Ultimate SEO Guide - 10 Steps

Ultimate SEO Guide - 10 Steps

Technology is one of the most dynamic fields in the world. With every passing day, there are new ways of doing things and new inventions that shift market dynamics to favor people who make fast adjustments with changing times. One of these is the world of digital marketing, how it is conducted, and the various ways it can be improved. Many things are moving online, and businesses are attempting to attract as many people as possible to their online stores and the various items and services they have to offer. However, recent studies have shown that over 70% of people who initiate a search on any search engine rarely go beyond the first page when looking for items they want to buy or services they intend to procure. A major assumption most consumers make is that the first results are the best products, and since they are focusing on getting the most value for their money, they rarely scroll through the other pages. This has created a very strong incentive for businesses to want their services to rank as high as possible. It has also resulted in the springing up of numerous digital marketing agencies that promise businesses higher ranks through the different techniques they use to achieve this. One of the ways they employ is the use of search engine optimization strategies. In recent years, this technique has been growing at a much faster rate, and with the rise in demand, it is only projected to continue growing even further. The main aim of a business is profit maximization, and many companies are now including search engine optimization into their marketing budgets. The companies that have used this reliable tool have grown faster than many others, while those who failed to innovate and get into this fast-growing industry being forced to shut down, and some are running in huge loss margins.

The entire concept of search engine optimization, popularly known as SEO, can be quite strange for someone new. It involves numerous complex mechanisms intended to ensure the business ranks higher on the various search engines such as Google, Bing, and others. The entire search engine optimization industry is very dynamic. Every so often, there emerges a new technique that proves to be better and delivers more results than the previous one, rendering it obsolete. Due to this factor, many digital marketing companies are always innovating to beat the market. They try to be the first to develop these market-shifting ideas to allow them to get more clients and have better and faster results. This makes it quite difficult to develop one process to achieve better results every time, as advancements will render it useless in a while. One of these strategies that have since become obsolete is keyword stuffing. This was a fairly common strategy in the past, but the different search engines recognized it and are now punishing those who use it. Since these digital marketers discovered that online web platforms use the keyword to determine the rank, they could place on the different uploaded search results. In a bid to get higher rankings, marketers would use numerous keywords on the content, which became very misleading and lost all its meaning. The search engine artificial intelligence would detect the keywords and rank the article among the first even if it didn’t have the best quality work or the writer had conducted poor research to come up with these articles. This would thus result in users getting the wrong information, and thus the search engines have been trying to fix it. If you keyword stuff your articles and content, the search engine will penalize you by ranking it even lower.

 One of the search engines doing the most to ensure its users have the best experience is Google. The company has created a reward program called Google rewards site. This aims to ensure the visitors to the search engine get the highest quality results and improve their user experience by rewarding authors and website owners when they come up with high-quality and content and content that will help people more. There are many benefits of being on google’s good side. One of the most important is the high ranking your website will receive. With a higher ranking, your content is brought before more people, and the chances of them clicking on your website are higher. This increases your website traffic and ensures more people can see everything you post or advertise. This will result in increased sales and a better financial position. With all the important details that go towards making a successful search engine optimization process, a lot of consideration should be put into the learning process. You should never consider search engine optimization as a one-time thing to learn, but rather a continuous process, with new developments coming up every day and new learning opportunities emerging to better yourself.

For a beginner, getting a proper footing into search engine optimization can be quite challenging. You will be bombarded by huge jargon that will make the entire learning process even more difficult. However, this article will take you through the entire process in the simplest words to ensure you understand all the aspects of search engine optimization and how to grow in the process and make yourself an even better digital marketer or content writer. Once you launch a new website, there are various steps you can take to improve its visibility online and increase the number of people visiting your site to achieve an impressive organic traffic number. These steps will allow you to rank higher and establish a niche for yourself in the market. These steps will help you achieve better results in your search engine optimization process.


#1. Set up Analytics

One of the most important steps towards getting a rewarding search engine optimization process is setting up the right analytics tools. One of the best in the market to consider is Google Analytics. This software from the search engine giant Google allows you to easily track your websites' different components, such as the organic traffic, the click conversion rate, and many more aspects. Some people tend to argue that at the beginning, it is too soon to take this step. As a newcomer into this industry, however, you should take every opportunity to learn all the aspects that entail the process in the shortest time possible. The Google Analytics tool will allow you to monitor your websites' aspects to improve and the direction you should be more focused on. As a website or blog owner, you want to have items that will bring in the most interactions and have the highest numbers of clicks. The analytics tool allows you to monitor the posts that have garnered the highest numbers of readers, where your readers are mostly located, and for someone using backlinks, which websites are sending the most traffic your way. One of its most important features is the ability to evaluate your earnings if you are an affiliate marketer.

Since they make their earnings based on the number of paying customers, you can easily monitor all the people who clicked onto various advertising items and whether they bought them. The analytics tool allows you to better shape your marketing strategies and evaluates whether they are fruitful or not. Without Google Analytics, one wouldn't know any of this data and thus won't adjust any marketing strategies to edge on their strong points and make corrections on other marketing strategies being used.

Installing Google Analytics requires a lot of attention to detail to do it correctly and get the best from it. If you have a google account, you can use it to register for a Google Analytics account. This account can be used to monitor all the future websites you create, making it very reliable. Once you have created an account, Google will require you to enter the URL of your business website or blog. You are then presented with different categories to choose from for the services you'd like. Once that is complete, you can pick a time zone for your operation area and agree to the different terms and conditions from Google. Once you submit that, you are almost done. The next process is installing the Google Analytics tracker onto your business site or your blog page. This code is placed on all the pages you intend to track, and the process is complete. Thus, the software will bring you up to speed with any development on your website and the statistics as they change. This will allow you to always be ahead of everything, making it very reliable to have.


#2. Create User-friendly URLs

When creating a business website or a blog page, you want your users to find it easily and remember it in case they intend to share it with other friends. To achieve this, you should make your URL name as simple as possible. This is part of the user-friendly initiative that any website designer should employ. Since most people create a website for specific purposes, make the name relate to its content. If you are a medical or food blogger, it is prudent to ensure your website's name captures that. This will make it easier for people to find it, as they will have something to associate your website with. If your URL is too wordy and ambiguous, the search engine will have some problems when matching it to your preferred target audience, which will pull your organic traffic down. You should omit all the extra words that make it hard to remember and all the unnecessary phrases that people might find hard to read.

Another user-friendly aspect to use is making your articles as straightforward as possible. When combing through the content they want, most people don't have the time to read the entire article. To ensure these people get the most from your website and that they will come back for more, make content summaries and attach them with the specific content. This will make your website look cleaner and will also allow the search engine artificial intelligence to easily comb through the content, place it in the right category and assign you a higher ranking. It is vital to ensure your content contains the required number and relevant keywords for easy identification by the search engine. You should, however, avoid keyword stuffing to ensure your content is easier to read and very user-friendly.


#3. Use the right Meta Titles

When people comb through their search results from Google, they rarely open the content without first going through the meta description provided. This is the information displayed beneath the search results and is usually a small summary of what the website is talking about. Google has, however, changed its ranking policies, and the meta description o longer plays a part in the final content ranking. With this announcement, many website owners and bloggers no longer saw the importance of having the right meta description for their content. However, one of the aspects most of these people missed is that most people had come to rely on the meta description to better understand whether the search results were showing what they wanted to know. Users thus began clicking on the content with meta descriptions as they seemed more reputable. It resulted in increased traffic for these websites, and although meta description didn't contribute towards ranking, these pages got better search engine results placements than before. This thus shows the importance of having the right meta description. You should take your time to write an interesting and relevant meta description of all your content. It should be one that will make the reader curious and result in a click to your website. With a proper meta description and a higher click-through rate, your ranking on Google will get better, making it a very important step towards a great search engine optimization strategy. The meta description will be among the main factors your website attracts more individuals and will boost a business's sales in the long run.

Writing a good Meta Description.

The most important aspect of the Meta Description is to make it as simple to read and comprehend as possible. One of the ways to do this is by making it very short. When writing, keep the characters below 160. This will make it easy for the reader to skim through and get the basic information about your website. People will thus click on your page based on the meta description you have provided.

The meta description should be done in a language that elicits curiosity. It should attract the reader to want to know more, and thus clicking on the website. Although it should be interesting, you should stick to the facts and only bring up the matters discussed in your content. If a reader clicks on the link due to the meta description and finds a story not related to the one they wanted to read on, they would label your website as misleading, and this can have some consequences from the search engine. It will also reduce your traffic and thus affect your ranking.

The meta description should also be unique to captivate the reader and stand out from the others on different search results. Before clicking on a link, the user will look at the unique and captivating description and click on it. You should ensure that the link is yours by making the best meta description.


#4. Optimization of Title Tags

When you make a simple internet search on any search engine, the first data displayed is the content's title. Since it is the first thing a visitor will see, it does a lot towards determining whether they will click on your link or not. There are numerous ways to make your title outstanding. One of them is making it as easy as possible. When a reader goes through your title, they should immediately understand what it talks about, which will help them decide whether they should click on it. This is also a key step in achieving good search engine optimization results. Write your title to be short and to the point, and further expound on it on the meta description. Before writing your title and meta description, it is important to search for the necessary keywords that are commonly associated with the items you want to write on and what the search engine artificial intelligence looks into before delivering certain results. This will give you information on the most critical words to include to get the best results.

Another strategy to employ on your title and meta description is including some of these keywords. They will be noticed first as the search engine goes through your content and will help you in getting a higher ranking. Once you have these keywords, it can get quite tempting to stuff them onto your title and on the meta description. You should, however, remember that search engines penalize that behavior, and by doing so, your content might end up ranking worse than before. Thus, this will render your entire search engine optimization strategy a failure, and your traffic will reduce immensely. Google will also limit long titles. Once your title is limited, your readers will not fully comprehend the articles or content. It will thus drive down your organic traffic, and for a business, the sales will reduce. To avoid this, keep the title shorter than 60 characters. By doing this, Google will display the entire title, giving readers a better understanding of what the article is about and achieving higher organic traffic numbers. Your title should also be as unique and captivating as possible. It should inspire the imagination of the reader and have them click on it to find out more. The importance of a perfect title cannot be overstated.


#5. Include Voice searches and Alt text for Images

Over the years, different search engines have been trying to make their platforms as user-friendly as possible. They wanted to find a way to cater to people who are visually or physically impaired. One of the best ways to do this has been through voice searches and image alt texts. Say a physically impaired individual wants to conduct a google search, since they cannot access their keyboard and type the topic they want to search, Google allows for searching by using their voice. All they have to do is speak into their phone or computer for the search engine to initiate the search. This has been a great leap forward, and more people now have access to the internet's great benefits. While search engines have evolved, many blogs and websites still rely on typed words to generate results. This thus limits a huge percentage of the society, and for a proper search engine optimization plan, you must be sure to capture all segments of the society. One of the best ways of doing this is by including voice searches on your website. This will allow users to surf through your content easily and conveniently. One key thing to note, however, is that keywords used for voice searches tend to differ from those used in normal entry searches. When typing in your search, most people tend to keep it on the minimum and try to use the fewest words. Among these, a keyword is added to bring better results. When using voice search, however, people tend to use complete sentences, and they can often be long. Several keywords might arise, and it might become difficult for the algorithm to determine what is being requested. In order to prevent this, you can include a huge number of potential keywords so that in case of a search, the likelihood of one coming up is higher. These, too, should be linked to specific articles and content to make the voice search feature more accurate.

Another integral part of the services offered by Google includes image searches. Google now allows its users to search for images by snapping them using their cameras or uploading them from their phones. This is a great development that is making searches easier and efficient. In order for your website or blog to benefit from this new feature, ensure all the images you include are well optimized. When you upload an image, make sure you provide a detailed description of what It entails. Highlight all the facts in a simple and straightforward language to make the Google algorithm learn what the image is about. Since they cannot analyze images, they rely on the text provided to link it with something on their database. This is made faster and more accurate through the detailed description provided. This is what Alt text entails. Once you describe your images concisely and the algorithm understands them, your images will appear in case someone makes an image search. These two are quite important and shouldn't be overlooked. Before a buyer makes their decision, they first look at the image, and if it is what they wanted, there is a higher chance that they will buy. You can also include a backlink on the image to your website, and when a user clicks on it, they are redirected to your content. This is essential, especially for a business.


#6. Link your website to relevant sites

When coming up with a good search engine optimization strategy, one of the best and most effective ways to do it is through creating backlinks. These are links placed in other people's content or websites to direct traffic to your own. There are numerous ways to create a backlink. Some of these are; being quoted in another writer's content. When another blogger or website owner is writing content for their site and uses data you had already written on or quotes you directly, they have to give credit, which is done through the use of backlinks. This ensures that when their readers are going through their work, they can see where it was originally derived from. This is a great way to increase your traffic as most people tend to want to get their content from the source as it is seen to be more accurate. This will help to drive your traffic. Since there are numerous websites on the internet to link from, it is vital to make proper considerations when selecting the perfect sites to link on. This practice will also create a wider context and make a detailed explanation to your readers on why you arrived at a certain conclusion. This will improve your reader's experience, and Google will consider you among the most user-friendly sites. This comes with other benefits. One of the best factors to consider when choosing outbound links is their relation and their effects on your business and content. You don't want to create an outbound link from your site to one of your competitors. You should thus ensure you get one that will provide mutual benefits to both parties.

One of the best examples is, for instance, and you are a business that deals with football equipment or you are a sports blogger, an important outbound link you could create is to your friend who is a football coach. This link would be ideal as it will give your readers a wholesome experience and allows them to learn more than they would have by going through your website only. This increases your website’s reliability, and these users are bound to return or even share your content and boost your traffic. This practice is encouraged by many search engines, and even though some website owners see it as a loss of viewers, even if it's for a while, it will boost your site's user-friendliness and increase its reliability. Google rewards this by allowing such content to rank higher than others as they want to ensure their users have a wholesome experience. These outbound links should be relevant to the subject matter being discussed so as to make them beneficial. If you have outbound links to other people’s websites, they too will feel better to share inbound links to your content, giving you a wider target audience to reach. This also helps create a better relationship between different website owners and helps to achieve common growth and proper customer satisfaction.


#7. Get more Inbound Links

In search engine optimization, outbound links refer to those coming from other websites to your own. This is one of the easiest ways to increase traffic to your website. There are, however, several precautions you should always have in mind when you intend to get inbound links. One of the most important is to ensure the inbound links you get are from reputable websites. The sites should be known for publishing accurate, well-researched, and authoritative data to give your content more credibility. If you gt inbound links from a website known to publish misleading information, users might associate it with yours, even though you might be genuine, which will affect your traffic and, consequently, you're ranking. The inbound links you get should also be from relevant sources. Get a website that writes on the same niche as you, and together you can build each other's credibility and increase your individual traffics. Link building is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization, and it is important to get it right from the get-go. In order to have reliable links, it is advisable to use legitimate ways to acquire them. Avoid buying inbound links as these can be illegal, and you could get penalized by Google. Here are some of the best ways to get inbound links.

1.      Writing guest posts for websites.

For a beginner or someone with a smaller reach, one of the best ways of establishing reliable and credible inbound links is guest blogging. This is where you write content for a well-established blogger as their guest. This offers a great way of building a strong reputation among members of these circles and helps you gain a lot of exposure. These blogs will often allow you to leave some links to your website, and thus their readers will also be directed to your content. This will give you legitimacy as you are being referred by a well-known and reputable blogger. It will boost your traffic as curious individuals who love your work will want to see more from the guest blogger, and they will be directed to your website. This method is usually very effective.

2.      Creating case studies and researching topics

The internet is considered as one of the biggest and open libraries, and it is here you find any information you are looking for. As a website owner who intends to get good and reliable inbound links, this gives you a great opportunity. You can conduct proper researches and put together different data from various sources together and make it more reliable. This will allow people to have a one-stop-shop for all the information they need on a specific topic. These informative contents are usually a great source of inbound links as these people will credit your great work on their websites or publications. It will thus attract more people to your website and help you increase your organic traffic, and in no time, your ranking will improve. Providing accurate information helps you build a great reputation, and more people will associate your website with greatness. The number of shares of your content will also increase as people enjoy sharing informative material. This will be a great boost for you and will give you the much-needed legitimate backlinks.

3.      Make reviews on books.

One thing that remains the same regardless of the part of the world one comes from is the love for books. Everyone enjoys reading an interesting book, and as a blogger, this offers you a great opportunity to increase your search engine ranking and subsequently your website traffic. You can achieve this by reading the books yourself and writing a review on your blog. This will capture people, especially those who haven't read the book yet and would love to know what it is about. You can further enhance this by looking up the authors or their publishing books on various social media platforms and sharing your blog links with them. Most authors love to see more people reading their books and getting different peoples' perspectives on their style of writing, and this will make them open to the idea of sharing your inbound link. This will be very reliable as it comes from an authoritative source bound to have a wider audience than you. It will help you generate traffic to your blog and thus improve your ranking.

4.      Creating free resources and free tool links

One of the most effective ways of attracting more people to your website and establishing reliable in-bound links is by offering some free goodies to your visitors. One of the ways to achieve this is by availing free resources to them. You can create a checklist that will help people in their everyday activities such as shopping and post them on your website. This will help them improve their organization, and it will generate better inbound links for you. Another great idea is sharing free spreadsheets on data people often look for or pdfs on informative information. These will be shared widely, and in no time, your traffic from inbound links will increase drastically. You can also choose to offer free and reliable tools to your visitors. One of the most reliable is a loan evaluator and interest rate calculator. Calculating outstanding loans, interest amounts paid, and repayment periods are quite challenging. Although banks try to make it as simple as possible, many people often miss it and providing them a solution can be very beneficial to you. They will no longer have to contact their banks for a breakdown of this information as they can easily get it from your website or blog page. This will lead to more shares and increase your inbound link traffic. Some banks and financial institutions too can include your link in their website, boosting your ranking as you have the backing of a very trusted source.

5.      Through establishing webinar links

This is one of the best and most effective ways content creators can use to boost the traffic on their websites and increase their ranking. Before a website can create inbound links for you, you have to have reliable and very informative materials. A great way to do this is by creating webinar recordings. The reason webinars are highly sought after, especially by professionals and enthusiasts, is that they often cover one topic very extensively. Unlike blogs, the narrator will stick strictly to the subject matter and make an informative video. These are often on serious topics and can sometimes involve a group discussion. This makes it even better as you have a pool of knowledge from different individuals with different perspectives to learn from. This makes webinars very popular and a great source of inbound links. When other websites are trying to pass some information, what better way to do it than seek the help of a professional, and here they will upload your webinar video and create the much-needed inbound links. This will boost your traffic and are particularly great for businesses who make informative webinars on the different equipment they sell. This will help you increase your ranking in a very short time.

6.      Business profile backlinks

As businesses continue to evolve and adjust to the internet's fast growth, they are trying to get the most from all it has to offer. One of these is a great marketing opportunity. Many companies have created online shops where their clients can make orders or make purchases remotely. This has made the entire process simpler and faster, giving everyone convenience. Some businesses that adopted this model first have grown into billion-dollar companies such as Amazon and others. In a bid to feel and get closer to their customers, these companies have created business profiles on various platforms or social media. This helps them listen to the complaints and concerns of the clients and thus improve their operations. Instead of doing this on their own, some companies will task other website designers with this duty. It offers a great opportunity for them to market themselves and create a very substantial inbound link. These businesses will allow you to include your link onto the business profile, and whenever someone visits it, they will also see your website. This will boost your traffic greatly as some of these businesses have millions of users from all over the world. You will have high-quality backlinks from a reputable organization, and this will help immensely in raising your ranking on the search engine. It will also help you achieve success in your search engine optimization quest by delivering great results.

7.      Badge backlinks

Every blog or business on the internet wants to create a unique brand that will only be associated with them. This can sometimes be quite difficult for an emerging brand, as most people don’t know it. We have all become accustomed to luxury brands, making it almost impossible for smaller players to get our attention. One of the ways some websites are using is by creating unique badges for their websites. They act as a symbol of the originator of the content and help a business in building its brand. The content soon becomes associated with the badge, and thus a strong brand is created. One way you can benefit from this is by including your links in these badges. Whenever a user clicks on any of them, they are directed to your website thanks to the inbound links incorporated. This is a great way to generate huge traffic since as these sites grow, you also get exposure since they will be using their badges on their content.

8.      Publishing expert pieces on your website

Many people value the opinion of an expert in any matter they are interested in. They help us formulate alternative ideas to the ones we already have and offer us a great learning opportunity. They teach us critical thinking, and how to look into all the possible perspectives we might have overlooked before. This shows how important experts are and how valuable their opinions are to society. As a website or blog owner, you can take advantage of this by inviting experts on different subject matters to comment and share their opinion. Since these experts, too, will bring along their fans, you will get fast-growing traffic. These experts will also create inbound links for you on their websites and thus redirect people in your direction. This will allow you to get strong backing from a reputable website and establish legitimacy. When you undertake this strategy well, you will get great results from your search engine optimization strategy.

These are sure steps to ensure you get high-quality and very reliable backlinks. They also form part of a great search engine optimization process and will ensure you get better results in a shorter time.


#8. Increase your site speed

When researching through the internet on a topic, you want to have a very responsive experience. Whenever you click on a link, you want it to open in the shortest time possible. This will result in an overall great experience and will allow you to work faster and better. Google now requires websites to be as fast and responsive as possible to improve their customer experience. To achieve this, the tech giant has included page speed in the determination of your ranking. The algorithm's change was introduced in 2010, and ever since, website owners have been trying their best to ensure their websites meet this requirement. With the help of various search engines, people have improved their website speeds and thus affect their general search engine ranking positively. Some of the reasons for dropping in page speed include;

1.      Having poor web hosting services

For a website to go online, it has to be hosted onto a server. All across the world, the number of websites is fast approaching 2 billion, and this has made the demand for web hosting services to increase greatly. The steady rise in demand has, however, not been met by a similar rise in supply, and the current hosting services are very stretched. Their cost has also increased greatly, and it has led to the development of new hosting services all over the world. They are cheaper and are trying to cover the shortfall being experienced. This has thus led to the rise in mediocre web hosting services. These are companies and hosts whose main aim is to get as many websites as possible without the capacity to accommodate them efficiently. One of these is seen when unoptimized hosting servers are hosting hundreds of thousands of public websites on only a single server stack, which makes them very slow and particularly harmful. This is most especially for eCommerce websites and other streaming services that often experience an increase in traffic. When looking for an appropriate hosting service, make sure to get one from a reputable service provider, who, even though it might offer these services, have enough capacity to efficiently hold all these websites. This will ensure you get value for what you pay for, and the speed of your website will be high enough for proper surfing and appropriate ranking. You should conduct adequate research before you settle on a web hosting service to ensure you get one that delivers.

2.      Challenges from bandwidth thieves

The process of optimizing the speeds of your website is a continuous process. There is usually never a direct way of solving these, and it will involve taking numerous steps that will work together to achieve proper results. Some businesses whose main aim is profit maximization often employ trickery to try and shortchange their clients. They steal the bandwidth allocated to some businesses and give them to others and misreport the allocations they give to their customers. This is an important factor that you should always be on the lookout for. Numerous tools will allow you to check your bandwidth allocation. Many leading providers such as Google and Microsoft offer this service. It is important to always confirm the amount regularly to ensure you don't get short-changed. This will allow you to have proper and desirable website speed.

3.      Excess widgets and Plugins

Website developers and owners always want their site to be as simple as possible and straightforward to use. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of widgets and plugins. These make it very easy to make changes to the website and its contents once they go online. This simplicity, however, comes at the expense of the website's performance. Some of these changes might seem minimal to the web designer, but their effect on the load speeds of the websites will be noticed by its users. These delays can go for up to 3 seconds for every additional widget included. They make the website heavier and thus hinders their overall performance. It is vital to first look at the different widgets you intend to include and their effects on your website. When creating or editing your website, keep the number of add-ons very low. These will play a big part in raining your bandwidth and thus affect the website speed immensely. Another feature to be on the lookout for is the quality of these plugins and widgets. When you have plugins that will perform large queries and complex operations, make sure to have them off-server and not within your website hosting platform. This will ensure you get improved speeds by proper processing power allocation.

4.      When you have excess ads and other external services

One way website owners make money from their platform is by selling real estate on their website to other third-party advertisers. The word real estate is used to describe the space available on the site, such as on the search bars and at the bottom. If you sell a huge part of this to them, it will greatly reduce the quality of your website. It might generate some money in the short run, but with time, its negative effects will become apparent. When there too many ads, they will load slower and thus increase the bounce rates on your website. This will make it very difficult for users to get what they want from your website, and thus a decline in traffic will be experienced. It will also impact your affiliate marketing programs negatively. These losses will outweigh the gains you made from the sale, and it is not worth it.

For external services, there are also challenges that come with it. These problems are the huge volume of data involved. The other challenge is the waiting time involved for them to load completely. When you have numerous external services, you have to wait for each of them to load with each page on your website. When you have many calls, the wait time will increase significantly. This, too, will weigh on your server and result in reduced performance. You are also likely to encounter other problems in the process. In some instances, the page will not load until all the data is transferred from the external service to your site. If the content is a lot and quite heavy, it is bound to take a longer time. This will result in a greatly decreased loading speed, and in some instances, the website can even become unresponsive. This can result in unsatisfied customers and thus a decrease in your site visits.

When selecting the types of advertising to use, it is vital to also consider those that will be as welcoming to the visitors as possible. You should always avoid getting pop-up ads on your websites as these are considered to be very aggravating to website visitors. Websites that use this means of advertising often find themselves losing customers as people tend to assume more pop-ups are coming and would like to avoid them. It is, however, important to find the right balance between your advertising and factors that are bound to affect the loading speed of your website. You cannot avoid advertising as it is one of the primary ways website owners make money, and it would not be financially viable for you. Make your advertisements as optimized as possible to ensure you get a reliable experience and have a reliable website for your users.

5.      Having a bloated design or an incompatible multimedia

Having a great and well-detailed website will be sure to attract people as they admire the elegance. These are usually high-quality images and videos that your website visitors enjoy watching. One of the problems with this, however, is their large size and high pixel amounts. Before a website visitor can access these images, they first have to be downloaded into the requesting browser. This may take quite a long time, and since many website visitors tend to be impatient and want the highest responsiveness, they may even fail to look at these images. When the images have slightly lower quality, however, they are downloaded in a really short time, and even though they might not have the best quality, the load time will keep the website visitors longer on the website. It is important to note that when your items are of high graphical intensity, it doesn't mean that you will have a better marketing result. This mainly affects eCommerce websites as they mostly rely on the appeal of their item. It is vital that they find a middle ground between an elegant design and faster speeds as when one drops, the other can be affected.

Another factor that affects these is the compatibility of the media and application performances on different browsers distributed across the world. The way Google will display media is not the same way it will be displayed on Opera Mini, and it is vital to have these diverse users before setting up a certain media onto your website. You should streamline your website’s performance and applicability to ensure more people can access it with minimal effort. By creating a fully functional multimedia platform on your website will ensure your visitors have a better experience, and with a faster loading speed, you will increase traffic to your website.


These tips will help you increase your website's speed, and this will reflect in your SEO ranking, which makes it a critical step in the process.


#9. Publish great content

The main reason people come to your website is to get some information they are looking for. This makes this step in the search engine optimization process paramount, as If you get it wrong, no one will come to read through your poorly written work. When writing your content, you should first focus on the human aspect and not mind how the search engine will rank you. Over time, people will see the value of your well-researched and written content, and they will begin going through all your work, even those from the past. This will increase the organic traffic to your website, as you would have built trust with your audience. With such high-quality content, Google will reward your efforts, and one way they do this is through improving your ranking on the search engine. To maintain this reliability, you must post content regularly. This will ensure you can maintain your audience with something new and refreshing every so often, and this will ensure your ranking continues to increase steadily. This is one of the simplest yet elusive ways to better your SEO ranking.


#10. Encourage your visitors to share your content on social media

Recently, the number of social media users has been growing at a very fast rate. Some of the biggest social media platforms, such as Facebook, have billions of users from all over the world. Although there is no direct correlation between social media and the search engine ranking algorithm, it still plays a key role in helping websites grow. By sharing your content on social media, you market yourself to millions of people from all demographics spread throughout the world. When this process is done effectively, you will attract millions of organic traffic to your website, helping it grow. With the increased numbers, you can maintain them by publishing very informative and entertaining content. This will result in faster growth of your website and a subsequent increase in your ranking over the years. Since social media's effects on our everyday lives can no longer be ignored, it is important to take all the features It has to offer and benefit from them as a website owner.



The process of search engine optimization (SEO) is quite long and tiresome and will require proper concentration and attention to detail. Since the process can be difficult to understand and follow for a beginner, this article contains a simple breakdown of the entire process. It will geode you through these important steps and everything you should be on the lookout for to achieve better results. 


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