The UN Represents The Governments Of The World. May A "Bell Of Atri" Represent The People Of The World? (Part 32)
The question of whether intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), e.g. the UN, are here to serve the People Of The World stands answered: No. The only option left to the People Of The World (other than reliance on their own intellectual & physical faculties to the best of their capacity) is a theoretical "Bell Of Atri" that would be designed to pursue what individuals can't achieve alone, i.e. provide a global perspective that would acquaint victims of the same problem but separated by geographical / legal / economic barriers, with the fact that they face a common threat that can be solved legally by a joint effort.
The question that automatically follows the aforementioned answer, however, is still unresolved: If IGOs are here to serve the Governments Of The World, under what conditions are their service obligations activated? Given below are a few headlines that seemingly necessitate the involvement of different IGOs; so why haven't the IGOs said a word or made a move (at least, publicly) yet?
"FIR lodged at CTD over 'threatening' letters to SC judges" - ARY News (April 3, 2024)
To summarize: On Monday (April 1), the mailroom of the Lahore High Court (LHC) received 5 letters that contained an unidentified powder, addressed to 5 LHC Justices, including the LHC Chief Justice; later on the same day, the mailroom of the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) also received 4 letters that contained an unidentified powder, addressed to 4 SC Justices, including the SC Chief Justice. The next day, Tuesday (April 2), the mailroom of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) received 8 letters that contained an unidentified powder, addressed to the entire IHC bench, including the IHC Chief Justice. The IHC alerted the Islamabad Police, who sent a team of experts to the premises to analyse the situation. Until now, the Islamabad Police has been unable to identify the addresser(s) & can only state that the letters were dispatched from the Rawalpindi General Post Office (GPO).
"IHC judges' accusations: SC adjourns suo motu hearing" - Business Recorder (April 3, 2024)
To summarize: On Wednesday (April 3), the first hearing of the suo motu action over the "IHC Justices' Letter" was held at the Supreme Court (SC). The Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) attended the hearing. However, not much progress was made & the hearing ended with an adjournment (until Monday, April 29), reportedly in order to explore the possibility of constituting a full court.
It is an established fact that all government departments worldwide, have a mailroom to receive mail, because any mail that comes to an official address is automatically classified as official correspondence & thus is not bound by the privacy rights of individual addressees.
Viewed in this light, the objective of the "suspicious powder" cases is unclear...because harming judges would not be possible, as the unidentified addresser(s) - assuming sanity - would have to be aware of. If the powder is identified as a harmful biological or chemical agent, the only victims it could affect would be the mailroom staff, which appears unlikely, given that the court mail distribution staff have no say in the adjudication of any sub judice case.
To further bolster the odds that the "suspicious powder" cases are just the work of a "copycat criminal" (to put it in American slang), is the fact that "white powder envelopes" are quite the fashion craze among pranksters & petty felons in the US, since the turn of the Century. Given how expensive genuine weaponized biological & chemical agents are, said envelopes usually contain some harmless item, e.g. talcum powder, & thus, only aim to disrupt or delay important work.
Therefore, it is downright laudable of the Supreme Court Justices, especially Chief Justice Isa, to have responded in a legal manner: Hearings have proceeded as per routine without inconveniencing parties to sub judice cases, & the IHC Justices' Letter case is still viewed as a routine legal proceeding (as evidenced by the leisurely 26 days until the next hearing).
However, the issues that the current situation raises, pose a question: Where are the relevant IGOs &/or IGO subsidiaries, e.g. the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), etc.?
"World Bank urges full implementation of SOE act, privatization" - Mettis Global (April 2, 2024)
To summarize: The World Bank (WB), echoing the views of its sister agency, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has reportedly stipulated the accelerated privatization of 14 loss-making State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), i.e. Pakistan International Airlines, Pakistan Steel Mills, Pakistan Railways, Water & Power Development Authority, plus the 10 electric companies based in Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Sukkur & (former) Tribal Areas.
"FERC Finds Fans And Foes Of Wall Street's Utility Ownership" - Law 360 (March 27, 2024)
To summarize: The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is in the process of re-examining its policy that allows mutual funds to be major shareholders in electric companies in the US. According to opponents of the policy, said funds are secretly dictating the objectives & practices of the electric companies, to benefit fund clientele at the expense of electricity consumers. Until now, the enforcement of the funds' "silent partner" status was left to the funds themselves; however, opponents are pushing for an official supervisory role to ensure an improvement in the funds' actual compliance record.
In view of the fact that, since over 3 months, the US utility sector has been under official scrutiny over the potential risk of unethical business objectives &/or practices, as a result of alleged pressure tactics from mutual funds with major shareholdings, on what legal grounds may the WB &/or the IMF demand the acceleration of the privatization process - especially of domestic electricity suppliers - sans the institution of ground rules to prevent similar legal & financial challenges in Pakistan? If such challenges should result from WB &/or IMF haste, will the WB &/or the IMF be held culpable - or will legal responsibility for any potential infraction be laid at the doorstep of the Pakistan Government (elected &/or appointed) officials involved in the process?
Where are the relevant IGOs &/or IGO subsidiaries, e.g.the International Energy Agency (IEA), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC), etc.?
"I have been given the authority over you, & I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; & if I do wrong, set me right." - Abu Bakr Siddiq, First Caliph of Islam