The Ultimate Purpose of the Universe

The Ultimate Purpose of the Universe

Souls are Like Sunlight and Moonlight…??

The Sun is the source of moonlight and sunlight, but they have separate souls. It's like humans; we have the same spiritual light but individual souls.

The duality is that we are from the same energy source, but our souls have separate experiences of enlightenment. We can fight and love each other but not understand each other. However, we are all equal when we return home to the light.?

Many spiritual leaders and gurus teach that we are all One, implying that only unity exists since we originate from the same energy source.?

But we have different souls created from the same "light" source. When we are born, we are separated from each other and live individual lives without knowing who we are or where we came from.?

What a crazy, fantastic system! When we die, we are born back into our source of oneness. Then, we can laugh and celebrate the times we loved and fought each other, but what was our goal or purpose? What's life all about? Is this all there is??

Asking Relevant Questions

When we ask the right questions, we ignite curiosity and think about answers.? I wonder whether there’s a purpose for living or if we exist without a reason. Before you say life is the enjoyment of doing the things we can't do as beings of light, let's delve deeper and explore the profound meanings beneath the surface.?

Moreover, don't say you didn't have a choice to be here. You have forgotten your purpose and reasons for choosing this adventure into physicality. Maybe you don’t believe in a soul or reincarnation in this lifetime. Then, you are confused in life for a purpose.

Imagine that an infinite energy source created the universe. Logically, it came from an endless energy source because the universe looks infinite.?

Now, continue to imagine how energy could create something and for what purpose. We say everything happens for a reason, so everything has a purpose.?

What Makes the Universe Unique??

If the universe didn’t exist, we would be elsewhere. However, we are here now, questioning life. You could say the science of evolution created humans, but that doesn’t explain why the universe exists or why human consciousness is evolving.?

Most people don’t ask these deep questions because they are impossible to answer using only science. Science studies the universe but can’t explain where it came from or why it exists.?

However, let's use reason, logic, and imagination…

Using logic, we think the universe was created by someone or something for a purpose. The Bible and religious books call that something God.?

Using reason, we can think that God's mind desired something. Maybe it desired to understand itself and build things with its infinite energy. Perhaps a feeling of loneliness became a desire for company.?

Using our imagination, let's believe that we are souls created by God to experience love and fear so that God can understand. When we evolve consciousness for God, we evolve into god consciousness.?

That's a lot of critical thinking, but it means nothing unless we construct knowledge from our experiences into wisdom for our souls. More than 95% of humanity doesn't know how a soul could arrive on Earth from the realm of God's energy.?

Ignore the eons of time it took to create souls and the billions of years for animal man to evolve. A soul isn't a physical being. It's a light being.?

Imagine a hierarchy of energy evolved from God's Source into architects of the universe. They wanted to experience their creation, so their soul essence entered an animal during birth to create a god-man (human). Finally, souls are experiencing the universe they created.

Over millions of years, your soul has lived in numerous bodies and planets, experiencing and evolving into higher consciousness. You and I are these souls living in a body.?

It's challenging to believe that our body is only a vehicle. We are so focused on our bodies, how we look, and what we can accomplish using them. While looking after your vehicle is essential, realize that you are the occupant.?

You are not the body or the mind; you are the one using the body and the mind while evolving consciousness.

The Universe's Purpose?

The Universe is like a schoolhouse and playhouse for our souls, providing a physical platform to experience and understand ideas and feelings. In the Spiritual Realm, we can't interact with and delve deeply into these concepts as we can in the physical Universe.?

The Universe, with its faceted experiences, allows us to feel concepts like love and fear, and its drama lets us understand what can't be experienced elsewhere. It's a profound tool, a canvas on which we can paint the evolution of our consciousness and a stage on which we can act out the drama of our soul's journey.?

We are evolving consciousness for God while evolving our soul into greater consciousness.

Erik Lovin

This week’s newsletter took a spiritual twist and gave us a glimpse into the meaning of the universe. I hope you enjoyed thinking about the purpose of life as the evolution of consciousness.

My soul recognizes your soul. Namaste…


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