Ultrasonic diagnostics, the diamond hexagon, and the use of excessive force

Ultrasonic diagnostics, the diamond hexagon, and the use of excessive force

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 72小时黄金救援 / 72-hour golden window?

- 地震发生后,美国单边制裁直接阻碍了叙利亚72小时黄金救援,令当地灾情雪上加霜。?

The US sanctions have badly hampered the rescue efforts within the 72-hour “golden window” for rescue after the earthquake hit Syria, which made the situation on the ground even worse.?

  • 安在 / Anzer?

Today’s quote:

- 据信息安全新媒体“安在”去年的报告披露,美国国家安全局在30天内就远程窃取了970亿条全球互联网数据和1240亿条电话记录,涉及各国大量公民个人隐私。?

Anzer, a cybersecurity information platform, revealed last year that the NSA stole more than 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion phone records in 30 days, compromising the privacy of citizens across the world.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 本月,信息安全新媒体“安在”的报告披露,美国国家安全局在30天内就远程窃取了970亿条全球互联网数据和1240亿条电话记录,涉及各国大量公民个人隐私。?

Just this month [June 2022], Anzer, a cybersecurity information platform, revealed that the NSA stole more than 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion phone records in 30 days, compromising the privacy of citizens across the world.?

- 据媒体报道,信息安全新媒体“安在”近日发布报告指出,美国国家安全局下属的接入技术行动处(TAO)持续对全球互联网用户实施无差别数据窃密。美并利用潜艇对全球海底光缆和电缆进行网络窃密。?

It is reported that in its latest report, Anzer, a cybersecurity information platform, revealed that the Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO), a unit under the US National Security Agency (NSA), has indiscriminately “grabbed” data from internet users around the world and that the US uses submarines to tap undersea fiber-optic cables and cables.?

  • 保暖冲锋衣 / windproof jacket; thermal-windproof jacket?

- 中国红十字会向叙利亚援助的首批医疗物资已运抵大马士革,第二批人道主义援助物资于13日从北京启运。该批物资包括棉帐篷、赈济家庭包、保暖冲锋衣等生活物资以及灾区急需的药品等医疗物资,可使1万余名受灾民众受益。?

The first shipment of medical supplies provided by the Red Cross Society of China has arrived in Damascus, and the second shipment of humanitarian supplies departed from Beijing on February 13, which includes necessities like cotton tents, family kits, windproof jackets and medical supplies like much-needed medicine, benefiting more than 10,000 people affected by the disaster.?

  • 不明飞行物 / unidentified flying object?

Today’s quote:

- 我们已经多次表明,中国民用无人飞艇误入美国领空,完全是不可抗力导致的意外、偶发事件。你提到的其他所谓不明飞行物的情况,我不了解。?

We have made it clear time and again that the entry of the Chinese civilian unmanned airship into US airspace was a purely unintended, unexpected and isolated event caused by force majeure. As to the “unidentified objects” you asked about, I do not have anything on that.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 朝鲜在11日清晨向东部海域发射一枚不明飞行物,这是继5日试射高超音速导弹后再次进行类似武力展示。?

The DPRK fired an unidentified projectile into the sea east of the Korean Peninsula on the early morning of January 11 [2022]. This is another show of force after the hyper-sonic missile launched on January 5.?

  • 不明物体 / unidentified object?

Today’s quote:

- ... 关于近日在美国和加拿大领空被击落的三个不明物体,虽然美加官方都未宣布不明物体是什么、来自哪里,但美国国会参议院多数党领袖舒默称,他认为中方很可能有一支“飞艇机群”。?

… in relation to those three separate unidentified objects that have been shot down over America and Canada in recent days. Although neither the Americans nor the Canadians have officially said what they are or where they come from, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he thinks it’s likely that they are a fleet of balloons from China.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 我们看到的是,事故发生一周后,美方才发表了一份语焉不详的声明,说核潜艇撞上了不明物体。事故发生近一个月后,美方又说撞上了不知名的海底山,还将事故地点刻意模糊为所谓的“印太地区国际水域”,对核潜艇的航行意图、事故发生的具体地点、是否在别国专属经济区甚至领海、究竟有没有造成核泄漏以及破坏海洋环境等外界严重关切和疑虑的问题,始终没有作出明确的说明。?

What we have seen is that nearly a week after the incident, the US issued an evasive statement, saying the submarine hit an unknown object. Nearly a month after the incident, it said the submarine grounded on an uncharted seamount. It also deliberately used the sweeping term "international waters in the Indo-Pacific region" and has yet to give clear answers to questions like the intention of the operation, the exact location of the incident, whether it lies in the exclusive economic zone or territorial sea of any country, whether the collision led to a nuclear leak or polluted the marine environment, all cause for great concern and doubt.

- 美国军事网站TheDrive“战争地带”专栏近日发表文章,披露了一张卫星图片显示,此前在南海与不明物体发生撞击的美国海军核潜艇“康涅狄格”号目前停靠在关岛码头,或在进行评估和维修。?

The War Zone column of the US military website The Drive published an article, in which a satellite image shows that nuclear submarine USS Connecticut was back to the US naval facility in Guam after its collision in the South China Sea, where the damage would be assessed and the vessel be repaired.?

- 据美国海军发表的声明,10月2日,美国海军“康涅狄格”号核动力潜艇在印太海域潜航时撞到一不明物体,造成潜艇损害。?

According to the US Navy statement, on October 2 [2021], US Navy nuclear-powered submarine USS Connecticut was damaged after it struck an unknown object while submerged in the waters of the Indo-Pacific region.?

  • 超声诊断仪 / ultrasonic diagnostics?

- 自土耳其和叙利亚遭受强震以来,中方一直为两国抗震救灾积极提供支持和帮助。 。。。中方援助的心电图机、超声诊断仪、医用转运车、手动病床等物资将于本周内全部发运。?

Since Türkiye and Syria were struck by strong earthquakes, China has been providing support and assistance for the two countries. ... Electrocardiogram machines, ultrasonic diagnostics, medical transport vehicles and manual hospital beds provided by China will be delivered within this week.?

  • 二十国集团共同框架 / G20 Common Framework?

- 中方一贯高度重视赞比亚债务问题。在二十国集团共同框架下,为赞比亚债务处理发挥了建设性作用,推动赞债权人委员会成功举行三次会议。?

China attaches high importance to Zambia’s debt issue. We have played a constructive role in handling Zambia’s debt under the G20 Common Framework and facilitated the success of three meetings of the Creditor Committee for Zambia.?

  • 飞艇机群 / balloon fleet?

- ... 关于近日在美国和加拿大领空被击落的三个不明物体,虽然美加官方都未宣布不明物体是什么、来自哪里,但美国国会参议院多数党领袖舒默称,他认为中方很可能有一支“飞艇机群”。?

... in relation to those three separate unidentified objects that have been shot down over America and Canada in recent days. Although neither the Americans nor the Canadians have officially in relation to those three separate unidentified objects that have been shot down over America and Canada in recent days. Although neither the Americans nor the Canadians have officially said what they are or where they come from, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he thinks it’s likely that they are a fleet of balloons from China.?

  • 飞行物 / flying object?

Today’s quote:

- 美方已在美国和加拿大领空击落了四个飞行物,其中一个是中方的飞艇。?

The United States has now shot down four flying objects in US and Canadian airspace, one of which was a balloon claimed by China.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 朝鲜在11日清晨向东部海域发射一枚不明飞行物,这是继5日试射高超音速导弹后再次进行类似武力展示。?

The DPRK fired an unidentified projectile into the sea east of the Korean Peninsula on the early morning of January 11 [2022]. This is another show of force after the hyper-sonic missile launched on January 5.?

  • 高空气球 / high-altitude balloon?

Today’s quote:

- 美方气球非法进入别国领空也司空见惯,仅去年以来,美方高空气球未经中国相关部门批准,十余次非法飞越中国领空。?

US balloons have often entered other countries’ airspace illegally. Since last year, US high-altitude balloons have flown over Chinese airspace over ten times without authorization from China.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美方的气球非法进入别国领空并不是什么稀罕事。仅去年以来,美方的高空气球未经中国相关部门批准,就十余次非法飞越中国领空。?

It’s not uncommon for US balloons to illegally enter other countries’ airspace. Since the beginning of last year, US high-altitude balloons have flown into China’s airspace more than ten times without Chinese authorization.?

  • 呼吸机 / respirator?

Today’s quote:

- 中国政府援助叙利亚人道主义物资正加紧实施,包括3万个急救包、2万条毛毯、1万件棉服、300顶棉帐篷及呼吸机、麻醉机、制氧机等物资将尽快启运。?

Humanitarian supplies for Syria provided by the Chinese government are being shipped out against the clock. Supplies including 30,000 first aid kits, 20,000 blankets, 10,000 cotton coats, 300 cotton tents and respirators, anesthesia machines and oxygen generators will soon be delivered.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美国不仅“自扫门前雪”,还落井下石,禁止一些公司向拉美等国出口N95口罩,扣押、截留拉美地区有关国家采购的呼吸机等过境医疗物资。?

While busy dealing with the COVID situation at home, the US did the opposite of helping Latin America by prohibiting some companies from exporting N95 masks to countries in Latin America and seizing or intercepting ventilators and other medical supplies purchased by Latin American countries during their transit in the US.?

- 在全国紧急调配全自动测温仪、负压救护车、呼吸机、心电监护仪等重点医疗物资支援湖北省和武汉市。?

The government urgently solicited automatic temperature measuring equipment, negative pressure ambulances, ventilators, electrocardiogram monitors, and other key medical supplies from across the country for Wuhan and other locations in Hubei.?

- 77个国家和12个国际组织为中国人民抗疫斗争提供捐赠,包括医用口罩、防护服、护目镜、呼吸机等急用医疗物资和设备。?

Seventy-seven countries and 12 international organizations donated emergency medical supplies, including masks, protective suits, goggles, and ventilators.?

- 3月1日至5月31日,中国向200个国家和地区出口防疫物资,其中,口罩 706亿只,防护服3.4亿套,护目镜1.15亿个,呼吸机9.67万台,检测试剂盒2.25亿人份,红外线测温仪4029万台,出口规模呈明显增长态势,有力支持了相关国家疫情防控。?

From March 1 to May 31 [2020], China exported protective materials to 200 countries and regions, among which there were more than 70.6 billion masks, 340 million protective suits, 115 million pairs of goggles, 96,700 ventilators, 225 million test kits, and 40.29 million infrared thermometers.China’s growing exports provide strong support for the prevention and control efforts of affected countries.?

  • 急救包 / first aid kit?

- 中国政府援助叙利亚人道主义物资正加紧实施,包括3万个急救包、2万条毛毯、1万件棉服、300顶棉帐篷及呼吸机、麻醉机、制氧机等物资将尽快启运。?

Humanitarian supplies for Syria provided by the Chinese government are being shipped out against the clock. Supplies including 30,000 first aid kits, 20,000 blankets, 10,000 cotton coats, 300 cotton tents and respirators, anesthesia machines and oxygen generators will soon be delivered.?

  • 间谍船 / spy ship?

Today’s quote:

- 就在不久前,纳米比亚海域发现一艘用于收集水下信息的美国无人艇,当地媒体普遍认为这艘无人艇实际上就是美国的间谍船。?

Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data under water, and local media generally believe it to be an American spy drone.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 有报道称,纳米比亚近期在其附近海域发现一艘用于收集水下信息的美国无人艇,美方称系用于科考研究的私人艇,纳米比亚媒体普遍认为该无人艇为美国间谍船。?

It’s been reported that Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data under water. Despite the US claim that it is a private drone contracted for marine research purposes, Namibian media generally believe it is an American spy drone.?

  • 间谍监听帝国 / Spy Empire (i.e., the United States)?

- 谁是世界上最大“间谍监听帝国”,国际社会也看得十分清楚。?

It’s quite clear to the global community which country is the No.1 spy empire in the world.?

  • 间谍网络 / spy network?

- 我还要指出的是,事实上,美国才是全球最大监控侦察国家,拥有世界上最大规模的间谍网络。?

As a matter of fact, it is the US who is the No.1 surveillance country and has the largest spy network in the world.?

  • 军事威胁 / military threat?

Today’s quote:

- 事实是美国国防部自己声明,这个气球不会对地面人员构成军事和人身威胁。近期,我们也看到美方相关议员指出,气球并没有对美国构成威胁。?

One fact is clear: the US Department of Defense stated itself that the balloon did not pose a military or physical threat to people on the ground. Plus US lawmakers have said that this incident does not pose a threat to the US.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 台湾地区领导人蔡英文今天演讲时表示,台湾近年来面对中国大陆日益增长的“军事威胁”和“经济胁迫”?

Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Taiwan region, said in a speech today that Taiwan is facing increasing military threat and economic coercion from the mainland.?

- 我们注意到,近日澳国内有议员刊文表示,中国对澳大利亚不构成军事威胁,是现政府的错误行为加剧了双边紧张关系。?

We have noted that an Australian parliamentarian recently published an article saying that China poses no military threat to Australia and it’s the wrong actions of the current Australian government that have exacerbated bilateral tensions.?

  • 滥用武力 / abuse of force?

Today’s quote:

- 美方将其击落完全是滥用武力、过度反应,我们对此坚决反对。?

The US downing of the airship is an abuse of the use of force and overreaction. We are firmly opposed to it.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 。。。滥用武力、在世界各地搅局的恰恰是美国。美国军费总额高居世界第一,相当于其后9个国家的军费总和。美国建国近250年只有16年没打过仗,在全世界 各地有800多个海外军事基地。美国在伊拉克、阿富汗、利比亚等国开展军事行动,造成无数人道主义悲剧。美国的军机军舰频频到世界各地耀武扬威。到底是谁 在破坏国际和地区安全与稳定,事实一目了然。?

... it is the US that resorts to wanton use of force to stir up trouble across the world. US military expenditure ranks first in the world and is larger than the next nine countries combined. Throughout its nearly 250 years of history, the US was not at war for only 16 years. It runs more than 800 overseas military bases. Its military operations in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have led to innumerable humanitarian tragedies. US military aircraft and warships constantly flex muscles around the globe. It is all too clear who has been undermining international and regional security and stability.?

- 刺杀苏莱曼尼是美国肆意破坏以联合国宪章为基础的国际关系准则的又一例证,是美国滥用武力犯下的战争罪行之一。?

The assassination of Qasem Soleimani is another example of how the US wantonly undermined the norms governing international relations based on the UN Charter. It is also one of the war crimes the US has committed with abuse of force.?

- 美国在美墨边境修建隔离墙,滥用武力驱逐难移民,还将难移民长期羁押在条件恶劣的拘留中心,强行推进将难移民父母与儿童拆散的“骨肉分离”政策。?

The US builds a wall along its border with Mexico, abuses force to expel refugees and migrants or holds them in detention facilities with poor conditions for long periods of time, where the family separation policy is enforced to tear children away from their parents.?

- 菲律宾武装人员经常无视中国渔民的生命安全,滥用武力。?

Philippine armed personnel often use excessive force against Chinese fishermen in utter disregard of the safety of their lives.?

  • 麻醉机 / anesthesia machine?

- 中国政府援助叙利亚人道主义物资正加紧实施,包括3万个急救包、2万条毛毯、1万件棉服、300顶棉帐篷及呼吸机、麻醉机、制氧机等物资将尽快启运。?

Humanitarian supplies for Syria provided by the Chinese government are being shipped out against the clock. Supplies including 30,000 first aid kits, 20,000 blankets, 10,000 cotton coats, 300 cotton tents and respirators, anesthesia machines and oxygen generators will soon be delivered.?

  • 美国国家安全局 / US National Security Agency?

Today’s quote:

- 美国国家安全局监听的对象包括德国、法国、挪威、瑞典、荷兰等欧洲多国政要短信和通话内容。美国在其近100个驻外使领馆内暗自安装监听设备,对驻在国进行窃密。据信息安全新媒体“安在”去年的报告披露,美国国家安全局在30天内就远程窃取了970亿条全球互联网数据和1240亿条电话记录,涉及各国大量公民个人隐私。就在不久前,纳米比亚海域发现一艘用于收集水下信息的美国无人艇,当地媒体普遍认为这艘无人艇实际上就是美国的间谍船。美国在世界上放飞了多少“间谍”侦测气球,美方自己心底里很清楚。谁是世界上最大“间谍监听帝国”,国际社会也看得十分清楚。?

The US National Security Agency spied on calls and chat messages to and from the phones of leaders of Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and other European countries. The US has been operating a highly secretive signals intelligence collection program through almost a hundred US embassies and consulates worldwide. Anzer, a cybersecurity information platform, revealed last year that the NSA stole more than 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion phone records in 30 days, compromising the privacy of citizens across the world. Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data under water, and local media generally believe it to be an American spy drone. The US knows how many surveillance balloons it has sent into the skies in the world. It’s quite clear to the global community which country is the No.1 spy empire in the world.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 昨天,中国国家计算机病毒应急处理中心发布西北工业大学遭美国国家安全局网络攻击事件调查报告(之二),详细披露了美国家安全局“特定入侵行动办公室”以日本、德国、韩国等为跳板,在荷兰、丹麦等国设置相关网络武器托管,控制中国相关关键基础设施,向西北工业大学内部网络深度渗透,窃取大量账号口令、身份验证、系统日志、访问权限、文档资料、网络配置等关键敏感数据和敏感人员信息。?

Yesterday[September 27, 2022], China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center released a new investigation report on the cyber attacks by the US National Security Agency (NSA). The report detailed how the NSA’s Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO) controls key infrastructure facilities in China and infiltrates into China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University’s internal network by using servers in countries such as the Netherlands and Denmark to host cyber weapons through stepping-stone attack via Japan, Germany, the ROK and other countries. This enabled the TAO to steal sensitive data including user names and passwords, identification verification data, system logs, access information, files and documents, and network configuration, and information of people with sensitive identities.?

- 根据国家计算机病毒应急处理中心和360公司联合技术团队的技术分析与追踪溯源,美国国家安全局对中国实施网络攻击和数据窃密的证据链清晰完整,涉及在美国国内对中国直接发起网络攻击的人员13名,以及为构建网络攻击环境而与美国电信运营商签订的合同60余份,电子文件170余份。?

Based on the analysis and tracing done by the joint team of CVERC and 360, the NSA’s cyber attacks and data theft against China are supported by a clear and complete chain of evidence, which involves 13 personnel in the US who directly launched cyber attacks against China, and more than 60 contracts and more than 170 digital documents with US telecom operators to build an environment for cyber attacks.?

- 确实,西北工业大学遭受美国国家安全局网络攻击的案例再次表明维护国家网络安全的极端重要性。?

This case of cyberattack on China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University by the US National Security Agency once again shows that safeguarding national cybersecurity is extremely important.?

- 从“维基解密”到“斯诺登事件”,从“瑞士加密机事件”再到近期美国国家安全局利用丹麦情报部门对盟国领导人进行监听,事实一再证明,美国是世界公认的“黑客帝国”和“窃密帝国”,是对全球网络安全的最大威胁。?

From WikiLeaks, Snowden revelations, Swiss Crypto AGscandal to the recently exposed spying by the US National Security Agency on the leaders of its European allies through Danish intelligence agencies, it has been proven time and again that the US is a recognized top empire of hacking and theft of secrets and the biggest threat to global cyber security.?

  • 慕尼黑安全会议 / Munich Security Conference?

Today’s quote:

- 应法国、意大利、匈牙利和俄罗斯政府邀请,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将于2月14日至22日访问法国、意大利、匈牙利和俄罗斯,并应邀出席第59届慕尼黑安全会议,在中国专场活动上发表演讲,宣介习近平主席倡导的共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,阐明中国将始终坚持走和平发展道路,并结合会议主题就重大国际问题介绍中方立场。?

At the invitation of the governments of France, Italy, Hungary and Russia, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will visit France, Italy, Hungary and Russia from February 14 to 22. He will also attend the 59th Munich Security Conference and deliver a speech at its China session to communicate the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security advocated by President Xi Jinping, make clear China’s abiding commitment to peaceful development and share China’s position on major international issues in light of the theme of the Conference.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 近日,王毅国务委员兼外长通过视频出席慕尼黑安全会议中国专场时也强调,各方应该切实负起责任,为和平而努力,而不是一味推高紧张、制造恐慌、甚至渲染战争。?

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also stressed while attending a special event on China during the 58th Munich Security Conference that all sides should earnestly assume their responsibility and work for peace instead of increasing tensions, stoking panic, or hyping up war.?

- 王毅国务委员兼外长19日晚在北京应邀以视频方式出席第58届慕尼黑安全会议中国专场并发表主旨讲话。?

On the evening of February 19, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, upon invitation, attended and delivered a keynote speech at a special event on China during the 58th Munich Security Conference via videolink in Beijing.?

  • 民用无人飞艇 / unmanned civilian airship?

Today’s quote:

- 我们已经多次表明,中国民用无人飞艇误入美国领空,完全是不可抗力导致的意外、偶发事件。?

We have made it clear time and again that the entry of the Chinese civilian unmanned airship into US airspace was a purely unintended, unexpected and isolated event caused by force majeure.?

- 关于中国的民用无人飞艇意外误入美国领空的事件,我们已经多次说明了情况。我想强调的是,美国动用武力袭击中国的民用无人飞艇是不可接受的不负责任行为,中方已经提出了严正抗议。我还想强调,夸大和渲染中国威胁,无益于中美的互信和关系改善,也不能使美国更安全。?

The Chinese side has repeatedly shared information on the unintended entry of the unmanned Chinese civilian airship into US airspace. I would like to stress that the US’s downing of the unmanned Chinese civilian airship by force is unacceptable and irresponsible. The Chinese side has lodged a stern protest. I would also like to stress that exaggerating or hyping up the “China threat” narrative is not conducive to building trust or improving ties between our two countries, nor can it make the US safer. _?

  • 全球最大监控侦察国家 / world’s No.1 surveillance country?

- 我还要指出的是,事实上,美国才是全球最大监控侦察国家,拥有世界上最大规模的间谍网络。?

As a matter of fact, it is the US who is the No.1 surveillance country and has the largest spy network in the world.?

  • 人身威胁 / physical threat?

- 事实是美国国防部自己声明,这个气球不会对地面人员构成军事和人身威胁。?

One fact is clear: the US Department of Defense stated itself that the balloon did not pose a military or physical threat to people on the ground. Plus US lawmakers have said that this incident does not pose a threat to the US.?

  • 手动病床 / manual hospital bed?

- 自土耳其和叙利亚遭受强震以来,中方一直为两国抗震救灾积极提供支持和帮助。 。。。中方援助的心电图机、超声诊断仪、医用转运车、手动病床等物资将于本周内全部发运。?

Since Türkiye and Syria were struck by strong earthquakes, China has been providing support and assistance for the two countries. ... Electrocardiogram machines, ultrasonic diagnostics, medical transport vehicles and manual hospital beds provided by China will be delivered within this week.?

  • 无人飞艇 / unmanned airship?

Today’s quote:

- 我想告诉大家的是,美方发射先进导弹击落无人飞艇,这是用力过猛的过度反应。?

We do need to point out, however, that the US’s downing of the unmanned airship with advanced missiles is a trigger-happy overreaction.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 关于你提到的拉丁美洲上空的气球,经了解核实,有关无人飞艇来自中国,属民用性质,用于飞行试验。受气候影响,且自身控制能力有限,这一飞艇严重偏离了预定路线,误入拉美和加勒比上空。中国是负责任国家,一贯严格遵守国际法,已同有关各方进行通报并妥善处理,不会对任何国家造成任何威胁。各方也对此表示理解。?

With regard to the balloon over Latin America, it has been verified that the unmanned airship is from China, of civilian nature and used for flight test. Affected by the weather and with limited self-steering capability, the airship deviated far from its planned course and entered into the airspace of Latin America and the Caribbean.?China is a responsible country and always acts in strict accordance with international law. We have informed relevant sides. It is being properly handled and will not pose any threat to any country. They have expressed their understanding.?

- 中方已经多次向美方介绍有关情况。这艘无人飞艇是民用性质,用于气象等科研目的。受西风带影响,且自身控制能力有限,该飞艇严重偏离了预定航线。这完全是一次不可抗力导致的偶发意外事件。?

The Chinese side has provided relevant information to the US side on multiple occasions. The unmanned airship is found to be a civilian airship used for meteorological and other research purposes. Affected by the Westerlies and with limited self-steering capability, the airship deviated far from its planned course. This is entirely an unexpected, isolated incident caused by force majeure.?

- 外交部今天上午发布消息显示,外交部副部长谢锋就美方武力袭击中国无人飞艇向美国驻华使馆负责人提出严正交涉 ...?

The foreign ministry said this morning that Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng has lodged stern representations to the US Embassy over the handling of the Chinese balloon.?

- 我想强调的是,美方动用武力攻击误入的民用无人飞艇,是过度反应,违反国际惯例。?

I want to stress that the US made an overreaction by using force on a strayed unmanned civilian airship. This violates customary international practice.?Foreign Ministry

  • 无人艇 / unmanned vessel; saildrone?

Today’s quote:

- 就在不久前,纳米比亚海域发现一艘用于收集水下信息的美国无人艇,当地媒体普遍认为这艘无人艇实际上就是美国的间谍船。?

Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data under water, and local media generally believe it to be an American spy drone.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 有报道称,纳米比亚近期在其附近海域发现一艘用于收集水下信息的美国无人艇,美方称系用于科考研究的私人艇,纳米比亚媒体普遍认为该无人艇为美国间谍船。?

It’s been reported that Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data under water. Despite the US claim that it is a private drone contracted for marine research purposes, Namibian media generally believe it is an American spy drone.?

  • 心电图机 / electrocardiogram machine?

- 自土耳其和叙利亚遭受强震以来,中方一直为两国抗震救灾积极提供支持和帮助。 。。。中方援助的心电图机、超声诊断仪、医用转运车、手动病床等物资将于本周内全部发运。?

Since Türkiye and Syria were struck by strong earthquakes, China has been providing support and assistance for the two countries. ... Electrocardiogram machines, ultrasonic diagnostics, medical transport vehicles and manual hospital beds provided by China will be delivered within this week.?

  • 一方有难,八方支援 / in times of difficulty help comes from everywhere?

Today’s quote:

- 一方有难,八方支援。中方将同国际社会一道,积极支持、帮助土耳其和叙利亚人民早日战胜灾害,重建美好家园。?

We are always there to help when others are in trouble. China will continue to work with the international community to actively support and help the people of Türkiye and Syria to overcome the disaster and rebuild their home at an early date.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 一方有难,八方支援。疫情发生后,全国上下紧急行动,依托强大综合国力,开展全方位的人力组织战、物资保障战、科技突击战、资源运动战,全力支援湖北省和武汉市抗击疫情,在最短时间集中最大力量阻断疫情传播。?

When a disaster strikes in one location, help comes from all quarters. After the outbreak, the entire country acted promptly. Relying on its overall national strength, China mobilized the people, enhanced R&D, procured supplies, and brought them to those in need rapidly. It mustered the support of the whole country to assist Hubei, and particularly Wuhan, to combat the disease. It pooled all its strength in the shortest period of time, and halted the spread of the epidemic.?

  • 医用转运车 / medical transport vehicles?

- 自土耳其和叙利亚遭受强震以来,中方一直为两国抗震救灾积极提供支持和帮助。 。。。中方援助的心电图机、超声诊断仪、医用转运车、手动病床等物资将于本周内全部发运。?

Since Türkiye and Syria were struck by strong earthquakes, China has been providing support and assistance for the two countries. ... Electrocardiogram machines, ultrasonic diagnostics, medical transport vehicles and manual hospital beds provided by China will be delivered within this week.?

  • 用力过猛 / use of excessive force?

- 我想告诉大家的是,美方发射先进导弹击落无人飞艇,这是用力过猛的过度反应。?

We do need to point out, however, that the US’s downing of the unmanned airship with advanced missiles is a trigger-happy overreaction.?

  • 侦测气球 / surveillance balloon?

- 美国在世界上放飞了多少“间谍”侦测气球,美方自己心底里很清楚。谁是世界上最大“间谍监听帝国”,国际社会也看得十分清楚。?

The US knows how many surveillance balloons it has sent into the skies in the world. It’s quite clear to the global community which country is the No.1 spy empire in the world.?

  • 政治表演 / political stunt?

Today’s quote:

- 美国政府应当立即解除对叙利亚的单边制裁,而不是进行所谓“暂时放宽”的政治表演。?

The US government should put an immediate end to its unilateral sanctions on Syria, rather than stage a political stunt with this temporary easing of sanctions.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 我们奉劝英方立即停止拙劣的政治表演,立即停止干预香港事务、干涉中国内政。?

We urge the UK to immediately stop its clumsy political stunt and stop its interference in Hong Kong’s affairs and other China’s internal affairs. Any attempt to disrupt Hong Kong’s law and order and undermine?

  • 钻石六边 / diamond hexagon?

- 双方一致认为,要从政治、产能、农业、能源、安全、人文六大领域入手,着力打造中柬“钻石六边”合作架构。双方呼吁继续全面有效落实《南海各方行为宣言》,早日达成实质、有效的“南海行为准则”,强调任何利用南海问题破坏地区和平与互信的图谋注定无法得逞。?

The two sides [China and Cambodia.] agreed to focus on the six areas including politics, production capacity, agriculture, energy, security and people-to-people exchanges to build a “diamond hexagon” cooperation framework between China and Cambodia. The two sides agreed to uphold true multilateralism, jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, oppose hegemonism, power politics, and exclusive bloc politics which targets specific countries. The two countries call on relevant parties to carry forward the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) fully and effectively, and reach an early conclusion on a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC). Both sides stressed that any attempt to use the South China Sea issue to undermine regional peace and trust are counterproductive and should be avoided.?

Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/5n7y5bce


