The UN Represents The Governments Of The World. May A "Bell Of Atri" Represent The People Of The World? (Part 66)
Some Governments Of The World & some Intergovernmental Organizations, have seemingly reverted to the age-old misconception that has convinced many an authority over the millenia, that influence & omnipotence are one & the same thing. To extend the range of the damage that said belief inflicts upon the believer, the Governments & IGOs that fall for this misconception, also begin to subscribe to the mistaken notion that those who are uninterested in governmental &/or intergovernmental positions (that define current officeholders) & who advocate a balanced relationship between the rulers & the ruled, espouse the cause of the poor & powerless because they don't know how to think & act like the prosperous & powerful.
For instance, is it possible that some governmental & intergovernmental decisionmakers entertain the notion that the purpose of the Bell Of Atri is to represent only disadvantaged People Of The World, & to disregard the interests of their more fortunate compatriots? Do some of the "rich & famous" assume that the Bell Of Atri's advice & suggestions don't protect their long-term interests, too? If that is what they think, then they have spent too much time listening to ignorant &/or insane governmental/intergovernmental ramblings.
The Bell Of Atri (as can be confirmed by anyone who has had legal &/or financial dealings with me in the past...if they feel like exercising their right to accurate communication) never protects the interests of one party without ensuring that the interests of the other party are also respected. Given below is the first tranche of evidence with which the Bell Of Atri will make an effort to prove to the "wealthy & influential" People Of The World, what their relatively "impoverished & unknown" counterparts are wise enough to have already understood.
"Pakistan’s PM Orders Action Against Officials for Negligence in Implementing Track and Trace System" - World Echo (May 7, 2024)
To summarize: Federal Secretary Imdadullah Bosal has submitted his "revision" of former Secretary Tariq Bajwa's inquiry report; the Bosal Revision accuses a number of current & former Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR) officials of faulty planning & inadequate enforcement of the Track & Trace (T&T) System...even though it & Finance Minister M. Aurangzeb's confirmatory report, completely disregard the involvement of Authentix, the Texan company that actually did the allegedly "faulty & inadequate" work required to launch the T&T System. On hearing the Bosal Revision, Prime Minister S. Sharif immediately ordered punitive action against all accused parties (linked with the FBR only); the PM also ordered a review of all licenses & agreements, & demanded the inclusion of third-party audits & alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms.
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Article 2:- Everyone is entitled to all the rights & freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
The Constitution Of Pakistan Article 13 Protection against double punishment & self incrimination:- No person:-- (a) shall be prosecuted or punished for the same offence more than once; or (b) shall, when accused of an offence, be compelled to be a witness against himself.
1-A. In view of the Black's Law Dictionary definition of "prosecution" (i.e. a proceeding instituted & carried on by due course of law, before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining the guilt or innocence of a person charged with crime), on what grounds did Prime Minister S. Sharif reject the findings put forward in Mr. Tariq Bajwa's inquiry report (other than PM Sharif's - & the IMF's - distaste for the lack of guilty parties, in the FBR only, to illegally penalize & publicly humiliate)?
1-B. Should the Bosal Revision fail the test of admissibility, could PM Sharif's motives to order a second inquiry (within days of the conclusion of the first) be legally interpreted as "malicious"?
1-C. In view of the fact that every political party in the democratic world (other than in nations like the UK, where political parties command a semi-legitimate position, in the presence of the prevailing monarchical ruling systems), is effectually a Limited Liability Company (or occasionally, a Limited Liability Partnership), how could alleged malice against innocent parties by the Managing Director (or Managing Partner) of a political party, compromise said party's legal status & financial prospects?
1-D. In view of the seeming disregard for the accused (former & current) FBR officials' right to defend themselves, prior to facing any penalty, who all could any/all of them sue - PM Sharif (&/or the PM's Office), Secretary Bosal (&/or his team members), the PML-N (&/or its current coalition partners)...?
1-E. Should the PML-N (&/or its current coalition partners) lose a damages lawsuit by unjustly-accused (former &/or current) FBR officers, could that derail the legitimate careers of any/all uninvolved members of the PML-N (&/or its current coalition partners), as well as drain the investments made by contributors & financiers of the PML-N (&/or its current coalition partners)?
"Wheat scandal: 'Import continued till second month of elected govt'" - ARY News (May 7, 2024)
To summarize: The latest publicly-available information reveals the Pakistan Caretaker Government wasn't the only administration to illegally import wheat in the presence of a bumper domestic crop; Prime Minister S. Sharif reportedly continued to authorize the import of hundreds of thousands of tons of wheat right through February, March & April (2024). This news has shaken the confidence of the People in PM Shehbaz Sharif's motives.
2-A. While suspicions that Prime Minister S. Sharif could have attempted to "inquire" into a case in which he himself (& possibly, those of his relatives in positions of authority) is an accused, have probably deepened as a result of Punjab Chief Minister Mrs. M. Safdar's orders for the arrest of protesting farmers, may full legal verification of the allegations take a while (given that Mr. S. Sharif is the PM, & because the Supreme Court is reportedly still metaphorically weeping over the alleged unsuccessful attempt to murder the SC mailroom employees using talcum powder as a potential murder weapon)?
2-B. However, given that PM S. Sharif knew of his own potential involvement in the fiasco, was he not legally obligated to recuse himself from the investigation? After all, his brother (Mr. Nawaz) just needed to hear that he had been declared "a swine" by the Supreme Court in order to bow his head & slink out of the PM's office without a squeak of prior protest? In view of the fact that PM S. Sharif did not recuse himself, did he act in bad faith towards all stakeholders, e.g. Pakistani wheat farmers, Pakistani wheat consumers, etc.?
"Italy's mafia turns to white-collar crime as murder, extortion fall out of favor" - Reuters (May 6, 2024)
To summarize: The Italian Mafia has reportedly begun to leave its bloody ways behind & embrace non-violence (in the form of white-collar crime), as evidenced by official statistics that reveal the 1991 death toll at 700+ & the 2022 death toll at 17. The reason for the reformation of the Cosa Nostra, the Camorra & (the most notorious Italian cartel in the world) the ' the august United Nations subsidiary, the World Health Organization, whose COVID-19 lockdowns & social-distancing protocols decimated the global economy (& still failed to prove it had saved any lives), thereby necessitating billions of euros in "COVID recovery" funds that were meant for legitimate financial victims, but mostly wound up in the hands of the "reformed" Italian Mafia.
"For finance titans, the US economy rules" - Yahoo (May 7, 2024)
To summarize: Contrary to the prevailing sentiment among common Americans over the US economy, the "financial titans", e.g. Harvey Schwartz (CEO of Carlyle), Ron O’Hanley (CEO of State Street Bank), Jane Fraser (CEO of Citi), etc., who attended the 2024 Milken Institute conference in Beverley Hills, were stunningly happy over the current state of the American economy. The mood at the conference was reportedly accurately summed-up by IMF MD Kristalina Georgieva, "There is reason to be happy about the US performance. The US has a remarkably strong labor market. It has ample supply of labor. It has the tremendous advantage of being an energy exporter. It has the privilege of the dollar."
3-A. How come the International Monetary Fund hasn't clamored for the suspension &/or prosecution of the Italian &/or EU tax authorities? Is it because the cause of the chaos is the policies enforced by the IMF's sister UN subsidiary, the WHO? Or is it because the ECB relies almost entirely on the humorously-named "PIGS" - i.e. Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain - to keep the EU economy afloat, after the economic crash of France & Germany?
3-B. Speaking of the IMF, did MD Georgieva's sunny remarks on the "strong" & "ample" American labor market, translate as her belief that, when faced by further devastating poverty, the average American worker will dramatically slash his/her wage standards...& save Wall Street?
3-C. The aforementioned "financial titans" reported casual disregard for the US economic recession among their European investors, who have declared that they will continue dumping billions of dollars into the "ruling economy of the world"? What legal & financial consequences may the titans (& their employers) face, should the "billions" being carted to the US turn out to be EU COVID recovery funds embezzled by transnational organized crime cartels?
"We must learn to live together as brothers or die together as fools." - Martin Luther King Jr.