Ultimate RoundUp Stuff to Know
Paul Valach
Showing how to use chatGPT to create great searched for content in places like your Google Business Profile, Instagram or here on LinkedIN is what brings more clients your way to products or serives you provide.
Had some fun here, the Coffee Section is new, we shall see. chatGPT is the Rabbit Hole of Rabbit Holes. I need to figure out how to share some the great output I have gotten, especially when doing some editing, as well as on long chats. Yes there is a way to create some very extensive chats. Also updating my memberships in image creation, more to come. pmv
Your three coffee stories for today, they seem to be popular. Guess coffee is catching on! LOL #coffeetime #coffee #java
We use a number of these ourselves for us and our clients. Each has its own quirkiness and effectiveness. More and more are popping up so getting those indie reviews has been a task, a task we are pursuing.
An excellent breakdown of each SEO tool reviewed. The breakdown includes many of the questions people have such as costs, future breakdowns and expansions and just how it all works. Again we have worked with a few of these, as well as others. Let me know what your questions are.
Sadly this site is going away, was a great resource for fabulous images.
A few more ideas for chatGPT. I now have well over 600+ prompts, broken into categories. I typically create a couple dozen when finding one. I will add to, and manipulate the prompt so that a desired output is provided. The days of simple prompts are done. #chatgpt
I want you to act as a storyteller. Please create an engaging and captivating story on perseverance that will entertain and capture the audience's attention and imagination. The story can be a fairy tale, educational, or any other type that is appropriate for the target audience. My audience adores animals.
Once upon a time, in a deep and dense forest, there lived a group of animals who were known for their strength, intelligence, and bravery. Among these animals was a small and meek ant who was often overlooked by the other animals. Despite being small, the ant had a heart full of courage, determination, and perseverance.
One day, the forest caught on fire, and all the animals were terrified and helpless. The ant knew that they had to do something to survive. So, she rallied all the animals together and came up with a plan to put out the fire.
The ant and the other animals decided to form a chain, passing buckets of water from the nearest pond to the fire. The ant was the smallest of all the animals and could only carry a few drops of water, but she did not give up. She tirelessly worked day and night, running back and forth with her small bucket of water, never once stopping to rest.
As the days went by, the ant's efforts began to pay off, and the fire gradually began to die down. The other animals were amazed and grateful for the ant's determination and perseverance. They began to see that even the smallest creature in the forest could make a big difference.
In the end, the fire was finally extinguished, and the forest was saved. The other animals thanked the ant for her unwavering perseverance, and from that day forward, they never underestimated her again.
The moral of the story is that no matter how small or insignificant we may feel, we all have the power to make a difference. With perseverance, determination, and hard work, we can overcome even the greatest of challenges and achieve our goals.
**** Interesting. I created a few more scenarios, role play. Quite the rabbit hole. Working on a quick e-book of sorts. #chatgpt #AI
As mentioned above a few times, contact me [email protected] for questions. OR schedule a 15 min 1-1 here.
Hey Paul! It's fantastic to see you savoring your coffee while engaging with ChatGPT. How has your AI conversation journey been? Any intriguing topics explored? Any questions to spark more discussions?