Can it possible to prevent Cyber Crime thru Digital Media?
The article is not to blame any one but blame yourself for not being alert.
All respected members of the Linkdin ,before I start my experience or one of my friends experience let me tell you the Modus operandi ,the app,the sweet voice call and what not. Do not get involved
1.when some one is calling you -Your Electricity will cut if you do not pay xxx amount
2 When there is message of blocking your Debit/Credit card from similar kind of Bank name ,and please call on xxxxx Number. e.f if you have acccount with SBI then the message will be like SIB n or similar to that which you feel its our Bank. Do not respond ,call but call to customer care rather than the number given in SMS. You are bound to get trapped if you call
3.Do not speak to the person calling from Rail booking .
4 Do not respond to call from PF office
5 Do not respond to Urgent courier co.. Fake one.
The bitter experience heard from one of my frined and all information given to me that the person who calls you is illiterate one. He will ask you to transfer fees of Rs 10 for services xxx provide or to avoid Electricity disconnection. Once you go to Gpay , the smart person takes charge of your Phone sending you a message and app. Once the app is sent on Whatsapp it goes in to settings and our phone control goes away which we do not come to know unless the money is withdrawn. He will keep a watch on Banks holiday like on Saturday they will make your Bank balance Zero/or Rs 500 which is minimum.
All these amounts are transfered to their main person from Zarkhand, West Bengal ,Bihar to intirior Branch and within one hour or so the money will be withdrawn and account is closed.
Naturally you will lodge a complaint with 1930 National Cyber Crime Branch who will register your complaint and it will show on their Site . You will get complaint Number by SMS. Whenever you want to see status you need to go to NCC site enter thru complaint number.
Once you lodge FIR .then within one day an Investigation officer is appointed to find out . You can call regularly or you visit their Cyber crime cell Unit where you will find 20 to 30 persons like you waiting to find out the status,urge Police officers to see what can you do to recover hard earn money.
Once you lodge complaint swiftly Police Investigation officer will find a persons name, his Account No, Bank Name, Branch Name etc but he will not find a solution or recover money. In front of him the money will be withdrawn by Culprits.
The Target to make FOOL to literate people every day is around Rs 2 Crore that is what I heard . The illieterate person who talk to you will get Rs10 to Rs 15 k per day per transaction. You will lose money and price for your mistakes which you can avoid not talking to the person once you are little suspicious. However he will try to convince you in such a manner that you will become scape goat and will lose money.All is heard .
Police officers will take all possible efforts to catch culprits but they can not enter in to the village where the money is transfered as the money is distributed to all those villagers and hence they will not allow any Police officer to investigage the matter or catch culprit. Home Ministry does not have time or even Home Secretary does not have time to find solution on it. Hence they will not able to help you.
For Example following is kind of status reported by Natinal Cyber Crime Branch on site.
Status by Police S No. Acknowledgement No. Date of Action Taken Status Remarks 1 XXXXXXXXX 01/04/2023 Under Process Status by Bank/Wallet S No. Acknowledgement No. Status Amount Bank Name Remarks 1 XXXXXXXXXXXX Transaction put on hold 49999.0 IDFC First Bank We have marked hold INR 200000/- in the account. However funds are withdrawn through ATM .What I understand a person that within half an hour or so the Balance amount was withdrawn. So its very difficult to control the WITHDRAWN.
You can get whats app message as under and also he will send an app which will be allow your phone control to Unknown Person.
Status by Police S No. Acknowledgement No. Date of Action Taken Status Remarks 1 XXXXXXXXXXX 01/04/2023 Under Process Status by Bank/Wallet S No. Acknowledgement No. Status Amount Bank Name Remarks 1 XXXXXXXXX Transaction put on hold 49999.0 IDFC First Bank We have marked hold INR 200000/- in the account. However funds are withdrawn through ATM
In above case Cyber Crime Branch had control over it to instruct Bank to do not allow TO withdraw money Rs 49999.00 but they failed to make any efforts to stop at least Rs 50 k.
In case of fraud via fake courier services. You will get on whats app the following message from a Unknown Person which will allow control of your Phone to a person who is sending you the message.
You are bound to lose money from your Account. So delete not only message but also app from settings. Untill you do not delete it the control will be with Unknown person
If you lose money you have to blame your self and not to the Police as they can not help nor Home Ministry can help you to get your money. In case if some one got the money Please write Article How to get your Money Back that will be useful to those who are suffered a loss .
ONE MORE VERY IMPORTANT THING IS If we get Rs 20k in our Account ,Income Tax will call for Explanation but I wonder Cyber Crime fradulents , do not have any Law? do not have any Expected Documents to submit to Bank? We are asked by BankONE MORE VERY IMPORTANT THING IS If we get Rs 20k in our Account ,Income Tax will call for Explanation but I wonder Cyber Crime fradulents , do not have any Law? do not have any Expected Documents to submit to Bank? We are asked by Bank KYC along with PAN and Adhar Card Copy. How these Cyber KYC along with PAN and Adhar Card Copy. How these Cyber Crime fradulent people ESCAPE of Income Tax Law. How they are not raided? Where do they keep this money? If they get Rs 300000 in one day and in one month Rs 30 Lacs how Income Tax does not ask to appear to explain about the receipt of money and source. If we book any flat we are asked to explain How you have managed to pay Builders Demand ? How Bank is not asking these guys to fill up KYC ? I am not understood. Income tax, Police, Cyber Crime should come together and recover money who has suffered. Why Govt is not doing any thing?
My Article is purely on the basis of Experince with known Person and hence to alert all those who will read this Article.
Any more question if you want to ask kindly write to me I will surely try to reply as much as I have knowledge
Kindly share it to those who are known to you.
I suggest Police Admin to conduct Seminar on Cyber Crime by Very Senior Police officer free of cost
I also suggest Bankers to conduct either on Zoom Seminar and question Answer session to aware People to save their hard earn money.
I also suggest RBI to Circulate Banks to conduct Seminar on Cyber Crime on Zoom or Google meet once a month with 100 people
Can any Channel take this issue to discuss with Pannel of experts ?
This Article is just to be Aware from Cyber Crime