The Ultimate Question: Who Are You Being?

The Ultimate Question: Who Are You Being?

“We are always BEING. You cannot not BE.”
Steve Hardison

I promise you that this article will be one of the most transformative articles you have ever read lately.


Because I am Being that, who is writing a transformative article!

Before I started writing, I asked myself the Ultimate Question: Who do I need to BE to write a transformational article about Being and my experience reading The Ultimate Coach Book?

With the exact mechanism, you will be able to create yourself every day, anywhere, and at any given time.

You can shift Your Being!

It's available for you 24/7- An On-demand technology!

Before continuing reading, I want you to commit to three things

  1. Drop judgment
  2. Read this article about YOU
  3. Stop reading if you can't commit to 1 and 2 for the next 10 minutes.

Who am I Being? Strange question, isn't it?

I went from not asking myself this question to making it a habit before doing any task or having any conversation.

It all started in December 2021 when I read the book of Being entitled The Ultimate Coach Book and joined the Ultimate Coach Book Facebook Group. And as they say, the rest is history!

I became aware at every second of the day of who I am Being as a son, Who I' am Being as a Business owner, Who I' am Being as a brother, friend, lover, man… Who I' am Being with myself and how I am creating myself and others.

This teaching came to me as "La Cerise Sur Le Gateau," as our french friends like to say it, or "The Cherry on The Top of The Cake."

I've spent the past four years immersed in studying and practicing spiritual philosophies; before that, I've succeeded and failed in the business/ corporate worlds; before that, I've spent seven years studying in top universities, cracking numbers, and drinking from the cup of science.

This article is about you; you can create yourself to BE

  • The best Husband, Wife, Girlfriend, Boyfriend…
  • The best leader, manager, employee ….
  • The best father, mother, sister, son, brother …
  • The person who creates opportunities and generates genius ideas …
  • The best in providing value to your clients
  • The best creator of the reality you sincerely want

“Nothing outside of my body is going alter who I’m Being”- Steve Hardison

1. What's Being?

“The tao that can be described is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name.”- Lao Tzu

It won't be easy to describe Being using only words.

By borrowing Lao Tzu's wisdom, I can say:?The being that can be described is not Being.

Townsend Wardlaw mentioned this point during an online talk, which resonated with me because The Toa De Ching is a book I have read countless times.

Influential books have to be studied and read countless times. Each time, you will discover a new concept, what you need to hear at the moment. As Steve Hardison said:?"Every time you read The Ultimate Coach Book, you will discover something new. Because After each reading, you become "You plus x, then you take the "you plus x" and reread the book."

So, what's Being?

Being or your state of Being is the most powerful creation tool!

The universe is made of thoughts and energy waves.

E= M C x C; energy equals m, c square. Your thoughts travel at the speed of light to create matter.

Matter or anything we see in the real world is made of tiny particles at the sub-atomic level. Quantum physics proves that these particles only exist as a possibility, a potential which you are at cause. "Scientists have discovered that even in the strictest double-blind experiments, their expectations still influence results, and it is impossible to carry out an experiment where there is zero influence from the observer on the results of the experiment."

Everything exists as a possibility, in eternal time NOW. Your thoughts, this energy field, will materialize in the real world depending on your clarity, attention, intention, and certainty.

I'm sure you have heard the saying, 'Do you believe it with every fiber of your being?'

All the particles of your body-mind should be vibrating in the same direction, emitting the same frequency, indicating a clear desired outcome.

Being is the source of it all!

“This is the strongest cause, the First Cause of all. It is so because it is the declaration of Spirit, of Self. From a state follows certain thoughts pertaining to that state” as?David Cameron puts it.

There are so many states of Being. Being happy, Being a leader, Being a winner, Being Open to Love or Being Sad, Being weak, Being an owner of a failing business, Being a victim of the past ….

“Being and non-being produce each other.”-Lao Tzu

The state of Being is the source, and the thoughts are the attributes. That's how I like to model it.

Each state of Being has its own set of thoughts, an inherent type of thoughts.

Put simply; you can't get honey from a coconut tree and coconut water from a bee hive.

You can only think and act as a great leader if you have decided to embody the state of Being a great leader.

You ask yourself: Who do I need To BE to be a great leader? Then you BE it!

After deciding that your state of Being is “ Being a Great Leader,” you will think thoughts related to being a great leader, and you will feel similar to how great leaders feel. You will manage your day coming from the state of Being a “great leader.”

A state of Being is a place to come from, not a place to go to!

When you choose to BE a “ Great Leader,” you decide not to BE a “ Bad Leader.” Neville Goddard described it best?“You cannot serve two masters, therefore to take your attention from one state of consciousness and place it upon another is to die to one and live to the other.”

Doing is a happening in Being! Being is the universe-source of creation!

Being is an isness!

"The filter or human state through which the creative force is shaped into existence." As defined by Fiona Ross

Again, it's hard to describe a state of Being using words. It is something to be experienced. You can't taste melon by reading the phrase melon right now.

It's also a complex term; each person has their way of seeing it because that's their experience of life and the manifestation of the unique way source expresses itself through them.

You decide your state of Being. The state of Being generates a specific type of thought pattern. The thoughts create speaking, feeling, and doing.

Until now, we have established that thoughts — the seed of everything — are attributes of a state of Being. The second attribute is, attracted experiences, individually or with others, as a co-creation.

Being creates you as the receiver of the experiences in the real world. You become the point of attraction to that which you are aware of Being—a vibrational match to a specific set of experiences. You can also think of these experiences as attributes of the particular state of Being. Outside conditions show up to validate a pre-existing state of Being.

Thoughts, feeling, and doing are the tools to make the possibility a reality through persistence, certainty, and continuous attention. It's available to you because you chose your state of Being.

Chose wisely!

You are always Being, whether you choose it or not! You better BE a helpful state.

I'm sure you have a better idea of Being by this time. Maybe you still have some confusion around which comes first, Being or thoughts. To better understand that, Steve Hardison said.?"Being creates thoughts, or thoughts create Being, is like the chicken and egg dilemma which came first. I don't care. I will eat both."

Just Be! Declare it!

“Thoughts are things. Thoughts create being. Being is everything. All doing comes from being. If you want to alter your world, alter your being.” — Steve Hardison

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Who Are You Being?

Who Do I Need To Be to …?

2. The Best Way to Answer The Ultimate Question

The one word that is the answer to everything is “space.”- Deepak Chopra

The best way to answer this question is the way you do it. It will work for you and create magic if you allow it.

To me, the best way to answer any question is to rely on the properties of consciousness. Consciousness is constantly moving; everything exists, asks, and it is given.

Once I ask a question, I believe that consciousness will move and answer it for me. I only need to create the space to receive it.

When I did ask myself, who do I need to BE to write this article? I heard I need to BE patient, Be myself, and BE open to feedback before sharing.

I wrote the article while Being that!

3. What Will Change If you pay attention to your "Being."

“They always say time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself.”- Andy Warhol

Ok, you know about shifting your state of Being. Now what?

If I were to answer this in one sentence, I would have said: Just Be it and Be open to the magic.

However, I'm sharing with you a glimpse of what's possible to change. This is not an exhaustive list; it’s only what I chose to share with you. I would love to hear about your own unique experience.

a. Expand Your Awareness

The beauty about incorporating the "Who I am Being ?" question into your daily habits is that you not only become aware of who you "are Being" at every second, you will become aware of other people's state of Being(s) as well.

You can learn something new from anyone you meet in a whole different unique way. You will notice who they "are Being" and add it to your "Being ToolBox."

The "Being Toolbox" is a term I have introduced to collect states of Being I admire in people I encounter or stories I hear or read. Sometimes, I learn a lot from someone I cross paths with without exchanging words. I learn only by observing who they are Being!

The "Being Toolbox" doesn't mean losing yourself or trying to be someone else.

“You can only BE You.” Steve Hardison

The next time you admire a trait in someone you meet, you will be aware of who they" are Being" in the world. Automatically, you will take a mental note of it. You can be that in your authentic way.

With time, you will learn how to become a powerful listener and observer.?“You will listen for the Gold in others.”

“ The power is with the listener.” Steve Hardison

Almost no one holds “ The Absolute Truth.” However, each one has part of “The truth.” Imagine the expansion you will experience by being present in each encounter.

b. You Become A Master Creator

“Create, whether you are coming or going. You just as well; you cannot not create.”Steve Hardison

You cannot not create. You are creating something whether you want it or not.

In the Book, Eyes Wide Open, Isaac Lidsky — A Blind Super Successful Business Man argues that people assume that the world they see is objective rather than accepting that it is a feature of their brains. He said that scientific experiments prove that there is more to "sight" than the interpretation of light by the retinas. It involves what people think they see, and only 10% of the world we see comes from sight.

In a simplified model of the complex reality and assuming that Being is the source of thinking, we can safely conclude that 90% of the world we see is coming from who we are Being. Albert Einstein said:?"Everything is relative."

Everything is relative to your state of Being.

By becoming aware of your state of Being at every moment and learning how to shift it by making a choice, you will no longer be a victim of your circumstances. You will become a Master Creator.

“ Nothing outside of my body is going to alter who I’m Being”- Steve Hardison

You will create through your doing, coming from a pre-chosen state of Being. You will create as the pure and true you, not the one you think you are but the one “you know you are in your gut when you have a moment of clarity.”

You will create magic, my friend!

This article is about You.?“The best part about this book— the book is about you — is that it is endless. The story goes on. And it’s written by your being.” Steve Hardison

If you liked this article, connect with me here, and I will send you the next one, and my weekly thoughts on reaching your highest form of self-expression


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