UN French Language Day
Babel Group
Global language, cultural and communications training to drive your business and empower your staff internationally.
French is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and French Language Day is celebrated annually on 20 March.
It's estimated that there are thousands of French words that have made their way into the English language over the centuries. Many of these words are borrowed from French due to the cultural and historical influence that France has had on the English-speaking world.
French has traditionally been considered a language of refinement and sophistication, with many French words having been adopted to add a touch of elegance to the English language – mostly relating to fashion, food, art, and literature.
Today with the help of technology, the world is becoming more globalised, meaning different languages and cultures are interacting with each other as they never could before. This has led to an inevitable exchange of words and phrases between many languages. And we Anglophones love a bit of linguistic thievery and appropriating words from other languages to pretend we knew them all along!
A selection of Babel’s favourite French words or phrases that are used in everyday English include:
bon appétit – to express enjoyment of a meal
bon voyage – to wish someone a good trip
camouflage – a pattern used to blend in with one's surroundings
chauffeur – a driver, often for a private car or limousine
cliché – meaning overused or stereotypical
cul-de-sac – a dead-end street or situation
débris – broken pieces of material
décolletage – a low neckline on a woman's dress or blouse
déjà vu – the feeling of having experienced something before
en masse – meaning in a group or all together
en route – something is on the way
encore – a request for an additional performance, often used at the end of a recital
ennui – a feeling of boredom or dissatisfaction with life
fa?ade – the front or side of a building
fait accompli – a completed action, an inevitable outcome
faux pas – a social mistake or blunder
fiancé – a man to whom someone is engaged to be married
lingerie – women's undergarments or sleepwear
matinée – an afternoon performance, often used in the theatre or cinema
montage – a sequence of images or scenes put together to create a larger work
née – commonly used to denote a woman's maiden name
passé – outdated or old-fashioned
pot-pourri – translated into English is ‘rotten pot’, but are fragranced dried flower, fruits and herbs used to get rid of bad odours
rendezvous – a meeting or appointment, especially a romantic one
RSVP – an acronym (répondez s’il vous plait) meaning please respond, usually included in an invitation
sabotage – intentionally damaging or interfering with something
souvenir – a memento or keepsake