is the weakest model in the whole Physics. There are "Crisis in Cosmology" articles written by everyone and their cats. There is Hubble Tension, S8 tension... Missing Dark Matter, Early Galaxy Formation Conundrum...
Not to mention the lack of any evidence of a False Vacuum, Inflaton Field or Inflaton Particle, etc, etc.
My theory starts with a new model for matter, where matter is made of shapeshifting deformations of the metric (so, it is not Mass Deforms Metric, but the modulated metric is mass).
It cannot be simpler. It allows the Universe to have just space, deformed space, and time - the simplest possible model.
Occam's Razor will tell you that this model should be part of the conversation.
The Universe starts from a Heisenberg-Dictated Metric Hyperspherical Fluctuation, which after partial recombination is left with an Inner Dilation Layer (IDL) and the Outermost Contraction Layer (OCL).
As one would expect OCL breaks apart when it starts to move, pushed by the IDL. This process has a physical analogy in the Prince Rupert Drop
SO, the model is disappointingly simple. No metrics, nothing for you to polish... just a simple model that explains EVERYTHING.
It also debunks General Relativity (Einstein's equations do not describe the Universe's expansion). And replicates all Einstein's successes, while providing simpler explanations (instead of time dilation, we have the weakening of forces with absolute velocity).
What about ABSOLUTE VELOCITY? Well, we all know we can define absolute velocity using the CMB. Period. So, absolute velocity (and the breakdown of Relativity) shouldn't be a surprise.
So, my theory also challenges the current Cosmic Distance Ladder, and in doing so (using an epoch-dependent law of Gravitation), it parameterless predicts the distances using just the redshifts. The predictions are attached.
So, in doing so, it attacks Dark Matter and Dark Energy and all the sordid interests behind them. I say sordid in the sense that I believe that all these entrenched interests are at play in this summary rejection of my work.
Why would I say that? There is a simple reason. If an editor (and all the other editors) don't bother to justify their actions, one is left with nothing to do other than speculate on the WHY.
Why is it ok for preprint repositories to block my already published work?? That is happening (and happened during the last 16 years) at the Los Alamos Archives.
Why would it be ethical for an editor not to write a single paragraph pointing to a specific scientific reason for yanking a paper out of the review process?
How callous these people can be with respect to Science and Mankind's Future? Science is the key to the Future. It shouldn't be at the mercy of unconfessable motivations.
Here are examples of editors blocking the progress of science (and providing no reason).
At least, I wasn't placed on the RACK.
Fundador e Diretor da Olakino Tecnologia Ltda.
2 年Dear Marco Pereira, first of all, I thank you for your kind invitation. However, I have to decline it as my interest is in Computer Science. Besides, I do not have any basic knowledge to minimally understand your work, not even "mainstream" Physics. As for your question, you're totally right: it's unacceptable and inconceivable to have a paper rejected without knowing why. Please don't be discouraged if you believe in what you are doing. For example, Prof. Joseph D. Novak, the creator of concept map theory in education, had the same problem of having his initial papers, which challenged the famous Piaget's theory of children's learning, rejected upfront because of this. Later, Prof. Novak became an accomplished and renowned scientist, recognized as right on that issue, now retired. His initial papers led to his acclaimed concept map theory.
Partner at QuantSapiens Energy
2 年You might enjoy the answers to my question at researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/post/Is_is_ethically_acceptable_for_editors_to_just_yank_your_article_from_the_review_process_without_providing_a_single_reason
Associate Professor at Indiana State University
2 年I’ll admit I have only the barest understanding of what you’re proposing. Have you presented your work at conferences? Perhaps the give and take there is necessary for people to truly understand what you’re proposing. Science is done by imperfect people. Persuasion is an art not a science (unfortunately). Many fields can be very “clubby”.
Partner at QuantSapiens Energy
2 年This is the email I sent to Dr. Hildenbrandt at Annalen der Physik. Remember, this is the journal where Einstein was able to publish his theory of Relativity. They use to be better Dear Dr. Hildebrandt, I know that it should be unheard of scientists requesting further information about what kind of criteria was used in such summary rejection (a rejection without an explicit reason or a peer review), that said, I still would like to know.?? Could you provide the explicit criteria (the reason, the scientific reason in a few paragraphs), on why it is so evident that my work is nor worthy even of a peer review? As far as I proved in the article, I provided the model that explains the Universe creation and the observations (CMB, adiabatic cooling, modeling of Neutronnium Acoustic Oscillation and the replication of the CMB observation itself) and does so without breaking a single law of Physics. This model competitor is the Big Bang, which breaks all Laws of Physics and that includes stretching space or spacetime if you prefer. So, what is so clearly wrong in my model??Please provide the argument that is missing in your rejection letter. Sincerely, Dr. Marco Pereira
Direttore presso Galleria d'Arte NovAtlantis FLAI
2 年Underlying this could be more complex causes related to the links between IQ and personal interests ... https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/gianluca-r-pisano-781bb1196_language-science-publishing-activity-6893198723380563969-CTmP