The Ultimate Networking Guide For Introverts
Do you prefer working alone and avoid sharing any details about your work until it is done? Do you tend to think before you speak? Do you often let calls go through the voicemail? Do you hate small talk and prefer talking in depth about topics that matter to you? Do you tend to keep your emotions private and isolate yourself when things go bad?
If answer is “yes”, then you are probably some kind of introvert. You can check which personality type you are by taking “MBTI Test”.
For an introvert there is nothing more terrifying then a room full of strangers.
“MBTI Test” and many other indicators have proven my introvert personality, but that does not necessarily mean that I am terrible in networking and socializing. I just do it my way.
In just few years I have exchanged few thousands business cards and have created impressive network of partners, friends and acquaintances around the world.
How you can overcome your fear and network well?
Do your research!
Check the agenda, topics, speakers, RSVP, Facebook, Foursquare’s Swarm, Instagram, Twitter, official hashtag, check-ins at the venue and the nearest hotels and airport.
When you find out who is around, try to make a list of people whom you would like to meet. Check if any of your friends and acquaintances are going to be there.
Your introvert mindset can block your clear thoughts when you are speaking to complete strangers and when you are surrounded with them.
If you do a proper research about interlocutor, you will trick your mind that you two already know each other. You will feel more confident when you have people around you whom you can trust. Do not hesitate to ask your friends if they can introduce you to someone from your list. Introductions create a circle of trust.
I you want to meet someone, firstly, figure out how can you help that person and be useful.
Be an early bird!
If possible try to come earlier, even before registration starts. Especially, if you are going to an event where you do not have your peers and into environment you have never been before.
This way you will get comforted with the venue before all masses get inside. You will have a chance to have a quite coffee with speakers, organizers and volunteers. They hold a key of introductions to people from your list.
Introverts have sharp eye for details. Give your feedback and suggestions to organizers. They will appreciate it and look at you as a part of team and you will feel yourself so.
Always meet 1 on 1!
Probably you have noticed, that when you are in the middle of a group discussion, something is keeping you away from being part of conversation. So, whenever you want to speak with somebody, try to isolate conversation to side and have it under four eyes. You will nail it if you follow these simple rules:
1. Ask for a minute and bring the interlocutor to side for a private chat.
2. If possible try to lean against the wall. You will feel much more confident when no one is walking behind your back.
3. Be first to start asking questions and listen carefully. The awkward feeling of talking to a stranger disappears when you get to know more about him or her.
4. When you get a business card hold it with a respect with both hands during all the conversation and look carefully for the details. If you run out of topics, business card is full of details that open further discussion.
5. Prepare well the few versions of introducing yourself and pitching your company and do not improvise.
6. Set a topic which you are really interested in and have a deep discussion, instead of switching topic .
Make friends not LinkedIn connections!
I have mentioned earlier that I had exchanged many business cards, but a number of cards you collect is not a metric of your success. You should not be obsessed with it.
It is much more important to meet a single person whom you find chemistry with, then to have a small talk with hundreds of random people and get their business cards. It is much more valuable to find a person with whom you can get a drink together then to be just another LinkedIn connections.
Be the center of your network!
Introverts are great in analyzing other people. While speaking with people you meet, try to connect the dots between their interests and whom they would like to meet. Connect together people with common interests.
Don’t be a part of someone’s network, but a center of your network instead. Always give more then you get.
Recharge your batteries!
Usually there is some time gap between the conference and the networking part(y). After meeting many people during the conference, you will feel exhausted. Try to give yourself some time alone, before to continue socializing.
Use an opportunity to try a pool, sauna or gym, if the venue is offering it. If not, just have a deep bath in your room and recap your day and thoughts.
Follow up and follow trough!
Connect with people you meet in social networks and explore their network, interests and focuses. Always follow up within 72 hours. Write a short recap email how you have met each other and what you have discussed. Do not forget to fulfill your promises and tasks.
Remember that you are better in writing then speaking, so use the follow up email as opportunity to meet your goals.
This story first appeared on author's Medium blog
Nice :)