UN SDG 16 of 17: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
? UN Women / Christopher Herwig

UN SDG 16 of 17: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.

Conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice remain a great threat to sustainable development.?

The number of?people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million ?in 2018, the highest level recorded by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in almost 70 years.?

In 2019, the United Nations tracked?357 killings and 30 enforced disappearances ?of human rights defenders, journalists and trade unionists in 47 countries.

And the births of around?one in four children ?under age 5 worldwide are never officially recorded, depriving them of a proof of legal identity crucial for the protection of their rights and for access to justice and social services.

Every day, 100 civilians - including women and children - are killed in armed conflicts despite protections under international law.

COVID-19 response

Human rights are key in shaping the pandemic response . By respecting human rights in this time of crisis, we will build more effective and inclusive solutions for the emergency of today and the recovery for tomorrow.

Human rights put people center-stage. Responses that are shaped by and respect human rights result in better outcomes in beating the pandemic, ensuring healthcare for everyone and preserving human dignity.

The UN Secretary General urged governments to be transparent, responsive and accountable in their COVID-19 response and ensure that any emergency measures are legal, proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory. “The best response is one that responds proportionately to immediate threats while?protecting human rights and the rule of law ,” he said.

To focus on “the true fight,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres?called for a global ceasefire , in an appeal urging warring parties across the world to lay down their weapons in support of the bigger battle against the?COVID-19 pandemic.??

More than 2 million people have signed the?online petition ?in support of the Secretary-General’s cease-fire appeal. You can sign it?here .

UN Peacekeeping Missions ?are continuing to carry out their mandates while also helping countries in their coronavirus response, which is guided by four main objectives: to protect UN personnel and their capacity to continue critical operations; help contain and mitigate the spread of the virus, ensuring that UN personnel are not a contagion vector; support national authorities in their response to COVID-19; and continue to deliver on key mandates.

The?UN refugee agency ?(UNHCR)?stepped up health, water, sanitation and hygiene services to protect refugees and displaced people, working with governments to ensure that people forced to flee are included in COVID-19 preparation and response plans.

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Facts and Figures

Violence against children

What's the Goal Here?

Promote peaceful and?inclusive societies for??sustainable development,?provide access to justice?for all and build effective,?accountable and inclusive?institutions at all levels.


People everywhere need?to be free of fear from?all forms of violence?and feel safe as they go?about their lives whatever?their ethnicity, faith or?sexual orientation.

Conflict, insecurity, weak?institutions and limited?access to justice remain?threats to sustainable?development. In 2019,?the number of people?fleeing war, persecution?and conflict exceeded?79.5 million, the highest?level ever recorded. One?in four children continues?to be deprived of legal?identity through lack of?birth registration, often?limiting their ability to?exercise rights in other?areas. The COVID-19?pandemic threatens to amplify and exploit fragilities across the globe.

What needs to be done to address this?

Governments, civil?society and communities?must work together?to implement lasting?solutions to reduce??violence, deliver justice,?combat corruption and?ensure inclusive?participation at all times.

Freedom to express views,?in private and in public,??must be guaranteed. From?2015 to 2019, the United?Nations recorded at least?1,940 killings and 106?enforced disappearances?of human rights defenders,?journalists and trade unionists across 81 countries,?with over half of killings?occurring in Latin America?and the Caribbean. Laws?and policies must be?applied without any form?of discrimination. Disputes?need to be resolved?through functioning??and justice systems.

National and local institutions must be accountable and need to be in?place to deliver basic?services to communities?equitably and without?the need for bribes.

How does this goal apply to me, wherever I live?

Crimes that threaten the?foundation of peaceful?societies, including??homicides, human trafficking and other organized?crimes, as well as discriminatory laws or practices, affect all countries.?

Even the world’s greatest?democracies face major?challenges in addressing?corruption, crime and?human rights violations?for everyone at home.

What would be the cost of?not taking action now??

Armed violence and insecurity have a destructive?impact on a country’s development, affecting economic?growth and often resulting?in long-standing grievances?among communities.?

Violence affects children’s?health, development and?well-being, and their ability?to thrive. It causes trauma?and weakens social inclusion. Lack of access to justice?means that conflicts remain?unresolved and people?cannot obtain protection?and redress. Institutions that?do not function according to legitimate laws are?prone to arbitrariness and?abuse of power, and less?capable of delivering public services to everyone.

To exclude and to discriminate not only violates human rights, but?also causes resentment?and animosity, and could?give rise to violence.

What can we do?

Exercise your right to hold?your elected officials to?account. Exercise your right?to freedom of information?and share your opinion with?your elected representatives.?

Promote inclusion and?respect towards people?of different ethnic origins,?religions, gender, sexual?orientations or different?opinions. Together, we can?help to improve conditions?for a life of dignity for all.??

Small Actions Add Up

  1. Make your voice heard and vote in elections. Especially locally.
  2. Participate in governmental decision-making processes in an informed manner.
  3. Stop violence against women. If you see it happening, report it.
  4. Find value in different demographics, thoughts, and beliefs for an inclusive society.
  5. Demonstrate a peaceful environment at home.
  6. Be passionate about your country's decisions, and remain peaceful when standing up for what you believe in.
  7. Read, write, or make a video to stand up for peace.
  8. Spend some time each week quietly reflecting on how you would like to relate to others.
  9. Volunteer at local anti-violence organizations and outreach programs.
  10. Host or participate in local community events to get to know one another in safe environments. Sporting events, barbeques, festivals, and so on.

To find out more?about Goal #16 and?other Sustainable?Development Goals, visit:?https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment

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