Uluru, Monuments and Belief Systems
Genesis 1:26 reads 'Then God said' “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”
This small collection of words has essentially defined western man's 'relationship' with nature for 500 years, perhaps more - a meme set deep into our conscious and subconsciousness that would ultimately crystallise in male patriarchy chipping away at the more matrist world of indigenous cultures. Capitalism is a birth child of this belief system.
The word 'dominion' looms large amongst them all providing licence to both view and treat nature as subservient and expendable to man's needs. However, like a sharp knife that cuts rather than a blunt stick that hits, mother nature is increasingly bearing her scars from this patriarchal blade.
Which takes us to the topic of the recently enforced ban of climbing Uluru. Those disputing the ban point to freedom of access - it's my rock as much as theirs - it's just a rock! It appears the whole notion was lost as to why the Anangu people wished to close Uluru, especially to those who rushed to climb it in the closing days and hours before the ban came into effect. This is what Daniel Kahneman would classify as 'System 1' thinking - shallow and emotional. If 'System 2' thinking was engaged, perhaps a more conscious and unbiased expression of thought and discourse would prevail. Perhaps a conclusion could be reached where one asks "what am I gaining by 'conquering' this rock?"; "was my purpose genuine and respectful?"; and "could I have gained a similar appreciation and connection simply by looking and being in its presence?"
Aside from taking the indigenous argument based on respect and spirituality where Uluru has been the ancestral heartland of the Anangu people for 30,000 years, let me posit a contrarian and evidence-based argument in support of the ban by taking a more comparably ‘western’ view of spirituality.
Every Defence Force base in the world has a parade ground in place where strict rules apply as to how personnel move within and around it. For the Australian Army, a passage on their website reads:
"Within the Australian Army, the Parade Ground holds a symbolic representation of a sanctuary of a unit’s fallen soldiers and in line with this symbolism it is deemed “hallowed ground” and is respected as such" [1].
Sound familiar?
Other western built monuments or ‘hallowed ground’ such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, Mt Rushmore monument and Westminster Abbey also restrict activities such as climbing, scaling and in some instances the taking of photographs under the guise of security, safety but ultimately respect. In these instances, we seem to apply an ironic and mythical application of un-dominion and over-respect for man-made assets and myths and cast aside the equally if not more sensitive and ancient indigenous monuments.
German sociologist Claudia Von Werlhof intimated that based on our current levels of complexity and spots of chaos emerging in the world right now, most people would not name or even comprehend that patriarchy would be the main source [2]. For Von Werlhof, the emergence of patriarchy coming over the top of matrist based cultures in the last 10,000 years, particularly with the development of pastoral societies, brought a focus of usurping the power of women and the ultimate matriarch, mother nature. Moreover, God’s dominion gave us licence to not only destroy nature at any cost, but seemingly the ability to create our own mythical worlds respecting even more mythical items such as the holy grail and the philosopher’s stone. We’ve been chasing ghosts and ignoring others at the expense of what is not only real, but what provides us our core needs for survival – oxygen, energy, connection and meaning.
Uluru now provides a symbolic and spiritual opportunity for all cultures by acting as both 'totem' and 'bridge' to forge a more connected and respected set of belief systems for Australians and other peoples that for too long have travelled disconnected and destructive paths. We need to treat these events not as one that divides us, but opens our minds to discussion, learning and acquiring consciousness. Through Uluru the Anangu people are providing us a lesson in that not everything in nature needs conquering, or simply used to improve a view, or ignored as a monument of significance because it wasn’t ‘man made’. For indigenous cultures worldwide, mother nature is the engineer of engineers, crafting monuments from her toolkit including wind, water, heat, pressure and gravity.
We all suffer and enjoy our own set of belief systems and that we can, to our disservice, forget to appreciate that other cultures and belief systems exist requiring equal levels of respect and recognition. For western societies, this begins by recognising that our patriarchal system, manifesting itself in dominion influenced educational structures, systems and norms, stifles and skews our consciousness away from such a mindset, perhaps from birth if you believe in memetics. Western culture has every right to respect the monuments it’s created – they provide meaning and lessons for generations and it's part of our sharing journey with other cultures and their belief systems, but it’s the ‘middle road’ to others where western culture has failed.
Fundamentally, the ban is a lesson in respect for those who too have not been respected by being denied the knowledge and consciousness they deserve. In an increasingly entangled and uncertain world tripping from one crises to another, the essential move towards a more matrist, conscious and settled world will be uncomfortable for believers of the western patriarchal system; the whole notion of education and norm setting will need redefining as a minimum. But like a muscle that requires work to become stronger, healthier and capable, no learning is ever acquired without getting out of your own zone of influence first. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said:
“You must do the things you cannot do”.
1. https://www.army.gov.au/our-history/traditions/the-parade-ground
2. Arturo Escobar, 2018 ‘Designs for the Pluriverse’ Duke University Press
Sustainability and Smart Mobility. Expert in Procurement and Project Management.
8 个月Thanks a lot for sharing, Shaun! Climbing Uluru is a perfect example of our feeling of dominion over nature. Also it is notable that "Laudato si" insists on the power of Indigenous Wisdom and the need to respect non-human living beings and environment.
Wellbeing, Health and Safety Leader I Creator of Lead with Heart in the Boardroom I Safety Differently Advocate
5 年Beautifully said, thought provoking and compelling. My favourite, “We need to treat these events [no more climbing on the rock] not as one that divides us, but opens our minds to discussion, learning and acquiring consciousness.“
CSO Operating Theatres Tweed Valley Hospital
5 年Thank you Shaun for the education and wisdom. Very timely post.
Head of Placemaking at Eke Panuku Development Auckland
5 年Thank you Shaun - an important and beautifully timed piece for all of our places.
CEO Authenticon Inc
5 年Don’t you just replace one belief system with another’s? Is there any proof that matriarchy was “better” than patriarchy?