Un-Inspiring Words

Un-Inspiring Words

Another cold and windy day arrived, and at first glance, it appeared some of the snow we were getting last night, decided to linger. You can be certain I was exceptionally careful driving to work early this morning because the streets were showing a thin coat of ice which I've always considered 'black ice' because of how it's not so easily noticed. Thank goodness I realized how icy it was while approaching a stoplight. I'm now wondering how many people had fender-benders this morning.

It was definitely a rough and tumble day from the get go, and it all began when I began reading the title work on a home I'm preparing to get closed. Once I'd gathered my senses, I placed a necessary call to the owner, which turned out to be an unpleasant one, but at least I managed to maintain my composure while being bombarded with un-inspiring words. Yes, there are times when we Realtors end up being the whipping posts for things others did or didn't do.

Out of that conversation came an immediate need for me to take a drive up and over to Mitchell County which ate-up nearly my entire morning, but at least I managed to get a needed signature on a document which I then notarized and delivered back to the examining attorney's office. One positive thing that came out if it, was my being able to get another good look at the business district of a town which I've always found to be the most charming. If my job of real estate didn't have me chained to Mason City, I could easily see myself living there.

Since I came back thru Nora Springs, I decided to make a quick stop at Hy-Vee East and pick up a few things I was needing, and while there, one of their supervisors came up to me and asked where he could find the names of the developers of Eastbrook Subdivision which is out on the east side of our city. After a moment's thought, I said, “Since you live out there, you'll certainly be able to find those names in your abstract of title.” My goodness! I couldn't believe how thankful he was for giving him a head's up on where that information could easily be found.

Once back to office, I busied myself with several files needing my attention, and while working on them, a past client stopped by for several blank forms she was needing which I always have on file, and once I gave her what she needed, our conversation returned to a subject we almost always end up on. Since we'd not spoken to each other in well over a year, there were more real-life stories to share. I always tease her a little bit by saying, “Now please don't think I'm one-upping you but....” Yes, there were definitely some hair-raising stories we shared which caused a few goosebumps to appear.

As of now, it looks like we may have 2708 - 19th St. SW fully under contract tomorrow, and from what the buyer's already shared with me, it looks like there'll be few if any issues to deal with before it reaches the closing table. As he was walking out, I sincerely wished him the very best with his plans. I will say, there'll be a few in our midst who'll be wishing they purchased that big chunk of land when they had the opportunity. Oh well, like they always say, when you snooze, you lose.

Due to a problem our Real Estate Commission was having with their online payment system, I had to make a few calls and follow up with an email to them, just to prove that I'd already paid their fees, and thank goodness about two hours later, my certification showed up in an email. My gosh! If the world only knew how much I hate making online payments. Ugh!

Yes, it was very much a topsy-turvy day, and exceptionally glad it's over. Now be sure to take a really close look at tonight's vintage photo, just so you can see how particular that woman was about her appearance. I'm sure she was quite the 'looker' in her day.

Tonight's One-liner is: We have two jobs on this earth; the first job is to learn, and the second is to cope.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/11/21/un-inspiring-words/


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