Benjamin Bailey
Digital Marketing Strategist | Communication Professional | Business Creative
Let's Rise Above the Doubt!
Look around you. The most successful people aren't those with the most talent, resources or connections—they're those with unshakable faith. While others wait for perfect conditions, champions step forward on nothing but faith. They take action when the evidence says "wait." They push forward when logic says "stop." They build when others can only see rubble. That's not blind optimism—it's the ultimate power move.
I'm talking about the kind of faith that lets you see beyond your current reality. The kind that has you mapping out victory while standing in the middle of battle. The kind that has you planning the celebration before you've even started the race. Most people wait to believe until they see proof. They need evidence, guarantees and safety nets. But those who reach extraordinary heights understand a simple truth: Faith isn't the result of success—it's the cause of it. Your life moves in the direction of your strongest beliefs.
Today I want you to ask yourself: What would I do if I had absolute faith that I couldn't fail? How would I move differently? What goals would I set? What actions would I take? Then do exactly that. Faith isn't just some spiritual concept—it's a practical tool for creating the life you want. When you choose faith over fear, possibilities open that remain invisible to everyone else. The moment you decide something is possible, you gain access to resources, energy and courage that fear keeps locked away.
Einstein said only those who can see the invisible can achieve the impossible. This isn't mystical mumbo-jumbo—it's the science of achievement. Your brain literally can't tell the difference between what you vividly imagine and what you actually experience. When you consistently visualize success with emotional intensity, your brain creates neural pathways that make that outcome more likely. Faith is simply choosing to live in the future you want rather than the past you've had.
Look at any great achievement in history—the first flight, landing on the moon, breaking the four-minute mile. It all began with someone believing in something that had never been done. They saw it clearly in their mind before it existed in reality. Average performers only believe what their eyes show them. High performers understand that their eyes only show them what they already believe. When Roger Bannister broke the "impossible" four-minute mile, he didn't just train his body—he trained his mind to reject the limits others accepted. Within weeks of him breaking that barrier, others followed. The barrier wasn't physical—it was mental.
Faith isn't passive wishing—it's active creating. The energy drives you to prepare for opportunities that don't yet exist. It's what makes you put in the work when results aren't yet visible. It's what keeps you moving forward when everyone else says to quit. The gap between where you are and where you want to be is always crossed on the bridge of faith. Without it, you'll never take the first step. With it, you'll keep walking even when you can't see the other side. Remember: Your life will always move in the direction of your strongest beliefs. Choose them wisely.
Life rarely follows your perfect plan. You'll face setbacks, rejections and challenges that seem designed to stop you in your tracks. These moments aren't testing your talent or knowledge—they're testing your faith. When faced with an obstacle, average performers perceive it as a roadblock. Faith-driven achievers view obstacles as either a detour or a stepping stone. The difference isn't in what happens to you—it's in how you interpret what happens.
Think about a time when you faced a major setback. At that moment, it likely felt like the end of your journey. But looking back now, can you see how it redirected you to something better? Can you recognize how it forced growth that wouldn't have happened otherwise? This isn't about positive thinking—it's about perspective. Faith gives you the ability to stand in the middle of your storm and see beyond it. It lets you say, "This isn't the end of my story—it's just the end of this chapter." While others are paralyzed by uncertainty, you move forward knowing that meaning will emerge from the mess.
The real power of faith shows up not when everything is going right, but when everything is going wrong. Anyone can stay positive when they're winning. The true test is maintaining your belief when you have every reason to doubt. Helen Keller said, "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." When you choose faith in your darkest moments, you access a power most never tap into. You turn what could break you into what makes you unbreakable. You transform what could defeat you into what defines your comeback.
Faith is not about wishing for the best but knowing that the best is possible through you. Faith doesn't deny reality—it creates a new reality. The weak use current circumstances as an excuse to surrender. They strongly use faith as a reason to continue. Make no mistake: faith isn't the absence of doubt—it's the decision to act despite it. Everyone feels fear. Everyone questions themselves. Everyone wonders if they're good enough. The difference is in what you do next.
Your life expands or contracts in proportion to your faith. Small faith creates small lives. Big faith creates big lives. The size of your faith determines the size of your actions, and the size of your actions determines the size of your results. Most people never achieve greatness not because they lack ability, but because they lack the faith to attempt what seems impossible. They live confined by what seems reasonable rather than what might be possible. Break free from reasonable thinking. Reasonable people don't make history—they just read about those who do.
Faith without action is fantasy. Action without faith is drudgery. The marriage of the two is unstoppable. When I speak of faith, I'm not just talking about believing something will happen—I'm talking about acting as if it already has. Faith is calling yourself a writer before you've published. Faith is training like a champion before you've won. Faith is treating yourself like the person you want to become before you've become them. Your actions don't just reflect your faith—they strengthen it. Every step you take in faith builds muscle for the next step.
There will be dark days when your faith feels foolish. Days when evidence mounts against you. Days when the gap between your vision and your reality seems impossibly wide. These moments aren't testing whether you're talented or smart enough—they're testing whether you're stubborn enough to keep believing. The world's greatest achievements have all been built on the foundation of stubborn faith—the refusal to accept current conditions as final. When Edison failed 10,000 times, it wasn't skill that kept him going—it was unshakable faith in his vision.
Remember: Your faith can transform obstacles, but don't be shocked if someone hands you a shovel instead. Faith doesn't mean the work disappears—it means the work has meaning. It doesn't mean the path becomes easy—it means the path becomes possible. Most people abandon their dreams at the first sign of resistance. They interpret struggle as evidence they're on the wrong path rather than proof they're being shaped for their purpose. Let your faith be bigger than your fear. Let your purpose be stronger than your pain. And let your vision of tomorrow change what you're willing to do today. Faith isn't just how you weather the storm—it's how you become the storm.
– Tiger Chief