Ultra Luminaries
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Happy Thanksgiving!
"We are Enthuanian. For spirituals, that they sacrificed humanness, to form us one. We are Spirituals, Educational, Ultra Equinimity Annimiyantii, Unlimitii Follower, Family Teamsport. Por per Generies, Por per Angellis, Por per Ferries, Por per Gargollies, Por per EllLGPTQ plusiie, Por per AAdamiis, Too soothes and beyond."
Highlights from previous week in action along with collaborators. Important topics that are worth notifying.
Topics that are !proactive;
2. Blood Donation Awareness
"Art of Donations" SS Ship, by Human-nest Collaborators
Our president, sir Joe Biden, may peace be upon him and his family, compassionately advocated this year blood donation. Also, due to UN briefings, many times many ways, there was more blood shortages worldwide. "What can you do more for the community?" reference (Imam Hussain AS, JFK, may peace be upon them). I request you to do 1000 blood donations, perhaps you can do as many or as little or even only just a few. Now, what you say to this responsibility?
Australian blood donor James Harrison, undisputed greatest blood donor retired at age 81 by donating 1173 times.
3. Parameters: 4 Focal Points Explanation and Expansion
Parameters: Definition: "According to bing.com lookup, a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation." "how would you look at parameters?" "In math, In science, In life, In work,""In math, for instance, equation involving multiplicity/division, addition and subtraction, and use of parenthesis. The rules and guidelines to solve the math equation follow the principle of strict importance. For instance, the parenthesis will be the first most importance to solve within the combined problem. Then multiplication and division, and addition followed by subtraction. So, the parameter steps taken into consideration to solve the entire problem are rules and guidelines, anticipation and analysis, and how one goes about it is also consider parameter. Plus, rechecking if you got all steps correct and shown work correct. So, if you think you have made a mistake then, it is easier to track it down. In science, the parameters are same as math flows to solve a particular problem. However, it is more strenuous, may involve, for instance, British team of organized scientist and researchers with common goal to find a study that once I read in scientific article regarding endangered birds and Sterling in their normal habitat to show how many factors where affecting bird species depletion or sudden drop in their species survival rate. One of the important conclusion from the research study was global warming played a greater role in study. Looking at the general principle of scientific method or doing an experiments, plan and procedure with anticipation, knowing the procedure of research, type of research study, more so it involves team or yourself. Absolute zero bias standard, safety protocol, tools, and possible variables and possible solution to variables. Even the outcomes does not favor your hypothesis but prepare to be not disappointed that you understand you or team either proved the hypothesis or disapproved it. So, even with the preference to resolute to what can make the true problem eliminated who can we take that into consideration use it as a tool to get ride of original problem. So, from history stands point the experiments like this asks you to be more tolerance in understanding the acceptance of "No." "En vivir," "The parameters we take to be successful and keep in a positive try mode. So, how we achieve it? The best way to follow good moral advice is that are parents give to us. That teaches about, first, about spirituality, good and safe practices, how to function in society, ease of communication, care about good health, and aware of others and tolerance of others and ability to answer, listen, and learn from the others and move as if more learning is to be done. These are some of parameters to practice. Thus, in work, it is no difference than what we follow life standard."
4. Oxytocin Hormone View
It is social bonding hormone, made of neuropeptide hormone in magnocelluar cells of hypothalamus and released from posterior pituitary gland. Its functions are characterized by intimacy, mood endurance, mammary gland regulation, child labor, short time after pregnancy that includes maternal bonding. The production is controlled by positive feedback mechanism. The growth of peptide requires vitamin C. What the research suggests that oxytocin needed for healthier retina and thymus, adrenal medulla, and adrenal gland itself. What my perception as a researcher is to pose that we should keep oxytocin level in check. Specially checked early on, in early young adults for mood and social bonding.
5. Ginseng and Noto-ginseng Gazing
Ginseng: Ginseng’s role in our life is (about 5000 old herbel remedy) as antioxidants. There are various kind of Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng, and Japanese ginseng. These are consist of meditated ginsenoside, which with many oxygen attached to its cyclohexanol ring. It is made of triterpene compound. It serves as neuroprotective treatment. So it’s prevents from neurological disorders and benefiting early prevention treatment for dementia related diseases, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Leu Gerig syndrome, among other neurological diseases. Among others types of ginseng, is notoginseng, which also serves as neuroprotective, but effect is far greater. It specifically, affects the L-glutamatic receptor that are injured. Important points about, Glutamate neurotransmitter is that it affects memory, learning, and cognitive function.
A structure of Ginsenoside,
6. f-Caryophyllene Emphasis
Classified as bicyclic sesquiterpene.
Cannabis, clove oil, black pepper, among other essential oils are reservoir for it. The benefits include anti-cancerous affect, neuro-protective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants. Reduces neuropathic pain associated with chemotherapy and diabetes disease. In addition, causes cold temperature tolerance. It is type of neurodegenerative healer, and supports immune system. Also, minimizes pain by up-regulating endorphins. It's anagelsic and promotes digestive health. There are types of terpenes that serve as biosynthetic building foundation each serve as unique purpose.
7. Etiology
It defined as the causation of diseases and disorders as a subject of investigation.For example, Chronic Myelongenous Leukeima, a type of white blood cell disorder caused by genetic disorder. This type of disorder in often caused by abnormal fusion genes BCR-ABL CML patients. To, treat them, Imatinib is used that block abnormal cells that are affected at BCR-ABL. This is the study of CML cancer, and is caused by affected genes mutation BCR-ABL. One of the drug used for treatment is Imatinib.
8. Wisdome Quest
"Welcome to ferry knowledge, (illium)"
-Syed Shah and Hazret Immam Imeerulmommeneen HUSSAIN, knowledge, wisdom, educator, family values teacher, May peace be upon him.
"Believing yourself:"
"Focus on yourself, and build concentration ."
"Focus on certain colors like blue and green and focus gray in the middle."
"Now, carry on all tasks independently with actively telling yourself each one in exact order you want and you set out.
Have selftalk, erngage in positive things you have achieved
Practicing being spiritual, and help keep mind actively busy. Do, enjoy something so you achieveinner peace quicker."
-Ultra: Syed Shah, CC, and Ultra team support, thank you Ultra team.
“Trust takes time, but time is independent of trust.”
“Time should not be change, even when time stops, time is still on going.” -educated by and saying Hazret Ameerulmommeneen Immam and my certifier, "Equanimity", Mr. Impossible, Ali bintae Hazraat mother Ameerulmommeneena, Educator, Fatima bin Assad and Yabna Hazret Ameerulmommeneen Mula Educator Abu Talib, Peace be upon him.
“Time is measurement, time change do effects us. Time change can be sorrowful.”
“Focus on cause and effect. Also, focus on time movies and what are you capable of losing and risking.”
“My best practice and advisable is that don’t focus on time change let alone time travel. Focus on your family, try to enjoy and be self aware, positive, spiritual, donate and help others with whatever you can.Try do best to be a family person and carry that value with you. Try to give back to your community by volunteering, supporting someone find answers. Above all, gladly thank you for that you are one."
-Syed F Shah, CC, and thank you team USA.
Community Awareness:
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