The UN Pact for the Future – A New World Order? – A Direct Challenge to the Security Council – And to the Global Financial System – A Global Takeover?
Did you know that the Resolution for the Pact for the Future was accepted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20th September 2024? And that no votes were cast or counted?
BOOM has examined the document carefully and it begs many questions.
CLAUSES 66 AND 67 ARE THE DYNAMITE CLAUSES – They are effectively a Declaration of War against the Security Council, its right of Veto Power and the original United Nations Charter. They are a revolution against the United Nations as we have known it since 1945.
Quote: “We will transform global governance and reinvigorate the multilateral system to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of today and tomorrow.”
“We resolve to make the multilateral system, with the United Nations at its centre …”
“ …. ensuring adequate, sustainable and predictable financing for the United Nations …”
“We will reform the Security Council, recognizing the urgent need to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable.”
“We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.” …. “to pursue governance reforms at the international financial institutions and multilateral development banks …. to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions …”
“We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to mobilize additional financing for the Sustainable Development Goals, respond to the needs of developing countries and direct financing to those most in need.”
BOOM sees the Pact for the Future as essentially an attempt to re-write the Charter of the United Nations (established, Post World War 2, in October 1945) by blatantly “transforming global governance”. It is also an attempt (in effect) to Veto the Security Council, to threaten its very existence and/or its makeup.
All of the (many) good intentions in the document on other matters are always for The Greater Good, of course.
The overall aim seems to be for the General Assembly to be totally controlled by a selected (not elected) non-representative central committee of elites with the Security Council abolished. This is not a vision of global democracy.
Some would call it a Communist Manifesto, a takeover of global affairs by an unelected group of selected Utopians – in effect, a global coup d’etat.
Others would perhaps suggest that this is the revenge of the remnants of the German National Socialist Party because Germany was not included in the Security Council (for obvious reasons) in 1945. This begs the question – are the modern day remnants of the German National Socialists behind the Pact for the Future? Or are other more nefarious forces involved?
Who (exactly) wants to destroy the Security Council and its power of Veto?
And, most importantly, why does the Security Council have to be reformed?
Putting aside the all important questions of intent and rationale, BOOM calls the document itself a Utopian Socialist Manifesto. The 4 fathers of Utopian socialism, Thomas More, Charles Fourier, Horace Greeley (a follower of Fourier) and Karl Marx (Greeley’s employee), are all watching approvingly from their graves. Many others from 1945 may also be watching with interest … Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler in particular.
Note: The UN Charter entered into force on 24 October 1945, following ratification by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States—and a majority of the other signatories. This is considered the official starting date of the United Nations, with the first session of the General Assembly, representing all 51 initial members, opening in London the following January, 1946.
Note: The word “sustainable” is not mentioned in the UN Charter. However, it appears 177 times in The Pact. The word “digital” is not mentioned in the UN Charter. But it appears 163 times in The Pact. The word “health” is only mentioned 4 times in the original UN Charter. It is mentioned 24 times in The Pact.
Full Text of UN Charter 1945 plus Amendments:
Full Text of Pact for the Future 2024:
So what else did the rest of the 56 page Resolution contain?
BOOM has read it for you. It was, indeed, a tedious task.
BOOM’s comments are in bold after key excerpts from each Clause. There are two Annexures at the end of the document. BOOM will deal with those on a later date.
Annex 1 — Global Digital Compact
Annex 2 — Annex II Declaration on Future Generations
Now to consider the document Clause by Clause with BOOM’s comments in Bold after each excerpt. If your time is short, you can skip to Clause 64 where the real purpose of the document is revealed. Clauses 64 – 82 are essential reading if you wish to understand the gravity of this plan.
Clause 1.
“We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future.
BOOM: This sounds like a Global Government claiming its own (unelected) legitimacy in “representing the peoples of the world”. They claim to “represent the peoples of the world”, however, BOOM can’t remember elections being held to appoint these people. Can you? NONE of them have been elected by the people of any nation in any election. These individuals represent no one but themselves as they seek to destroy the original UN Charter and to disrupt the balance of power as envisaged in the Charter.
Clause 2.
“We are confronted by rising catastrophic and existential risks, many caused by the choices we make.”
“Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.”
BOOM: This clause was clearly written by someone trained in the psychological warfare of threat ideology. The document suggests that the threats are all your fault, by the way.
BOOM has written on this subject recently.
THREAT IDEOLOGY — What is Threat Ideology and why is it being used?
Clause 3.
“Advances in knowledge, science, technology and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.”
BOOM: The operative word here is “could”. Technocracy “could” save us. Or maybe not. But the choice will not be yours. It will be theirs. They state that clearly as “the choice is ours” – not “the choice is yours”. That is a critical observation to make about the nature of the document.
Clause 4.
“we resolve to set ourselves on that path, striving for a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous, a world in which well-being, security and dignity and a healthy planet are assured for all humanity.”
BOOM: Lots of good intentions and virtue signalling listed here. However, as we all know, the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions …… and virtue signalling.
Clause 5.
“This will require a recommitment to international cooperation based on respect for international law …… Our challenges are deeply interconnected and far exceed the capacity of any single State alone. They can only be addressed collectively, through strong and sustained international cooperation …’’
BOOM: Your Nation is not part of the equation unless it cooperates (with them). They clearly propose a Supra-national solution to all of the aforementioned “threats”.
Clause 6.
“We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the centre, must be strengthened to keep pace with a changing world. They must be fit for the present and the future – effective and capable, prepared for the future, just, democratic, equitable and representative of today’s world, inclusive, interconnected and financially stable.”
BOOM: They, the authors of this Pact, want more power “at the centre”, “representative of today’s world”. They claim power over you now and for the future. For the Greater Good. Where and when have we heard this before in history?
Clause 7.
“we pledge a new beginning in multilateralism”
BOOM: They mentioned “at the centre” in Clause 6 – so they needed to soften that a little in the very next clause to obfuscate the quest for centralised power. Here, in Clause 7, they call it “multilateralism”. “Multilateralism” is the vague term that hides their real intention of centralised Global Governance by a cabal of globalists.
Clause 8.
“We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to act in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations and its purposes and principles.”
BOOM: Here they mention international law and claim to be a part of it …. when they are not and never have been. The principles and conceptual framework of the United Nations Charter were formulated incrementally through a series of conferences by the Allied nations (alone) during the Second World War. There was no international law involved at the time, no consensus of all world nations. They state their “unwavering commitment” to the UN Charter presumably because they seek to undermine and replace it.
Clause 9.
“We also reaffirm that the three pillars of the United Nations – sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights – are equally important, interlinked and mutually reinforcing”
BOOM: Here they avoid any mention of the term “fundamental freedoms” which are referred to in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations. All references to race, sex, language and religion are also avoided. These are also in Article 1 of the original 1945 Charter.
Quote from the UN Charter: “The universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion”.
The word “sustainable” does not appear in the original UN Charter. It appears 177 times in The Pact.
Clause 10.
“We recognize that sustainable development in all its three dimensions is a central goal in itself and that its achievement, leaving no one behind, is and always will be a central objective of multilateralism.”
BOOM: Here, “sustainable development” and “in all its three dimensions” becomes a “central goal in itself”. And, of course, they must re-iterate for The Greater Good by using the euphemistic phrase “leaving no one behind”. They throw in that word “multilateralism” again for good measure.
Clause 10.
“We recognize that sustainable development in all its three dimensions is a central goal in itself and that its achievement, leaving no one behind, is and always will be a central objective of multilateralism.
“We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 1 and its Sustainable Development Goals. We will urgently accelerate progress towards achieving the Goals, including through concrete political steps and mobilizing significant additional financing from all sources for sustainable development, with special attention to the needs of those in special situations and creating opportunities for young people.”
BOOM: What (exactly) are “the three dimensions” of “sustainable development”? There’s that word “central” mentioned again – twice. And “leaving no-one behind” (a euphemism, virtue signalling for the Greater Good) along with “multilateralism” (Globalist Governance).
And then a quest is launched for money – “significant additional financing” – will be required, to help the poverty stricken, of course.
Clause 11.
“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, with adverse impacts that are disproportionately felt by developing countries … “
BOOM: Climate change is a major threat or is it a device for the acquisition of power? The rest of the Clause contains more virtue signalling for The Greater Good of poor nations.
Clause 12.
“To live up to our foundational promise to protect succeeding generations from the scourge of war, we must abide by international law, including the Charter, and make full use of all the instruments and mechanisms set out in the Charter … “
BOOM: Here, they re-iterate that they wish to uphold the UN Charter, not undermine it. Does this hide their true intentions to undermine it? This should have been Clause 1, should it not?
Clause 13.
“We reaffirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
BOOM: Oh, yes, time to mention the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which BOOM thinks should have been Clause 2.
Clause 14.
“we step up our efforts to promote tolerance, embrace diversity and combat all forms of discrimination, including racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and all their abhorrent and contemporary forms and manifestations. “
BOOM: It looks like the lawyers have intervened here, saying that you can’t mention the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights without making a statement about discrimination. So, a statement of high ideals to avoid discrimination was hastily drafted as Clause 14.
Clause 15.
“None of our goals can be achieved without the full, safe, equal and meaningful participation and representation of all women in political and economic life.” …. “and to eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.”
BOOM: This clause is dedicated to a separate class of human beings called “women and girls”. Readers can reach their own conclusions about why this group is regarded as separate from the rest of the human race.
Clause 16.
“We reaffirm our pledge, made on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, to reinvigorate global action to ensure the future we want and to effectively respond to current and future challenges, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. We recognize that the well-being of current and future generations and the sustainability of our planet rests on our willingness to take action. To that end, in this Pact we commit to 56 actions in the areas of sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance.”
BOOM: Money is requested (again). The first parts of this clause are all camouflage for the real intentions which concern the financing of “development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and (here is the real intention, listed last) “transforming global governance”.
Clause 17.
“We will advance implementation of these actions …..”
“We will review the overall implementation of the Pact …”
“We are confident …”
BOOM: They will do something, they promise, with all the money we will give them. Scout’s honour.
Clause 18.
“In 2015, we resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty, hunger and want and to heal and secure our planet. We promised that we would leave no one behind. We have made some progress … ”
“Progress on most of the Goals is either moving too slowly or has regressed below the 2015 baseline”
“Poverty, hunger and inequality have increased. Human rights are under threat, and we run the risk of leaving millions of people behind.”
BOOM: Some honesty, at last. After 9 years of stellar effort, since 2015, they have failed. There was some progress, then it moved too slowly and regressed. Sadly, despite their best efforts, poverty, hunger and inequality have increased. Human rights are under threat and there is the risk of leaving millions of people behind.
Clause 19.
“sustainable development in all three of its dimensions”
“Sustainable development …. human rights and fundamental freedoms …. gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls …. sustainable development ….. urgency and renewed vigour …. the multilateral system can turbocharge our aspirations …. we will place people at the centre of all our actions”
BOOM: Again the phrase “sustainable development in all three of its dimensions” is used. What (exactly) are the three dimensions? More Buzz words. Buzz words. And more Buzz words. Then lots of good intentions. A sceptical reader begins to think — Is this The Road to Hell?
Clause 20.
“We reaffirm that the Sustainable Development Goals are a comprehensive, far reaching and people-centred set of universal transformative Goals and targets. We reiterate our steadfast commitment …. revitalize …. We will strengthen our actions to address climate change ….. We reaffirm ….”
“mobilize significant and adequate resources and investments from all sources for sustainable development”
BOOM: The request for money comes again –– “Mobilize significant and adequate resources and investments from all sources for sustainable development”
Clause 21.
“Eradicating poverty, in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is an imperative for all humankind”… “Take comprehensive and targeted measures” … “Take concrete actions …”
BOOM: More buzz words. Blah, Blah, Blah. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.
Clause 22.
“We remain deeply concerned that one third of the world’s population remains food-insecure ….”
BOOM: After 79 years of UN action, a third of the planet is still hungry. Another admission of failure.
Clause 23.
“We are deeply concerned by the growing Sustainable Development Goal financing gap facing developing countries …”
BOOM: A huge Clause concerning …. the growing financing gap. It boils down to yet another request for more money.
Clause 24.
“We are committed to a rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable and transparent multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization at its core. …”
BOOM: The Rules Based Multilateral Order, of course.
Clause 25.
“We express our deep concern at persistent inequalities within and between countries and at the slow pace of progress towards improving the lives and livelihoods of people everywhere …”
BOOM: More lack of progress despite 79 years of UN action. A long list of good intentions is supplied.
Clause 26.
“We reaffirm the need to build peaceful just and inclusive societies that provide equal access to justice and that are based on respect for human rights, on rule of law and good governance ….”
BOOM: More good intentions in abundance.
Clause 27.
“We recognize that the achievement of full human potential and sustainable development is not possible if women and girls are denied full human rights and opportunities. ….”
BOOM: More on the special, separate sub-class of human beings called “women and girls” along with another list of good intentions.
Clause 28.
“We are deeply concerned at the current slow pace of progress in addressing climate change. ….”
“Reaffirm the Paris Agreement temperature goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre -industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels …”
“so as to achieve net zero by 2050 in keeping with the science”
“Recognize that adaptation finance will have to be significantly scaled up to implement the decision to double adaptation finance “
“Further operationalize and capitalize the new funding arrangements, including the Fund “
BOOM: More slow pace of progress despite years of UN efforts. “The Science” will provide The Answers? And, of course, more money, much more money will be needed to further operationalize and capitalize the new funding arrangements.
Adaptation finance will have to be scaled up to double adaptation finance. BOOM is not sure what the term “adaptation finance” could mean other than a blank cheque?
Clause 29.
“We are deeply concerned about rapid environmental degradation …. climate change …. sustainable … sustainable …..climate change …”
BOOM: More good intentions on …. climate change …. sustainable … sustainable …..climate change …”.
Clause 30.
“We also recognize that sport can contribute to individuals’ and communities’ health and well-being.”
“sustainable development …. sustainable development…. sustainable development….”
BOOM: More Buzz words on sport this time. And, of course, more “sustainable development”.
Clause 31.
“sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. “
BOOM: Clause 31 — “sustainable development ….” mentioned over and over again.
Clause 32.
“We are concerned about the increasing and diverse threats to international peace and security, particularly violations of the purposes and principles of the Charter, and the growing ….”
“we reaffirm” …. “we reiterate” …. “we urgently address ….”
BOOM: More lack of progress from the UN …. on Peace this time.
Clause 33.
“We take note of the New Agenda for Peace …”
BOOM: So Peace has a new Agenda? What (exactly) is that?
Clause 34.
“sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. sustainable development …. “ and “sustainable peace ….”
BOOM: Here, after mentioning “sustainable development” numerous times, they announce a new goal – “sustainable peace” — a lofty ideal indeed.
The next 15 Clauses are about achieving Peace – as expected, it contains a monumental, huge list of good intentions. Let’s move forward to Clause 49.
Clause 49 sits under the Header — Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation.
Clause 49.
“Innovations and scientific breakthrough that can make our planet more sustainable and our countries more prosperous and resilient should be affordable and accessible to all.”
BOOM: Clause 49 is a long introduction to the section titled Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation. The above excerpt is the final sentence containing the key word of “sustainable”. The rest of the large paragraph includes the words “aspirations”, “potential”, “benefits”, “progress” and, of course, “leave no one behind”. You get the drift?
Clause 50.
“We will deepen our partnerships with relevant stakeholders, especially the international financial institutions ….”
BOOM: That sentence says it all. They want “deep partnerships” with international financial institutions. Money makes the world go round? The word “sustainable” only appears once in the Clause, thankfully.
Clause 51.
“ …. enhanced international cooperation, engagement with relevant stakeholders, and by promoting an inclusive, responsible and sustainable digital future. We have annexed a Global Digital Compact to this Pact … ”
BOOM: The word “sustainable” appears twice. They announce a Global Digital Compact to this Pact. It is included as an Annexure to the Pact.
Clause 52.
“We will be guided by the principles of equity and solidarity ….”
BOOM: Solidarity is not mentioned in the European Convention on Human Rights nor in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And it is not mentioned in the original UN Charter. A Frenchman, Pierre Leroux, a Utopian Socialist coined the term socialism and he also introduced the concept of non-legal solidarity.
SOLIDARITY 1917 – ONE BIG UNION – Does this remind you of anything in history?
Industrial Workers of the World journal “Solidarity” (June 30, 1917 issue)
Clause 53.
“Science, technology and innovation are critical to support and enable sustainable growth and climate action ….”
“Scale up financing from all sources for scientific research and research infrastructure that supports sustainable development ….”
“Attract and support private sector investment in science, technology and innovation, and deepen public-private partnerships ….”
BOOM: There’s that word “sustainable” again. It is used 5 times in Clause 53. This is a lengthy polemic. But the real purpose is here — “Scale up financing from all sources” and “Attract and support private sector investment”. More money please.
Clause 54.
“We recognize the opportunities and risks presented by science, technology and innovation to promoting, protecting and fulfilling all human rights ….”
BOOM: Linking science and technology to human rights. At last, a Clause which BOOM can agree with wholeheartedly.
Clause 55.
“Science, technology and innovation can improve gender equality and women’s and girls’ lives ….”
BOOM: What has science, technology and innovation got to do with gender equality? Nothing. But EVERYTHING has to be political. Again, the authors see “women and girls” as a separate class of human being.
Clause 56.
“We recognize the need for science, technology and innovation to be adapted and made relevant to local needs and circumstances, including for local communities, traditional Afrodescendent populations, and Indigenous Peoples, in line with the principle of free, prior and informed consent, as appropriate …..”
BOOM: Yes, EVERYTHING has to be political. As, if or when appropriate.
Clause 57.
“Support national Governments to leverage science and technology for sustainable development ….”
BOOM: It’s been a while since the words “sustainable development” have appeared in the document. High time to throw it into the mix (yet again).
Clause 58.
“ …. we welcome the important contributions of young people to peace and security, sustainable development and human rights. … ”
BOOM: Presumably they added this clause under Science, Technology and Innovation to mention the words “sustainable development” yet again? BOOM can’t see any other reason for the Clause.
Clause 59.
“We recognize that children and youth are distinct groups from future generations. ….”
“We have annexed a Declaration on Future Generations to the Pact for the Future ….”
BOOM: BOOM cannot understand how our children and youth can be separated from future generations — unless future generations will be created by someone else?. So The Pact for the Future requires a special, extra Declaration on Future Generations? Why?
Clause 60.
“young people must have access to safe, inclusive, equitable and quality education opportunities, including in emergencies ….”
“…. invite the Secretary-General to update Member States on the proposal for a Global Youth Investment Platform ….”
“… Accelerate efforts to achieve universal health coverage to ensure that all young people enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including immunizations and vaccinations ….”
BOOM: Why mention “emergencies” here? And yet another request for money with no detail whatsoever …. for “the proposal for a Global Youth Investment Platform”. A special mention here on immunizations and vaccinations but not on good dental health, good diet etc.
Clause 61.
“ … We reaffirm the importance of ensuring the full enjoyment of the rights of all young persons, protecting them from violence and fostering social inclusion and integration ….”
“ …. Address the adverse impact of climate change and other environmental challenges that constitute threats to the ability of young persons to enjoy their human rights and a clean, healthy and sustainable environment ….”
BOOM: BOOM can agree readily with this Clause in almost all respects. However, why is there a need to mention “climate change” here? Politics, that’s why.
Clause 62.
“ …. Address the challenges and remove barriers that prevent full, meaningful and effective participation of all youth, including for young women, young persons with disabilities and young persons of African descent ….”
BOOM: After referring to the participation of all youth ……. Why the need to especially mention “including for young women, young persons with disabilities and young persons of African descent ….”? Why not mention young persons of Asian, Anglo-Saxon, French, Guatemalan or Mexican descent? Again, everything must diverge into yet another, disconnected political message.
Clause 63.
“Call for contributions to the United Nations Youth Fund ….”
BOOM: More money please.
The Banner for this next section is — Transforming global governance. Now we move (finally) to the real purpose of the document.
“Today, our multilateral system, constructed in the aftermath of the Second World War, is under unprecedented strain. It has had remarkable achievements in the past 80 years. But we are not complacent about the future of our international order, and we know that it cannot stand still. We will take action to strengthen and reinvigorate multilateralism and deepen international cooperation. We reaffirm unwavering commitment to international law, including the Charter, to address global challenges, some of which could overwhelm and threaten all of humanity. A transformation in global governance is essential to ensure that the positive progress we have seen across all three pillars of the work of the United Nations in recent decades does not unravel. We will not allow this to happen.”
BOOM: They prefer not to call it Global Governance. The euphemism “Multilateralism” obscures their intentions.
“… . We renew our commitment to multilateralism and international cooperation, guided by the Charter and the principles of trust, equity, solidarity and universality. We will transform global governance and strengthen the multilateral system to help us to achieve a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous…. “
BOOM: More multilateralism. The word “sustainable” appears, yet again.
We will transform global governance and reinvigorate the multilateral system to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of today and tomorrow.
“We resolve to make the multilateral system, with the United Nations at its centre …”
“ …. ensuring adequate, sustainable and predictable financing for the United Nations …”
BOOM: The key goal OF THE DOCUMENT IS HERE explained – buried at Clause 66 (and 67) and not at the beginning of the document. And, of course, transforming Global Governance with the UN central committee at the centre requires money – LOTS OF MONEY.
Another key goal explained – buried at Clause 67 and not at the beginning of the document.
“We will reform the Security Council, recognizing the urgent need to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable ….”
“we agree on the following guiding principles identified in the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council in accordance with General Assembly decision 62/557 of 15 September 2008 as parameters for reform:
“(a) Redress the historical injustice against Africa as a priority and, while treating Africa as a special case, improve the representation of the underrepresented and unrepresented regions and groups, such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean;
(b) Enlarge the Security Council in order to be more representative of the current United Nations membership and reflective of the realities of the contemporary world and, taking into account our commitments of Sustainable Development Goal 16.8, increase representation of developing countries and small- and medium-sized States;
(c) Continue discussions on the issue of representation of cross-regional groups, taking into account that small island developing States, Arab States and others, such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, have been mentioned in the discussions of the intergovernmental negotiations;
(d) Intensify efforts to find an agreement on the question of the categories of membership, taking into account the discussions held in the intergovernmental negotiations process;
(e) The total number of members of an enlarged Council should ensure a balance between its representativeness and effectiveness;
(f) The working methods should ensure the inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable functioning of an enlarged Council;
(g) The question of the veto is a key element of Security Council reform. We will intensify efforts to reach an agreement on the future of the veto, including discussions on limiting its scope and use;
(h) As part of a comprehensive reform, the inclusion of a review clause should be considered to ensure that the Security Council continues over time to deliver on its mandate and remains fit for purpose.”
BOOM: Is this the beginning of a new United Nations? Or is it the end of the United Nations?
Clause 68.
“We support the Member States-driven nature of the reform of the Security Council, and will intensify efforts for the reform … “
BOOM: More on reforming the Security Council.
“We will continue to improve and democratize the working methods of the Security Council and strengthen its relationship with the General Assembly, in accordance with and with full respect for their respective functions, authority, powers and competencies as enshrined in the Charter …”
“…Improve the participation in and access to the work of the Security Council and its subsidiary organs for all members of the General Assembly …”
BOOM: They want to destroy the Security Council as it is now. And its Veto. Then control it.
“We reaffirm the central position of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations.”
BOOM: They want to destroy the Security Council. And its Veto.
“ …. a balanced integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development and supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda ….”
BOOM: More Blah on the three dimensions of sustainable development (whatever they are).
“ … We affirm our commitment to strengthening the Peacebuilding Commission …”
BOOM: More Blah on Peace
“We underline the importance of the United Nations system remaining effective, efficient and impactful. Blah, blah, blah ……”
“ … Stress the need for the selection and appointment process of United Nations executive heads and senior positions to be guided by the principles of transparency and inclusiveness, and carried out in accordance with all the provisions of Article 101 of the Charter of the United Nations, with due regard for recruiting staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible and gender balance, and adhere to the general rule that there should be no monopoly on senior posts in the United Nations system by nationals of any State or group of States. “
BOOM: More Blah. More Blah. Then a move to undermine the status quo in selections.
“ ….. human rights ……..”
“Recall the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights … “
BOOM: More Blah on Human Rights.
We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.
“Reform of the international financial architecture is an important step towards building greater trust in the multilateral system. We commend ongoing reform efforts and call for even more urgent and ambitious action to ensure that the international financial architecture becomes more efficient, more equitable, fit for the world of today and responsive to the challenges faced by developing countries in closing the Sustainable Development Goal financing gap” …
BOOM: The UN challenges the global financial system.
We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to strengthen the voice and representation of developing countries.
“ … We recognize the importance of continuing to pursue governance reforms at the international financial institutions and multilateral development banks. We underscore the need to enhance the representation and voice of developing countries in global economic decision – making, norm-setting and global economic governance at international economic and financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions. …”
BOOM: The UN challenges the global financial system.
We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to mobilize additional financing for the Sustainable Development Goals, respond to the needs of developing countries and direct financing to those most in need.
“Developing countries require enhanced access to financing from all sources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Flows of capital to many developing countries are falling, and more capital is leaving many developing countries than is coming in …”
BOOM: The UN challenges the global financial system.
“Borrowing is vital for countries to invest in their long-term development. Countries must be able to borrow sustainably, and have access to credit on affordable terms, while ensuring full transparency. ….”
BOOM: The UN challenges the global financial system.
We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture to strengthen its capacity to support developing countries more effectively and equitably during systemic shocks and make the financial system more stable.
“The growing frequency and intensity of global economic shocks has set back progress on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We recognize the role of special drawing rights in strengthening the global financial safety net in a world prone to systemic shocks, and their potential contribution to greater global financial stability.”
BOOM: The UN challenges the global financial system.
We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture so that it can meet the urgent challenge of climate change.
“Climate change and biodiversity loss exacerbate many of the challenges facing the international financial architecture and can undermine progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Developing countries should have access to finance to be able to pursue their interrelated objectives of achieving sustainable development, including poverty eradication and promoting sustainable, inclusive, resilient economic growth, and addressing climate change. Investment in sustainable development and climate action is essential. The international financial architecture should continue to channel and increase additional financing towards both sustainable development and climate action. Developing countries face increasing financing needs, especially those particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, leading to a growing demand for finance …. “
BOOM: Back to the obscuring cloak of Climate Change and Climate Action as the ultimate threat. The UN again challenges the global financial system.
We will develop a framework on measures of progress on sustainable development to complement and go beyond gross domestic product.
“We recognize that sustainable development must be pursued in a balanced and integrated manner. We reaffirm the need to urgently develop measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product …”
BOOM: More obscurantist language on Climate Change, Climate Action and “sustainable development”. To go where no man has ever been – beyond Gross Domestic Product.
“We recognize the need for a more coherent, cooperative, coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks and the central role of the United Nations in this regard. Complex global shocks are events that have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population, and that lead to impacts across multiple sectors, requiring a multidimensional and whole-of-government, whole-of-society response ….”
BOOM: Sigh. More centralised Global Government.
We will strengthen our partnerships to deliver on existing commitments and address new and emerging challenges.
“We recognize the importance of the United Nations engagement with national parliaments and relevant stakeholders …..”
“Enhance cooperation between the United Nations and regional, subregional and other organizations, within their respective mandates, which will be critical to maintaining international peace and security, promoting and protecting human rights and achieving sustainable development.”
BOOM: More blah, blah, blah about engaging with National Governments. Then the last paragraph reveals the true agenda – to go beyond National governments to link the UN directly with regional and sub-regional organizations inside nations.
We will strengthen international cooperation for the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes and for the benefit of all humanity.
“ … The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 identifies the exploration and use of outer space as the province of all humankind.”
BOOM: The UN wants to extend its reach to Outer Space. Sigh. Extra-Global Governance.
Annex 1 — Global Digital Compact
Annex 2 — Annex II Declaration on Future Generations
In economics, things work until they don’t. Until next week, make your own conclusions, do your own research. BOOM does not offer investment advice.
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By Dr Gerry Brady