The UN Represents The Governments Of The World. May A "Bell Of Atri" Represent The People Of The World? (Part 54)
"Imports hold back US economy in first quarter, inflation flares up" - Reuters (April 25, 2024)
To summarize: The US economy has fallen to its lowest numbers in 2 years, with a build-up of unsold (mostly imported) goods in the warehouses of the majority of American consumer goods businesses. Even more discouraging is the fact that inflation continues to accelerate. While US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen described domestic conditions as "an economy firing on all cylinders", the numbers have dashed hopes of a Fed rate cut, even in September this year. As a result, Wall Streets stocks have slipped further, the US Dollar's international devaluation has accelerated, & US Treasury yields are climbing.
"The US is one of the least trade-oriented countries in the world - despite laying the groundwork for today's globalized system" - The Conversation (April 25, 2024)
To summarize: Splendid news for the common American! The fact that the international trade sector is in the doldrums doesn't matter, because the US economy is almost-entirely independent of it! The US trade-to-GDP ratio (i.e. the total expenditure on imports & exports as a percentage of GDP) for 2022, was 27%, as compared to the global average of 63%, UK at 70%, France at 73% & Germany at 100%. The textbook reason is that, if a country is prosperous enough to support a broad range of industries, it can satisfy all its goods & services needs domestically & needs almost nothing from abroad. Thus, the reason that Washington has always exhibited such a great interest in international trade matters, is not domestic necessity, but its role as the architect of the post-WWII international economic system.
Perhaps the most confusing phenomenon in global business today, is seemingly-contradictory messages. The barrage of opposing perspectives is so unending, that average workers, traders, investors & speculators, worldwide, are left scratching their heads, almost every day, wondering whom to believe? Take the aforementioned 2 news stories:
The Reuters article is authored by Ms. Lucia Mutikani, a Thomson Reuters journalist who specializes in macroeconomics news coverage. Ms. Mutikani's report indicates that the US economic slump can be gauged via the domestic turnover of its imported goods...which is (depressingly) at its slowest in 2 years.
The analysis in The Conversation is authored by History Professors Peter A. Coclanis & Leon Fink. Professors Coclanis & Fink argue that imports have never been important to the US economy, & that Washington only pushed for the current international economic system (run primarily by UN subsidiaries, the International Monetary Fund & the World Bank Group) to ensure lasting US influence in the economic activities of every other major economy in the world.
In reality, neither of the aforementioned items is incorrect: They simply highlight different aspects of the same topic, leaving the final analytical & interpretational tasks to the reader(s). This is a fairly common issue in practically every major professional field from science to art. As an illustration, take the 2 main theories of color vision (as taught in Clinical Psychology):
The trichromatic theory suggests that human beings have cells that detect blue, red & green wavelengths, which then combine into other colors to create the visible spectrum, e.g. while we often see greenish-blue or blueish-reds, we do not see reddish-green or yellowish-blue.
The opponent-process theory suggests 3 "opponent" channels, each consisting of an opposing color pair: red versus green, blue versus yellow, & black versus white.
Both the Trichromatic Theory & the Opponent-Process Theory are considered accurate-but-incomplete, i.e. each theory describes one aspect of the topic of color vision. In order to truly understand the topic, students must master both perspectives.
Similarly, the US does depend greatly upon imports to fuel not only its consumer markets but also to boost its domestic brands; the catch that keeps its trade-to-GDP ratio deceptively low is that most of its imports are from Pakistan, which seldom sells its exports under a Pakistani brand name; given that branded goods/services are always costlier than their non-branded counterparts, the revenue required for US-Pakistan trade is negligible, thus fostering the misconception that "the US has never been dependent on imports".
This clarification also serves to shed light on the question of why would Washington bother to launch the IMF & WBG? The reason is not global politics, but a seemingly-brilliant strategy of minimizing expenditure on exports by creating organizations that would convince poor countries to sell goods sans branding to rich countries, so as to enable the former to stagger along & the latter to satisfy its domestic industrial & consumer markets at affordable prices.
However, as all competent financial experts understand, no business model can last unchanged for infinity; no matter how brilliant, every financial strategy must be capable of evolution, or else it will degenerate into a practice that undermines the very objective it was initially designed to advance. That is what has happened with the International Monetary Fund & World Bank Group; these 2 UN subsidiaries have served US markets (since 1958 & 1960 respectively, when they signed their first agreements with Pakistan) efficiently & consistently for decades; but now, after ~65 years, their business models have mutated into strategies that are downright harmful to US economic interests. For example, the draconian fiscal policies they stipulate in Pakistan, have dragged down Pakistani export capacity, thereby compelling Washington to endorse relatively-inferior imports from competitor countries, e.g. China, or far-costlier imports from competitor countries with stronger branding policies, e.g. South Korea.
Meanwhile, in keeping with the underlying laws that dictate the mission statements of the Governments Of The World & the Intergovernmental Organizations (that bind them to work for the advancement & stability of official authority), neither Washington nor the IMF & WBG have taken a step back from their current policies & evidenced by US Ambassador to Pakistan (former Chicago lawyer & fluent Arabic speaker) Donald Armin Blome's advice to Islamabad to continue lobbying for an Extended Fund Facility from the IMF, even though all previous IMF loans (viewed collectively) have eventually zeroed Pakistani export productivity, to the severe detriment of American industrial & consumer markets.
"The more passive one's life in the field, the greater the need to reverse the situation when one returns home, which is why the arcane & authoritative character of academic writing may be seen, to some extent, as a vengeful reaction to the inertia, uneventfulness, & waiting one had to endure as a guest at someone else's banquet. A way of redressing an existental imbalance, as it were, reclaiming authorial will by superimposing one's own meaning on theirs..." - Michael Jackson