40th annual debate - only education can sos now!
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
GlobalVillage tour 22.2.22 boston dhaka womensverse NY
2022-1983: Each year with a new spring, the ops and threats of hosting this debate exponentially accelerate (to all in Ukraine- love you all -sorry havent been back since meeting hundreds of young ukrainans mediators in 1999- you are the old continents' millennials finest).
TO ANYONE : Let's hope that you'll join in with one of 6 learning maps below (each flows into each other the way human lives develop) so that 8 billion beings value the last chance to celebrate why only the younger half of the world can sustain our futures
Half a century ago Economist's favorite entrepreneur made his biggest mistake as he transitioned from smartest young Asian in oil corporation world to half a century of serving the very poorest women ever to be linkedin
. He built 15000 homes with all his life savings to try to help the every poorest village mothers the world had ever spun. No sooner than the homes were built (and incidentally oxfam was praising the most effective building project in history than fazle abed realised his mistakes. Down every pathway of his 100000 person metavilage mothers were dying of starvation , infants were dying of dirrhea. What they needed was education gearers to vilage busiensses rising as to date the way humans model business is the only way change (life-saving community) gets scaled.
Over 50 years a billion Asian mothers have done more to end poverty than all the paper money global business or aid or crypto-whiz or professors have economised. Quite simply 6 dimensional chnages to educationb out of every global vilage rissing has owed more to billioan asian girls than any other segemnt of humanity - whether you consuder the eights of male versu female time old versus young times rich versus poor - or you go search what the one sixth white world has not yet returned equiatably to the 5 sixth non whites it mainly colinised up to 1945. Three potentailly smart things started up in 1945 though its not clear to me if any white intellectauls understto them combinatorially- world war 2 ended (with madman betan and one madman still in power); the united nations was birthed; the greatest mathematical brains ever assembled (eg neumann, einstein et al) started up a new engineering potential ; unlike the 6 by 30 year generations of glasgow's 1760 engines, this new engineering promised 100 time more tech every decade- within two anda half generations (ie now) 99.99% of everything humans could do/connect to each other would have chnaged - but would education's 6 dimensions:
in no particular order the 6 dimesnison are:
skills education for adults needing a life saving job (the first challenge anbed and billion moetehrs faced 1972)
pre-school - the last chalenge abed took on once he had foudned a university in 2001
primary - ie atound 7 to around 11 (aka pre-adolesence)
teen ie adolescence - a time where over 60% who will have to entrepreneur tehri own livelihoods need apprenticing as much as examining
colleg education - in an era of 100 tiem more chnage per decade - professors need to be questioned far more than they need to examine
in a world chnaging its ESGs or its sdgs everyone nedds to be a student and a mentor- ironically the only people not capable of helping milennials be teh ssuatainbility generation are the unions who block anyone with a prarctical skill mentoring anyone else where communities need that last mile service
something quite extraordinary happened twice- the furst btwo decade4s of the worldwide web saw almost no progress in digital open source education - ok in usa one charity khan academy- thats not a lot isnt it?
the 2010s saw 4 global education summits start up around asia - each of which understtod a part of what a billion women had by now chnaged human development around while apparently not understand ing the need to bridge all 6 dimensions;
and then covid hit - and digital education suddenly became the main resource- this was extremely uncomfirtable for any government who in most cases hadnt even backed one opublic servant horse on digital education's racetrack
so we can all go king tut tut tut - or we can leap forward and celebarte education by and for all - all the human wrongs washingtoin dc like sto shout abouyt count for naught unlss we connect tehse 6 education dimensiosn maps; this is eveidnt fo=rom wht washinbgton did to afghanistan girls with 2 trillion mkispent; it is evident with the craziness of europe wide security still depending on americans in the pentagon ; no wonder putin has tens of thousands of miles of border games to play and the mn adnesses of musical chair democracy of the white g7 get crazier each year (us can brit fran germ ital and double dip Eu)-doesnt look like these players have begun to learn 100 times more chnage every decade does it.tok ti tac toe- blah blah blah- lets just focus on education and health and maybve even putins peopel will see that vilage communities can rise if and only if their arctic circle and the west mediate climate- bizarrely it is the north eurasian coastline which will according to most ocean models drown or save us all - by arguing over land borders we missing the point that naures oceans wave far more future consequences than what 8 billion 2 legged people can impact unless we scale the 100 time smore intel per decade we were given -
here are some projects which humans can get on even as dc and brussels fiddle
www.womensverse.net- lets listen to what the 10 smartest aisian supersrtar women want to do wuith the 2020s -can they team up with the 6 education multipliers and communities represnbting billion womens globalk vilage empoiwerment
lets celebrate www.musicforsdgs.com like there is no tomorrow;
lets celebrate ai hall fo fame - if neumann was alive today which 20 tech brains would he advise younger half of teh world demand all tecahers know about as far as the S of ESg's main societal markets are concerence namely
feed girls
heal girls
skill girls
let girls design public serviecs metqvilage 1000000 person neighborhoods valuie where all lives matter
anhd yes G is about both audit models (governace of social bsuiens intel) and 6 dimensional finace (which billion vilage women siorted out after tehy saw what education they needed )
which of course leaves us with E - whats got to change through 2020s on climate , on inffarsttructure, on decerasing arms budgets, on loving the first generation whsoe lives depend on ending vruses of being borderless not buiulding walls pretending we are segregable
Younger half of world are first sustainability or last extinction generation. Empower them to imagineer future now through (AI Hall of Fame- eg 20 tech wizards von neumann would most value working with now); colored young womensverse;
UNsummitfuture 2023 turning ESG and 17SDG into reality mapmaking (make a list of any trillion dollar plus market of the approximately 80 trillion dollars annually accounted; what purpose would need to be compounded by that market to unite all people in joyfully saving livelihods of next children born)
1945 history back starts with g8 leaders listening to rest of the world which they havent this century- in cornwall the big agenda needing foixing was covid not macro's stinking fish; we didnt just need to shasre best vaccines with the poorest; if we shared them with russians too - there world have been a different far north attitude across old world which after all is where the arctic circle meltdown will likely be the climate crisis that multiplies all climate crises;
Clues of what sustainability twin place exchnages need to adapt if climate, health, peace, media, education's last chance matters to older half of world as much as it does to the chikldren
what happened between 2022 and 1945 is a strange story of how did grandparents disunite from parents disunite from the younger half of the world- its a talle full of dismal monopoly professions and failing to integrate engineers where lawmakers only tread; it is the lack of freedom of speech and the compound lack of morality of markets; the exact opposite of what adam smith (or any nature systems mapmaker let alone any of the 30 greatest mathematicians to have ever lived) begged generations to mediate between 1760 and 1914 (which mainly the g8 failed to do), and then from 1914-45, and then with birth of UN; and again which has failed with 2.0 engines (aka industrrial rev 3,4) between now and 1945; it is a tale of ruling the world by 8 far north capitals- excluding peoples in the tropics or the south even though thats where most huimans need to be included since 1945; it is the greatest mistake of being only of the engliish midnset instead of haveing at least 2 language versions in your head/herat as well as a real maths version map mother earth's diversity
Which of these trillion dollar global markets do you think is not yet sustaining a place you love most? Why? Ideas? on what to do 1 finance; public servants; 1z peacemakers; 2 food or drink; 3 health 4 education (at which ages) 5 lives matter last mile service 100000 people communities; 6 energy 7 media (real or digital) 8 tech 9 transportation-infrastructure 10 sports or any fashion market younger half of world mainly make and celebrate 11 homes 12 commons land use 13 oceans 14 anything else? We suggest a 30+ capital survey AI Hall of Fame is now more important than the Olympics or any superstar platform (however we agree with Olympians at Tokyo & Beijing who want to twin their fame with youth being the Sustainability Generation). Citizens wanted to help with AIHF: Net?Bang?NY?SV?Ja?Gla?.IS?HK?sea sing.. [email protected]
Related why sustainability depends on Rural Revolution 4 as well as Industrial Revolution 4 - marco polo university 10, columbia university 0 - who's youth rights who; unless columbia community engages with UN more than wall street it could be curtains
Hypothesis - if the UN did not exist we would have no way to SOS : Sustain Our Souls - 8 billion by 2030.
In 1962, The Economist reported & President Kennedy seconded win-win supercity maps thanks to Deming alumni out of Japan, Korea,S, Taiwan. Hong Kong, Singapore - miraculously peoples of the far east asian coastline were freed from the harm the 2 big island empires Japan and UK had done over a century that began with Britain's imposition of the world's worst currency opium; 15 years of the peace umbrella the US offered this coastline suddenly made its trading's simplicity for small entreprise supply chains and startups the world's most valuable to trade round and for cities of as many as 20 million peoples to co-prosper around the most extraordinary engineering. Never have people's lives grown so fast or innovated so collaboratively
========================================Q&A on what do you mean AI
BY AI we mean what von neumann would expect AI to be sustaining -for , with and by millennials - now that his alumni (and moore's 100 times more tech per decade)?are on 70 years experiential learning curve and the UN is past its 75th. This may include what the adjectives tech or e- mean when applied to changing a trillion dollar market's transparency and purpose aligned to ESG. Guterres has directly sought briefings from such groups as www.futureoflife.org, stanford, a digital cooperation panel of world experts as well as geneva's ITU hosting online #aiforgood and clarifying which operational branches eg who wfp unesco etc ai-good is app'd to. Moreover geneva Through world economic forum ai links to leadership debates on industrial revolution 4?where the tokyo IR4 hub stimulated Japan's agenda's of society 5.0 and Osaka Track.?https://www.google.com/search?q=ai+%22osaka+track%22+OR+%22society+5.0%22 There is also AI literacy- countries like singapore and korea see ai as a literacy starting with teachers of every grade -personally if a teacher cant progressively pass a drivers test of helping youth imagine sdg changes with ai i would in most cases prefer they were exited from the professions. But then back in 1984 i co-authored 2025 report with dad at the economist - our core hypothesis transformation of education would determine sustainability or extinction. My understanding is that von neumann's family, the new biographer of von neumann "man from future" as well as dad 1993 biographer of von neumann all unite in urging that only massive tech collaboration can save us from?our current acceleration towards simultaneous breakdown of civilisations and either massive reduction of human population or extinction. When i talk about education I also mean smart media- both us and british media are implicated in eg why covid (a relative harmless plague compared with what could have been) has spiraled so much loss and fake politicians. I am also very interested in where is a DAMO partner flourishing eg my neighbor is changing nih?https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/tigerlelu/ When I was in toronto canadians had also led sherpa to 2016 hangzhou g20 however what trudeau has done since has broken trust of so many and it remains unclear in spite of tapscott whether canada is scaling ai and blockchain in any ways of global significance. AI hall of fame canada nominations offer a chance to determine that?one way or the other. (eg canada used to lead advance modeling of pandemics but has curt investment in that according to Larry Brilliant once canada's strongest supporter of health risk AI).?https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/un-best-worst-years-chris-macrae-ma-damtp-cantab/?
we welcome other ways of including everyone in AI -
eg1 for example: there is so much work to do to make4 every community sustyainable that any place which says it can afford to employ all millennials has either broken education or broken financial systems ; the positive way of putting this : an age or artistic and last mile service joy and lives matter for all
(In singapore job reallocation already happens for coders etc)
WORLD CLASS EDUCATION LUMINARY PANELS NOW INCLIUDE SCIENCE FICTION IMAGINEERS: 2016 was first a global education summit where science fiction writers offered more exciting ideas on educational transformation than any other lumniary co-discip0lie; indeed in severa of asia's worlld changing nations this sci-fi role is championed by both governmjent and busienss :; why not let university students open space debate: whats it means that science fiction no longer exists because almost anything is now imaginable: if and only if enough brains and artificial-intel is pot on this - there is something very alarming to us that the 1960s moon race decade was effectively the first and last time public servants in west challenge quarter of a generation to a decade-long collaboration leapfrog goal -if there had been more moonshots on earth there would be no climate crisis only climate opportunity- but please note interpretation every community next child is born into needs to be a thriving space to grow up in - if we are not integration nature's abundant diversity even as we become 100 times more hyperconnected our species will go the way of the dodo by 2200 (ie we have already stopped producing 3 time great grand children)
teachforai.com teachforun.com econmistai.com economistun.com teachforsdgs.com unsummitfuture.com 2025report.com adamsmith.app [email protected] wash DC can US capital be transformed from world's most hopeless place to most hopeful by 2025? chrismacrae.com worldrecordjobs.com abedmooc.com povertyuni.com economistyouth.com economistfuture.com ecop26.com next stop of million youth dialogue 30 march 2022
For those who agree that the world's biggest markets are not yet purposed for sustainability -here are clues taught us by fans of the world's billion most sustainably-true mothers - education 4.1?adult skills;?4.2?primary;?4.3?teen ;?4.4?university;?4.5?pre-school ;4.6?multidisciplinary education luminaries health opportunities
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
3 年Peacemakers As a journalist my father's greatest scoops including meeting von Neumann - instructed to ask leaders what will you do with 100 times more tech each decade; earlier serving as teenage navigator allied bomber command stationed today's Myanmar- with google maps in head; 3 occasions to APP these : son-in-law of sir ken legalese for India's independence;; only journalist at Messina 1955 birth of EU; after 17 years writing leaders for the economist choose to survey (hprevious enemy) Japan 1962 when freed to sign one survey a year. Dad's game of risk "player's advantage" so to speak : home schooled in British embassies including Stalin's Moscow and ports Jews escaped Hitler. He'd seen one of 2 mad men on winning side of world war 2; the design chalenge of United Nations, Dad's 1962 survey joyful: Japan (+ s Korea Taiwan) soon far east coastal belt to HK & Singapore invented 2 economic models supervillage, supercity so all Asia could rise in multi-win trading (nb unlike consuming up things active knowhow multiplies value in use. vN insisted industrial revolution 3 needed to map above zero-sum games. Unlike JFK, English mindsets no fan of Japan's US of Asia .In 1963 dad's survey of USSR - yes Russia a sad place for people to be, but no economic success; Moscovians were not even able to buy a ballpoint pen when dad visited. By 1980 dad's gut said Berlin wall to fall by 1990. He wrote 5 chapters (2025report 1984) : PREP the West to celebrate opportunity- collaborate with new Russia to end installing dictators round world that cold war had spun. NB half of world's frozen energy (arctic circle) is the peoples of Russia: celebrating their 1989 freedom economic & ecological & moral imperative. Failure of western politicians to redesign peace shows failing to do right thing at right time penalises whole world - or now in 2020s your whole species. You the peoples cannot just blame western politicians for losing the moment ; media, education are always on. Western media & edu failed to ask questions our children needed - see eg www.economisrussia.com www.economistsports.net www.teachforsdgs.com www.2025report.com
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
3 年Peacemakers As a journalist my father's greatest scoops including meeting von neumann and being instructed to ask leaders what will you do with 100 times more tech each decade; and serving as teenage navigator allied bomber command stationed today's mynamar- this gave dad google maps in his head; 3 early occasions to APP these : marrying daughter of sir ken who wrote up legalese for india's independence; being only journalist at messina birth of eu; after 17 years writing leaders for the economist choosing to sutvey (his previous enemy) Japan 1962 when freed to sign one survey a year. Dad's other game of risk "player's advantage" so to speak was being home schooled in britiesh embassies including stalin's moscow and ports where jews were escaping hitler. Thus dad was aware that one of 2 mad men would be on winning side of world war 2 and would need to be outlasted by all who sought to unjite nations, Da's 1962 survey was joyful (japan with s korea taiwan) soon down far east coatal belt to hk and singapore had inveneted 2 economic models supervilage, supercoty around which all asia could rise in multi-win tradingt - the main purpose von neumann had insisted industril revolution 3 needed to map. Dad was not popular with empire politicians in advising reforem Japan could be trusted to help lead united states of Asia .In 1963 dad's survey of USSR sent the CIA ballistic - yes russia was a sad place for people to be but it was not an economic sucess; Numbers saying it was were fiction - moscovian were for example not even able to buy a ballpoint pen the year dad visited. Twenty tears later - dad was certain that the berline wall would fall before 1990. He wrote 5 chapters on how the west could celebrate this opportunity- colaborating with the new russia to end the game of installing dictators round the world that the cold war period had spun. TYhe total failure of wetern politicains to redesign peac when the berlin wall fell shows how sometimes failing to do the right thing at right time penalises the whole world for a generation - or now in 2020s our whole species. We the peoples cannot just balem western politicians for missing the moment ; media, education are always on. In both cases western media and education has systemically failed to ask the questions just ahead of time our children needed - see eg www.economisrussia.com www.economistsp[orts.net www.teachforsdgs.com www.2025report.com
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
3 年1 finance - in most of west's richest nations tech does not yet serve either the poorest or the middle class or the place's younger half; usa is especially bad/sad www.economistyouth.com with student debt allegedly now even larger than credit card debt; - what was astonishing about subprime was cashless and digital finance is order of magnitude less costly to do last mile savings loans transactions than paper money - so why no segmentation benefiting different people groups. In Asia where people have advanced (communities) financial entrepreneurship has led the way - look at eg www.bkash.com the world's largest cashless bank in terms of population. However bkash connects up to 30 other village collaboration enetrepreneurial systems www.abedmooc.com that took 15 visits to bangladesh to map www.abedmooc.com - so strange as it may seem we do need eg united nations to provide a media lead (eg Guterres 2023 www.summitfuture.com www.economistun.com www.teachforun.com) where are we the people mapping sustainability entrepreneurs in way that biggest corporates or biggest governments are not solely in the middle of?? chris .[email protected] - come blog at www.economistbank.com or add a comment where can finance help with either UN 17 sdgs or change all three of Environment*Society*Governance (Professional monopolies) by and for humanity (joy, love, safety, hope, goodwill?)? In 40 years of journalism at The Economist my dad thanked his lucky stars t5at he had met John Von Neumann while apprenticing as journalist in New York. Neumann suggested he asked sustainable leaders what will your purpose be in a decade with 100 times more tech. We believe it is time the younger half of bteh world linked in a worldwide survey - ciodename AI Hall of Fame. Where are places linked to an AI guru whose alumni are celebrating youth as the Sustainability generation? chris www.2025report.com www.teachforsdgs.com
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
3 年WHERE DOES PLACE's EDUCATION CELEBRATE WORLDWIDE ai SUPPORT OF YOUTH AS sd gen? Zhongguancun https://bs.bnu.edu.cn/mbaenglish/newsevents1/news2/125761.html https://www.sinovationventures.com/ https://web.cvent.com/hub/events/efc3ec4c-8b39-454b-a185-afb09b69c9b8/sessions/dba89990-8aee-4b10-ba02-0514fc4b7ad2