The Ultimate Truth or the Ultimate secret of this Universe ?
Its 100 years since Einstein published his general theory of relativity, truly a path-breaking discovery and postulate regarding this Universe. It is one of the secrets of the universe revealed, in effect. Einstein has been quoted as saying that he stumbled on to the General Theory of Relativity through deep thought and intuition but did not derive it via mathematical logic. The equations and math followed later.
Many of our rishis or great thinkers speak of the same deep meditation and thought that helped them to decipher the secrets of the universe. They probably revealed it to us but in cryptological terms that we fail to fathom. And they shrouded it in rituals, images, structures and even the "mantras" - the holy scripts that we see, hear and even chant without knowing the deep secrets within. In the book, The Da Vinci Code, the secret of Christ's bloodline is deeply encrypted in many ways and unravels ever so slowly through deep meditative thought, intuition and some logic as the book progresses.
What are these key secrets of this Universe that we have yet unraveled? Are there deep truths buried in our scriptures, in our temples, churches, and other old historical places of worship? The answer is yes.....
To begin with, we need to understand that in this Universe there is no such thing as a person who is God as we have been told or made to believe. God is conceptual and in my sense an infinite energy field (the nature of this energy field may be something beyond just electromagnetic). This is the first secret. The ancient scriptures speak of it as Brahman, the ultimate truth.
Think about it. In effect the Gayatri Mantra speaks of the infinite energy spanning the three worlds as we know it of Bhu loka (earth), Bhuvar loka (stratosphere), and Suvar Loka (the Heavens). In its extended form, the Gayatri Mantra speaks of 7 worlds - the three plus Mahar, Jana, Tapa and Satya lokas. The initiation of the Gayatri mantra is therefore called the Brahmopadesha or the initiation into the Brahman.
This massive energy field or Brahman spans across the Universe in a single continuum. It is an infinite storehouse of all data, information, knowledge and wisdom about this universe - past, present and future - in effect a super cloud with a super processor all bundled into one, if we are to use recent terminology. This super energy field flows across spanning all of what is this Universe defying time, distance, gravity and the dimensions we are familiar with. The transmission of data or information across this field is instantaneous therefore and beyond our imagination of dimensions, space and time that we know.
Temples are therefore places on this Earth where people have found this energy field concentrated. It is eminently possible that men established famous temples or places of worship in points where they sensed the concentration of this positive energy. The latter makes complete sense as men like many animate things including plants, fruits and vegetables and animals can clearly sense the presence of good energy concentrations and flow of positive energy (in effect all Vaastu shastra is based on figuring the zones and directions of positive energy flow). Humans, once they transcend beyond their day to day thoughts, worries and feelings by simple meditation, can sense the flow and presence of positive energy. Meditating can indeed get one energised and recharge one's batteries that lies within our bodies (as Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev says).
We have been told that the Brahman or the ultimate Universal energy field resonates as AUM or OM. Other religions also refer to it as Amen or Ameen (Sadhguru again). Aum is but a combination of three sounds – AA, OO, and MM . The three sounds represent, we are told, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Are these three entities Gods as we have been told or taught for years or are they metaphors that represent some more Universal truths or secrets?
The vedas say the Universe was formed by an event similar to the Big Bang but goes on to say that 11 dimensions were created 1.5 seconds after the Big Bang. These are represented by the so called 11 Rudras. It further speaks of the 12 Suns or Aadityas also created post the creation of the Rudras. We have no way to know what these represent in fact and am sure it is beyond our comprehension. And yet may take a million years to figure out through deep meditation (remember the theory that if you leave a bunch of apes with a typewriter in room and wait for a million years they would eventually come up with a Hamlet or a Macbeth?).
The second secret is no secret at all as it is already well known scientific fact and pertains to the first law of thermodynamics regarding the transformation of energy from one form to another and further that this energy can neither be destroyed or created.
The third one is that mass and energy are interconnected by the famous equation of Einstein, E = mc^2 (E = m c squared). This has also been long known cryptically in the vedas as Siva and Shakti with the axiom that one cannot exist without the other.
It is my sense that Vishnu, the sustainer of the World, is nothing but a metaphor for transformation of energy from from one form to another. This energy transformation is in effect what sustains this world. Siva, the destroyer is a metaphor for the equation E = m c squared, where all matter transforms into energy and re-joins with the Universal Energy field that it came from. That leaves us with Brahma, the creator. Herein lies the most important secret or Brahma Rahasyam, if I may. While scientists’ quest of the "God Particle" and origin of the Universe is in effect the search for this secret or Rahasyam, it has in all these years failed to reveal itself.
Let us think for a moment. We know or can sense the transformation of energy form one form to another or even the “destruction" of material things that possess a mass and its conversion to an energy form (Nuclear energy or atom bombs are based on this). However, can we sense the creation of mass from energy? Has anyone seen it in this World? We know it happens every day, every second and many times in the wombs of our mothers. Life begins beyond just a fertilised egg as a personality, even though in the most minuscule way. This conversion of energy into matter or something material bearing a mass has never been deciphered nor re-created in experiments and is even beyond our comprehension and imagination. When scientists say there was this big bang and galaxies made up of of gases, liquids and solids were formed from virtually nothing, it is difficult to understand or figure out. But imagine it as the Einstein’s famous equation in reverse, m = E / c^2 and it makes at least logical and mathematical sense that energy indeed can become mass. In effect, therefore, m equals E over c squared is the one secret the Universe has not revealed us and still remains the ultimate Brahma Rahasyam or the ultimate secret.
Life as we know it on this World is but an infinitesimal piece of this infinite energy field becoming a mass – a plant, or an animal or a human being and returning to it as energy once its time is up. This minuscule infinitesimal piece of energy may be referred to as Soul or spirit or by any other name. And that is precisely what Krishna speaks of in his Gita but in shrouded verse and esoteric terms – that there is but one Universal Truth or Brahman. You and I are but a manifestation of this and to search within for it is itself akin to searching the entire Universe. The secret is within us if we care to look…..
Acknowledgement: Many of these thoughts have been shaped by lectures of Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, books such as Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss and Anita Moorjani author of NY Times best seller, Dying to be me
SBU Head - Industrial water Solutions , Aquadesigns- chennai
5 年Significance of LIGHT The objects that we see is the reflection of LIGHT. The differentiation of objects we see is the reflection of various intensities of LIGHT. Every conceivable objects animate and inanimate when broken down to its constituent element are atoms and the intrinsic nature of atom is LIGHT hence LIGHT appears as objects in the mind as an illusion of LIGHT similar to the illusion of water in a mirage. The LIGHT is real whereas the reflection of LIGHT called as objects is the illusion created of LIGHT. All that we see with our eyes is just an optical illusion Owl can see clearly at pitch dark whereas humans cannot see. Intense LIGHT is darkness beyond the visible spectrum of LIGHT. All that is there is just light whether the eyes can see or not. LIGHT As energy transforms as SOUND at a lower speed exactly similar to lightning and thunder. Hence the sound is just an auditory illusion nothing real. The whole world we experience is a spectacular optical and auditory illusion of LIGHT and SOUND also called as BINDU & NADA in Sanskrit ! LIGHT IS INTELLIGENCE OF LIFE CALL IT BRAHMA RAHASYA OF CREATION !
SBU Head - Industrial water Solutions , Aquadesigns- chennai
5 年Very often we come accross this statement - "one with existence " Let's take an object called Table , how can the wooden table and I be one and the same.If we cut a table into small pieces its wood. If we cut the wood into finer pieces its call as wood chips...further smaller called as molecules ...further smaller is atoms ....further smaller is electrons , protons and neutrons....further smaller called as sub atomic particles....further smaller called as quarks ...further smaller called as super quarks ....and boson particles !! These subatomic particles has no weight and emits LIGHT which is its intrinsic nature. The table we call as object is just LIGHT. Every object be it the five basic elements , rock , mountains , vegetation , insects, animals and humans are made up the same material LIGHT which is Omnipresent - Present everywhere. " One with existence" means that everything that is manifested in this world is pure LIGHT also called as BINDU in Sanskrit.
Excellent recollection! These were part of Curriculum in Sathya Sai Education and I trace these concepts of E=mc^2, the explanation of Gayathri manthra and its Scientific effects to a book called "Science and Spirituality". Nice to see this collated!
S3M Innotech Consultancy
9 年Beautiful! !
Gear Expert & Specialist-Oilrigs. General Manager (Retd) BHEL
9 年It is a Nice read Sir. Manifestation of different energies in the previous Yugas ( Weaponary - Brahmastra etc.. , Flying Saucers, as depicted in the Puranas may have had a relation to the energies discussed. Only question is that where did the information on them go missing . is it the reason why Europe Russia & America is studying Sanskrit??.. One never knows.