UN Acknowledges Genocide but Falls Short on Action
In a startling turn of events, Craig Mokhiber, the former Director of Human Rights at the New York office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), tendered his resignation during the recent resurgence of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Dated October 28, 2023, Mokhiber's letter marks his final official communication in his capacity as Director. He opened his letter with a poignant statement: "High Commissioner, we are failing again."
The OHCHR's perceived inability to address the quest for peace and safeguard human rights has taken a heavy toll on the lives of many Palestinians. Mokhiber's letter underscores the acknowledgment, within the UN, of atrocities including genocide and apartheid. The personal nature of the letter resonates deeply, shedding light on the UN's prolonged failure to address these ongoing human rights violations against the Palestinian people.
Of particular interest is the second page of Mokhiber's letter, where he writes, "In recent decades, key parts of the UN have surrendered to the power of the US and the fear of the Israel Lobby, forsaking these principles and retreating from international law itself."
While the United Nations is founded on principles of respect for international law, it appears that when it comes to Israel's actions against the Palestinian people, these principles are often abandoned. The United States, as a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), holds veto power over resolutions and has frequently used this power to shield Israel from international condemnation. Furthermore, the U.S. has been a major impediment to Palestine's full UN membership.
Acknowledgment of international agreements such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 and related covenants is essential. Israel's consistent violations of these agreements, including arbitrary arrests, murders, and acts that amount to genocide, have gone largely unpunished. The narrative often presented is that Israel's actions are in response to the presence of Hamas, despite a lack of concrete evidence. These actions have included the use of white phosphorus and attacks on refugee camps in Gaza. Hospitals, schools, and residential buildings have been targeted in the name of "attacking terrorists," leading to a high civilian casualty rate.
The term "anti-Semitic" is frequently invoked in response to criticism of Israel's actions against the Palestinian people. However, it is essential to differentiate between criticism of a government's policies and anti-Semitism, which should not be conflated.
Ceasefire resolutions have been proposed repeatedly in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, but Israel has often breached these agreements. The recent call for a ceasefire was rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stated, "Calls for a cease-fire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas." This rejection adds to the complexities of achieving a lasting peace in the region.
The challenge for the United Nations remains that the U.S. wields veto power in the UNSC. Despite the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, UDHR, and other covenants against genocide and war crimes, practical action is often limited. The international community continues to grapple with how to address these ongoing human rights violations and achieve a just and lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The UN is limited in its actions as long as the US retains its veto power within the organization. Despite the UN Charter, UDHR, and other covenants opposing genocide and war crimes, practical options for the UN remain limited.
It is my personal view and opinion.