Unacceptable. Just, Unacceptable.

But hey, that's just me. Who am I to question someone else's marketing techniques?

However, I think there is a line. And the marketing pitch (below) stepped over it for me.

I received this in my inbox today. I will let the rest of you decide how you feel about the appropriateness of this after Kobe Bryant's death:

Hi Julia,

I am certain you heard the news about Kobe and his daughter being killed yesterday. This made me think about the coaches/consultants/entrepreneurs and others who miss out on their life dreams and their business dreams and never get to live the life and grow the business they desire and deserve.

So I decided to share 2 things today… why? Because they will change your life.

Not just your business, your life...

  1. How to get SUSTAINABLE PROFIT from your business
  2. How to start creating REAL-WORLD WEALTH (not unreliable ‘here today - gone tomorrow’ dividends, but real wealth).

What devastating secret tactics will I share to help you unlock the hidden profits in your business and help you have the wealth you want? I’ve got seven of them and today I am going to give you a few sneak peeks!

  • You need to hurdle the ‘7 speed bumps to fast business growth’ - Lack of a plan, lack of leads, lack of sales, lack of cash, lack of a team of independent contractors or employees, lack of time, lack of innovation.
  • You need to be able to sell more, to more people, more often – and you need to charge MORE!
  • You need to be able to set a vision that motivates you and the people around you and also helps you attain the expert status you need in your marketplace.
  • You need to be able to find the key people to do the key projects that will fuel your growth (and this is an area with plenty of hidden pitfalls, so you have to do this the RIGHT way).

That’s a tiny, tiny peek and I’ve got a lot more because I want you to grow your business and improve your life NOW – life is too short to wait another minute.

If you already have a business doing $100k and if you’re ready to boost up to 7 or 8 figures with more revenue, more profit and more quality time to enjoy it all, then take the next step and read the full details of this article AND if you haven’t reached six figures yet, then you have to get there and have no time to waste.

I wrote this article to help you. (article removed for privacy)

Life’s too short to play small or to keep putting your dreams on hold!

Let’s make 2020 the year you finally build the business with the life you deserve.

To YOUR Success,


Suffice it to say that this person is not likely to enjoy my business, nor any business from all the people I have forwarded this email to. Which is a lot. For what it's worth, any person who leaps on a hearse to hawk her wares before the crash scene has stopped burning is, for my dollar..... well. I'll stop there.

I stand with the rest of the world in the loss of a sports icon, his daughter, the others on board. My heart bleeds for them, their families and the millions who lost a hero.


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