When I was in Paris, France 2 weeks ago, I asked Designer-Founder of Umane Paris Valerie Brun to model some of her jewelry * High-end jewelry manufacturer, each of the UMANE Collection pieces is one of a kind. Valerie has no web site and told me, a year ago : "My Collection is yours to represent and sell, no one else will have access to it!" WOW ! What an honor, I responded.
I met Valerie Brun and her Business Partner Maé Jund, 10 years ago in Basel, Switzerland. Their atelier in Paris includes very talented Jewelers. I sat with them for 2 hours as a model Maker was giving the last touch on a wax model for a very intricate special order Bracelet - Fascinating! Jewelry is Art. Available, worldwide, Exclusively from GerardRiveron
* Valerie will be in Boston for a personal appearance November 14 & 15, 2017. Stay tuned for details !