The Ultimate WordPress Blogging Tips to Make Your Blog a Success
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No denial, blogging has always been the best way to share your eagerness for a specific subject with similar interest individuals on the internet. Whether you write for fashion, digital marketing, health care, or cooking, there is always an audience for you. Interestingly, blogging has evolved from a fascinating hobby to a promising career. It's excellent because the passion for writing what people feel helps them in making a living these days. Nevertheless, knowing how to create a successful blog post is necessary.
Whether you are a novice blogger or a pro, you must know tips for blogging to make it worth reading and absolute success for the readers.
If you genuinely intend to know how to create a successful blog post, then you must read the current discussion for a better understanding.
Before we proceed further, let us share some surprising facts about WordPress blogs.
Facts About WordPress Blog Posts
We are breaking down the most surprising and interesting facts about WordPress blogging (Source: Content Powdered).
ü More than 21 billion WordPress blog posts and articles are read every month.
ü 50%-55% of organic web traffic can come from blog posts.
ü Around 85% of web users read blog posts daily.
ü 70%-75% of consumers find blog posts a credible way to trust a brand.
ü More than 25% of websites have a blog section.
ü Longer blog posts can generate 900X more leads than short blogs.
ü Blog posts with images and visuals grab 94% more attention than blogs without images.
These surprising facts enhance the significance of creating a blog post on WordPress.
WordPress Blogging Tips: Things You Must Know About It
You can create a fantastic blog post after contemplating the below-mentioned tips carefully.
·???????Write About Your Interest
One of the essential blogging tips is not to shoot an arrow into the air, i.e., avoid writing about a subject if you know nothing about it. So always choose a topic you love to write about or are knowledgeable about. Then, you can write better and put your genuine effort when picking an exciting or interesting blog topic. It makes your blog writing career adaptable and entertaining.
If you want to add more topics about a particular subject, you should include more authors in your team. However, the most remarkable thing about choosing WordPress for blog posting is its multiple enticing themes to support authors completely. Besides, it can customize blog pages as per the author's preference. So, follow WordPress tips to create a blog post that successfully conveys its message and grabs the attention of potential readers.
·???????Create Meaningful Content
Another key aspect that requires your proper attention is always creating relevant and meaningful content. For example, writing cooking blogs for the audience interested in knowing ongoing digital marketing trends is useless.
Remember, just because bloggers are cashing in more money by focusing on a specific niche, you don't need to try your luck there (unless you have great expertise in that niche).
So, decide your niche first and start writing after that. For example, if you are a pro technical writer, you must focus on technological aspects. Conversely, if fashion and designing trends are known to you, choose this niche for your blog writing career because it is useless to become a jack of all trades and master of none.
·???????Write an Eye-Catchy Title
If you are writing about something you know, you can create a masterpiece. That's why it is strongly recommended to draft an interesting article. No one wants to read a dictionary that makes them feel sleepy. Author an article that makes the reader curious about what happens next.
Selection of words matters, so decide your tone (writing style) and start writing. But first, you must know about the target audience and what they expect from your article.
Always dig into some informative tips to revamp your article because no one pays heeds to an article with the least fun or enlightening aspect.
Here's what you can do to create a blog that stands out from the crowd like a crowd-puller.
Use An Attractive Heading: Surely, meaningful content matters, but you need to choose the most suitable heading that grabs everyone's attention in no time and gets maximum clicks. The heading is the first thing that catches the attention of potential readers on search engines and social media platforms.
We recommend you use 4 different U's during the brainstorming process.
a-????Urgent: Your title must always include urgency or immediate call-to-action. Create content that makes your reader take prompt actions or share something within a limited time.
b-???Unique: It is quite imperative. Your written content must be different and unique. Avoid copying and pasting someone else's work to avoid plagiarism. This crime affects SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and makes your blog boring for the readers who stop reading it. Instead, try creating distinctive and informative content that keeps readers hooked.
c-????Useful: Always write a blog post that increases users' knowledge. For instance, blogs on tips, tricks, and DIY techniques are more significant than others. Think about writing a masterpiece that works best for the readers.
d-???Ultra-Specific: Do you know what's better than helpful content? Its hyper-useful content. If you genuinely intend to make your blog worth reading for the readers, then try adding specific details and information. Besides, adding generic and niche-related information can increase and cultivate the size of the potential audience.
It is recommended to focus on the above-mentioned U's and start writing your blog afterward.
·???????Write Easy to Read Blog Post
Assuming you keep it basic and direct, they will recollect it, focus on it, and pursue the faster psychological routes you need.
Did you understand what we mentioned in the paragraph mentioned above? Then, let's rewrite the paragraph in simple English.
If you keep it precise and straightforward, there is a strong likelihood that they will remember it well, pay complete attention and take desired mental shortcuts.
Hence, it is necessary to write easy to read the article as readability matters a lot. You can check your content's readability by conducting the 'Flesch Test.' This test is the standard method of testing the difficulty of passages or sentences written in English.
Remember, the Flesch score is not the only criteria to determine your content's quality. Always focus on your target audience first and start writing as per their requirements and knowledge.
YOAST SEO Plugin is used to optimize WordPress sites for multiple search engines. But gladly, a similar plugin can be used to improve the readability of blogs for the readers as it has a built-in Flesch Reading Test. It can better analyze meta-titles and descriptions and suggest changes that were needed. Besides, it recommends WordPress tips to make your blog easy to read for everyone.
·???????Use social media to Drive More Traffic
Interestingly, social media and blog posts are two peas in the pod. You can promote your blog post without publishing it on social platforms. Undoubtedly, spending hours writing a blog post that fails to grab readers' attention and gets no comments is frustrating. Your only likes and comments are from your mother or father.
It happens when you post a blog on social media with the slightest knowledge. First, you need to join some groups related to your blog niche and try narrowing down your audience. Additionally, you can create a different page for your blogs and publish blogs there.
Social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, are the best platforms to find your target audience and publish an informative blog for them.
Always Write Practical WordPress Blog for Impractical People
We have just discussed the tip of the iceberg to make your blog worth reading and useful for the readers. So, follow the tips mentioned above and learn how to create a successful blog post.
It doesn't end here, as you need to focus on various aspects, including WordPress SEO, blog credibility, website security, etc. You can also contact Wizspeed, as our qualified and competent content writers can create WordPress blog posts that better grab the attention of readers in no time.
So, contact us now and create a blog post that best describes your business, brand, products, or services.