The Ultra-Rich World of Cartoons
Jeremy Bennett Ph.D.
Education Leader | Community Engagement | Recruitment | Change Agent | Strategist | Award Winning Administrator & Faculty Member
The vast majority of our opinions about the world are formed in early childhood. While families and care providers certainly still retain the largest influence, there is no doubt children spend a lot of time watching cartoons.
Those shows have a substantial influence. Obviously, they also reflect the values of the creators. It is important to consider what messages our children are getting about a number of topics, including what kind of people the super rich are and therefore what having a substantial fortune means.
Cartoon characters tend to be characterizations of one type or another. Simple, archetypal characters are generally what works best for cartoons, at least the ones geared toward children, though the last decade has seen a little more depth of character in the cartoon world. In the case of the ultra-rich, they are usually either demonized or glamorized. We take a look at five famous cartoon characters and discuss how they are portrayed.
Scrooge McDuck
Having first appeared more than 70 years ago, Uncle Scrooge has been on the scene for quite a long time. He frequently topped the Forbes Fictional 15 list, Forbes Magazine's list of the wealthiest fictional characters that they put out yearly for nearly a decade.
Clearly patterned after Dickens' famous character, Scrooge McDuck is a wildly successful businessman. While he is not exactly a villain and not nearly as cantankerous as Ebeneezer Scrooge, McDuck is portrayed as a greedy penny pincher who loves his money above all else. Many of the iconic images of McDuck involve him diving into piles of money. In recent years his character has evolved a bit, and he has become more into family and adventure.
Montgomery Burns
When The Simpsons first aired, it was considered rather questionable as a children's show, but of course, it is now considered quite tame.
Montgomery Burns is the quintessential evil 1%er. He has zero concern for the environment, safety, or his employees and frequently forgets his employees' names, including poor Homer. His only interest is maximizing his profit. Not only is he uninterested in philanthropy or humanitarian efforts, but he is also genuinely actively evil.
Bruce Wayne
The Batman has also been around for quite a long time, especially if you go back to the beginnings of the comic book.
Mr. Wayne is the opposite end of the spectrum. Though certainly portrayed as a bit of a playboy and privileged, he is also noted for his philanthropy and humanitarian work. You can frequently find him donating to various charities, usually at a black tie ball that he has to leave early to save the day, Batman style. Bruce is not always an exceptionally nice guy, and he is known for his moodiness, but he does serve to show children that people can do good deeds with their money.
Richie Rich
The list would not be complete without the world's most famous rich kid.
Richie lives in Richtown, and his family seems to own pretty much everything. Richie, in fact, is said to have two of everything money can buy. All the riches do not seem to have spoiled Richie, though. He and his parents are portrayed as kind people, and he has a number of genuine friends.
In more recent shows, he is involved in a number of philanthropic activities as well. While he is not really a hero, he is definitely glamorous and kind.
A more recent character from the children's cartoon, Futurama, Mom has made a fortune by stepping on others and shoving them out of her way. She makes Montgomery Burns look like a nice guy.
Like Mr. Burns, she cares only about money and herself and would just as soon destroy you as look at you. No one messes with Mom.
Just like in the real world, there are kind, generous, and glamorous super-rich people, as well as nasty and selfish ones. And of course everything in between.