Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine for Large Engine Cam-shafts
We conceptualize and build cleaning machines as per the client's component cleaning requirement.
Team IMECO is happy to share the successful commissioning of Two-tank ultrasonic cleaning machine for cam shafts of large engines of length about 2 meters, after super-finishing operation. Machine has gantry type carrier with a balanced basket to take all variety of shafts and unloading conveyor on the rear side with all safety interlocks. The component baskets are designed on SMED principal to changeover from one variety of component to another instantly.
Custom-build completely to Customer's requirement, it is powered with 6000 watt surface mounted ultrasonic, and can achieve the required cleanliness level in Millipore of 20 mg and below. ?Configured with turbo-air blower, the machine renders component completely dry after cleaning, ready to be packed and shipped.