???The Ultimate List of Functionality for Fusion's Software Defined Wide Area Network Solution??

???The Ultimate List of Functionality for Fusion's Software Defined Wide Area Network Solution??

Solution highlights

  • Award Winning Solution

  • Excellent reference sites available

  • Low Resource Requirements

  • Cloud Native

Data Centre Functionality

  • Reliable and Scalable Management Servers located in IBM Cloud

  • Separate Management and Data Planes

  • Default Hub and Spoke Topology at Various Data Centres

  • Multiple Aggregator Locations

  • Separate Persistent Aggregators

Aggregators are allocated for a IP Address space and can support subspaces. Persistent Aggregators are able to operate across multiple IP spaces and are utilized for Internet or datacentre breakouts.

  • Aggregator Mesh Primary and secondary failovers (BGP/OSPF/Proxy Arp)

A edge node is able to connect to either a primary or secondary aggregator. The routing between an aggregator and the datacentre router can be either BGP, OSPF or via Proxy ARP.

  • Floating IPs

  • Internet breakout using single or multiple Gateways

  • Scales from Small to Large Deployments on same using same Infrastructure

Aggregators can be used to support smaller sites of a few people to larger sites of a thousand devices. The same aggregator infrastructure is used for both scenarios.

  • Platform Integration with Internet Peering Exchanges

Upstream Last Mile Legs

  • No Licensing Restrictions on Bandwidth

Most SD-WAN solution charge in bandwidth increments, so the more bandwidth allocated to a site the greater the billing burden. The Fusion SD-WAN solution has no billing charge related to bandwidth and no associated licensing restriction.

  • Operator and ISP Agnostic Aggregation and Bonding Functionality Fail-over

  • Universal CPE ablity using DHCP, PPPoE and Static configurations

The Fusion solution is able to eliminate the spaghetti mess created by multiple CPE and demarcation devices deployed by operators and ISPs. The Fusion Edge device becomes a universal CPE.

  • Split Tunneling using IP Address and Name Resolution

  • Multiple Legs to Mitigate Last Mile outages

  • Separate settings and usage of uplink and downlink channels for bonding

  • Selectable Clamping Speeds

The ability exists to manually select a clamping speed for an upstream leg interface or alternatively run a speedtest to automatically determine the most appropriate speed of the available bandwidth, balancing throughput and latency.

  • Bi-directional Quality of Service including Crystal Clear Voice

  • Bandwidth Adaption

Bandwidth Adaption uses an estimation via a delay-based algorithm that uses the features of standard TCP, including the calculation of RTT and bytes acknowledged. This calculation avoids the multiplicative decrease in rate detected in other algorithms in the presence of packet loss. Bandwidth estimation is thus appropriate for broadband environments where there is variable bandwidth and delay.

  • Bandwidth Reservation

Bandwidth reservation ensures that traffic that is using split tunneling never exists a certain percentage.

  • Encryption including HMAC and AES

Fusion is able to use HMAC and AES. Hash-based message authentication codes (HMAC) is where data is signed and verified using a code. The algorithm uses MD5 hashing and a 30-byte secret key. HMAC-MD5 is defined in RFC 2104. This security mode offers data integrity but not secrecy. That is, a receiving host can detect if an attacker has changed network data after it has been sent. However, the data is not hidden and can be seen by anyone with access to the networks between the edge node and aggregator. Data is encrypted between edge nodes and aggregators using the DTLS 1.2 protocol. DTLS is based on SSL/TLS, and is defined in RFC 4347 and RFC 6347. Two ciphers are available, namely AES 128 and AES 256 which are accelerated by the CPUs on 64-bit operating systems. Perfect forward secrecy is assured and is the property that encrypted traffic cannot be decrypted at a later time even if the private key is compromised. Encryption is performed using private keys generated when the aggregator and edge node were provisioned, and nodes are authenticated with x.509 certificates signed by a certificate authority via the management server. Each leg has its own encryption session. Encryption increases the amount of overhead in each packet sent between the edge node and aggregator, resulting in a smaller MTU available to sites. The amount of overhead is different for each cipher.

  • Compression based on Snappy

  • Cloud Acceleration and Selectable Congestion Control

Acceleration is achieved using a performance-enhancing TCP proxy that greatly increases throughput in certain conditions. It is helpful when bonding diverse types of Internet connections or when a connection has high jitter or varying bandwidth. In these conditions, the congestion control feature of TCP often reduces the available throughput on the upstream links to a small fraction of the expected throughput. The proxy is completely transparent. It requires no configuration on clients. SSL and other encryption protocols are fully supported. UDP traffic is ignored. The proxy intercepts connections from clients and forwards them to a process on the edge node or aggregator. The data stream is split into a number of parallel connections, then combined into the original stream by the remote node and sent onwards to the destination. By default, when the proxy is enabled, all outgoing HTTP and HTTPS connections use the proxy, including those from the edge node itself. The proxy should not be enabled if the edge node provides acceptable performance as it results in higher resource utilization.

  • Last mile Packet Loss Detection

The SD-WAN is able to measure and detect packet loss over the last mile legs.

  • Last Mile Leg Flap Detection

The SD-WAN is able to detect whether a leg is flapping, which is an automated method to delay putting a link back into service if it goes offline before stabilizing.

  • Automated MTU Detection


e SD-WAN measures and detects the appropriate MTU to use between the edge node and the aggregator on a regular basis.

Downstream service chain

  • 3rd party router and Firewall Integration

  • Private WAN Integration

  • CPE NAT Integration

CPE NAT is a single LAN small business deployment that combined with DNSMASQ is able to be deployed within a few minutes to have an office up and running. Typically used when there are 10 people or less in a location.

  • Network Function Virtualization Integration

Branch networking

  • Private WAN with full routing integration

Private WANs is the SD-WAN feature that allows geographically separated sites to securely route traffic to each other as if each site was connected to the same router. It also allows access to the Internet to be centralized for all connections associated with an address space. Address spaces are the basis for Private WANs. Within a PWAN all associated links in the address space route their traffic to and from each other through the aggregators, rather than through the core public routers at each routing group. This allows the SD-WAN nodes to keep the address space’s traffic isolated. In addition to offering private routing among separate sites, Private WAN are also the basis in which to centralize Internet access for all associated links in an address space.

  • Isolated branch Integration with Centralized Firewall Breakout

  • Layer 2 Connectivity between Two Sites

Antares Client Portal

  • Multi-tenant

Antares is a client portal that support multiple organizations.

  • Hierarchical Organizational Access

A full hierarchical access model is available and applied within Antares.

  • IP Space Management

A full IP Address space management ability exists within Antares including delegation.

  • Red Amber Green Status Dashboards

Antares has a brilliant dashboard using Red, Amber and Green (RAG) status icons that can scale to thousands of sites being monitored from a single plane of glass.

  • Real-time bandwidth dashboard

The primary display for a edge node has the real time bandwidth which provides a great overview of utilization at a site.

  • Last Mile Error and Brownout Detection

  • Configuration Management

The Antares platform stores all configuration associated with a site in a secure manner as well as allowing the deployment to be achieved using automation.

  • Speedtests

Antares has a built-in speedtest tool that performs throughput tests between the edge node and aggregator. This includes uplinks and downlink bandwidth as well as latency and jitter. The results are captured and recorded with the Antares database.

  • Performance Management Metrics and edge node Resource Monitoring

Antares has a full set of performance metrics that is the equivalence of Nagios or Cacti in a box. All the information and metrics available via those platforms are automatically available for each edge node and site. This allows legacy performance metric tools to be decommissioned.

  • Downtime metrics

Antares maintains a a running total of downtime statistics for a site.

  • Zero Touch Provisioning using Juggler

Antares enables a Fusion edge node to be automatically provisioned by just providing and Internet connection.

  • Infrastructure Management (Rounters, switches, phones, Modems, IoT, Access points, printers)

  • Enable high quality Video Surveillance

  • Edge high availability using Pulse Advanced

High available of Fusion Edge Nodes is achieved using Pulse.

  • Traffic Analytics using Illuminate

  • Leg Outage notifications via eMail

Antares will automatically email notifications of leg outages.

  • Solution Documentation

The platform contains a full set of online documentation.

  • Independent Verification of SLA Compliance

Edge devices

  • Cost effective white box hardware

  • Based on Linux (debian/OpenSUSE)

  • IBM and Red Hat Certified

  • Operate independently without Management Servers (change locked mode)
  • Hardened security settings for Edge device
  • Intel processor based Architecture

  • Hardware based encryption Network processing offloading

  • Nspawn container support

  • VLANs

The Fusion Edge Node supports the full use of VLANs.

  • VXLANs including site to site layer 2

The Fusion Edge Node support the full use of VXLANs.

  • VPN Access using Wireguard

  • Ethernet RJ45 and SFP+ connections

The Fusion Edge Nodes provide RJ45 connections of 1gbs as standard while the Edge2000 has support for SFP+'s.

  • Rollover cable console port

The industry standard Cisco rollover cable used for console serial connections.

  • Integration with mobile networks including LTE 24/7

Mobile networks are support by upstream modems connected via Ethernet or alternatively via PCI-E radio cards.

  • Full debug logs Custom cli access for specialized Linux tools

  • Ability to loaded 3rd party Linux binaries

Effectively the Fusion Edge Node is capable of deploying any Linux binary.

  • Full DHCP and DNS support using DNSMASQ including custom configuration

  • DNS Caching

DNS caching can be enabled on a Fusion Edge Node.

  • LLDP support to identify

LLDP can be enabled allowing a the IPs of VoIP phones or other devices on the LAN to be detected.

  • Neighbouring Devices Port Forwarding Bot Blocking

Bot behaviour can easily be suppressed using low level firewalling.

  • Unrestricted IPSEC passthrough support

  • Secured Access Line rate packet capture into a remote instance of Wireshark

Cyber Defense

  • Threat intelligence feed blocklist

  • Content Filtering and DNS using Cloud based DNS services

  • Content Filtering and integration using AD

  • Low Level Firewall based on Netfilter

  • DNS gateway ability to block and redirect DNS Queries - Securing of DoT and DoH Access

  • Country Based Blocking

  • Leverage the nmap tool


  • Custom monitoring and monitoring via Uptime Kuma

  • 3rd party Integration via SNMP

  • 3rd party Integration with IPFIX/netflow

Any 3rd party collector using IPFIX/Netflow is supported if required.

  • Integration with Multiple 3rd Party Management Platforms

As this Fusion Edge Node can be managed using any platform that is able to manage Linux, the host of supported offering is wide.


  • Simple Monthly Service Model

Fusion's offering negates the requirement for a large upfront and long term licensing commitments such as those associated with Cisco Meraki.

  • No large Capital Outlays using White Box Hardware

  • Support (without limits)

At Fusion Broadband, we specialize in connecting the Internet of Things (IoT) and offer SD-WAN solutions designed to keep your connectivity failure-proof. ??Learn more: Contact Fusion


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