Ultimate Need to Know
Paul Valach
Showing how to use chatGPT to create great searched for content in places like your Google Business Profile, Instagram or here on LinkedIN is what brings more clients your way to products or serives you provide.
Day THREE of the New Year, Day TWO of the first week. Confused Yet? Ready for a do over, someone please press the reset button?? I was looking through all the end of year, and start the year items. Getting them all in line, and the items I want to roll out.
Today amongst all the other day's news I will attempt to log onto several sites to create accounts so that further affiliates can be created. It is a good self exercise that I will be asking my clients to do. Actually all of you should do this for places you like.
Speaking of things to do, look at that Editorial/Posting/ Evergreen calendar. There should be a post or three by the end of the day if you are on any type of regular posting schedule. Also for some reason, not that you should put this off, that Fridays are good posting days. Funny, I always want the day to end around noon so that I can get a few things done which I have procrastinated on all week. Hey, I got three more, four counting today till Friday. pmv #2023planning #2023 #ultimateneedtoknow #trains #design
Every year the many books, drawings and other items that can be Copyrighted fall out into the Public Domain. These the the books that did so for 2023. Also the Japanese train running on ramen is rather cool, AND I always love to see how others celebrated the New Year, especially since mine has always been very boring.
“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.”?—Hillary DePiano, playwright and author
The area of design has always been fascinating to me. I have had a number of friends who are in the world design. From the simple business card, to product packaging to big buildings with lots of offices inside. Great article on some of the successes and how they come about.